Killer Changes (Concept)

Killers need more attention in Dbd. They get weak perks and get forced into loops and other unfun scenarios. To fix the Killer I came up with some really interesting ideas for Killer and I think it could benefit making the killer more fun and terrifying.
Lurk Mechanic:
Every Killer will gain the Lurk Mechanic which puts a spin on generators. If survivors are near or working on a generator for a certain amount of time they will become of oblivious as long as they are on the generator. This will give killers the opportunity to sort of Jumpscare and freak out survivors when they arrive at a Generator. This will also stop giving survivors the upper hand at the start of the chase and it may or may not affect the focus on skill checks.
Infuriated Mechanic:
In a chase survivors will usually Dead Hard, Vault, and Drop Pallets at fast speed. While Killers break pallets and vault slowly and need perks to react to survivor actions. The Infuriation mechanic will make chases as a Killer and Survivor more exhilarating. If the killer gets pallet dropped three times in a chase or if the Killer stays in a chase for over 20 seconds, they will become infuriated. Infuriated works like Spirit Fury and Save the best for last. Once activated the killer will make a sound, some different for each killer that the killer and survivor can hear and the killer can see he has the status effect. Demogorgon May roar. Freddy May laugh. Michael Myers music may get louder. The chase music may change slightly that’s up to the developers. Infuriation will give the killer less recovery time on attacks that hit like STBFL. It will also destroy the next pallet dropped on the killer and give the killer a smaller stun on that pallet drop. Infuriation ends when the killer gets a down on a survivor or leaves/enters another chase. This is will give chases more tension and make Killers feel more powerful. However I made sure that if the survivor somehow escapes a chase Infuriation ends and the survivor can pull something off. Also everyone Bloodlust will still stay.
Now if you all are wondering if this is too op just realize this activates if a chase happens over 20 seconds because the chases waste too much time for the killer and he/she shouldn’t just leave that person be.
A few minor changes to benefit killer:
- Generators will take just slightly longer to do.
- Generators damaged by the killer will regress slightly more over time not when actually damaged.
- Survivors hiding in a locker for over 20-30 seconds will get there aura revealed to the killer momentarily.
How do you all feel about this? I will make Survivor adjustments aswell because I don’t want them to just die instantly. Thank you.