Chapter: The 9th Circle - Terriffier

55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54
edited July 2020 in Off-topic

Chapter: The 9th Circle

survivor: Tara Hayes

map: Cult dungeon

killer: The Entertainer - Art The Clown

power: injection

you take 5 seconds to search through your bag to grab a sharp needle full of poison. When you have gotten your needle you can inject a survivor causing them to get a nausea status effect and then after 21 seconds pass out and land on the ground unconscious for 20 seconds unable to see anything but then your vision will haze back on with a bit of blur for 10 seconds and you can get back up. If you go out of this power while searching through the bag before 5 seconds this power will not need a cooldown but you will need to search all over again.

specail attack: Slasher

you can quickly take a rope connected to multiple sharp materials and knives on multiple connections of other rope out of your bag. You can hit survivors up to 6 times for 24 seconds being the limit of how long you can use it with a 60 second cooldown. When a survivor is hit they will get the bleeding out status effect without having to be in dying stage and they will get a 1 second stun after being hit each time and their speed will decrease as the bleeding effect lowers for loss of blood . If the survivor is healed they will no longer have the effect and they will not receive the same decreasion for the blood they lost before they were healed.


skilled slaughter: the experience of murder gives you a idea for creative techniques to slaughter your victims. You become obsessed with a single survivor as an obsession and wish to cherish these brutal demise so whenever you get a chance once per round you get a free Mori on a survivor and you have a chance of using a different weapon for the Mori that activates a different kill. The chances for the specific survivor to be your obsession are be raised every time they stun you with a flashlight or pallet by 20%, break a totem by 15% and completes a generator by 30% until one of them eventually reaches 100%. The different Mori weapons you can use are a hacksaw, butcher knife, axe and hammer.

All Hallows’ Eve: on the special night of slashing you get angry when there is no experience so your chances of finding another victim increase as you struggle to find a survivor even more by the minute. Your terror radius is significantly decreased and your pallet breaking and window jumping time are decreased by 14% and you will get a direction notification to where the survivor is.

grim demise: every time you hook a survivor or if you Mori them or if they die of blood loss your chances of a dark ending heighten heightening you’re chances of success. Every time a survivor dies your hit cooldown is decreased by 5% and speed is increased by 10%. Your artistic future of massacre will also impress the entity so every time you hit a survivor into dying state you gain 666 bonus blood points.

Post edited by 55timballoons on


  • RIPLegion
    RIPLegion Member Posts: 50

    Pretty overpowered but If u don’t mind can I please draw what I think the killer would look like

  • 55timballoons
    55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54

    @RIPLegion, it is not my character so feel free and also feel free to give me ideas on what to change for the better of this concept.

  • RIPLegion
    RIPLegion Member Posts: 50

    theres not much to change but maybe just nerf the powers a little. Others then that it’s a good idea