The Most Underrated Perk?


Which Perk(s), survivor or killer, do you believe is the most underrated in the game?

For me, it would have to be Alert. It constantly reveals the killer to you, shows you where all of the pallets are broken so you don't go to dead zones, shows you which walls have been broken, which gens have been kicked and most importantly, it tells you if the killer has actually commited to breaking a pallet in chase or is faking it.

If I had to pick an underrated killer perk, I'd go with deathbound. Some killers can really benefit from getting a notification of where survivors are across the map (such as Billy or Oni) and the oblivious status effect the survivor gets is just an added bonus. If you paired this perk with nurse's calling on a killer that makes survivors injured a lot, I reckon it'd be a strong build.


  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Killer - new tinkerer will be lit

    Survivor - I know its not underrated but I don't see enough people running Bond on solo Q.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Leader. I'm a solo player and I pair it up with Bond so I can help out the team and they can quickly heal me. Can't tell you how many times Leader has come in handy.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Survivor - Repressed alliance.

    Killer - Haven't really given it a thought. Different underrated perks for different killers so there's not one single underrated perk I can name.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Killer - Surveillance. That thing gives me so much information because nobody expects it.

    Survivor - Probably going to have to go with Bond. Especially when combined with something like Spine Chill.

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498

    survivor:self care

    killer:spies from the shadows

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    For survivor it's Empathy, I don't see it that often, but I like to use it. Not only it helps to see your wounded teammates (and whether they are running from the killer or not), you can also run to them to be healed as well. For me it's better than Bond due to the range.

    As for the killer it's Spies form the shadow, especially on small maps and those with a lot of crows in it. Can help you a lot. Overcharge is also comes in handy. Don't know if it's underrated tho.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,543

    Survivor: I agree with Bond

    Killer: Bloodhound... It counters Iron Will and scratchmark baits, but only works if the survivor is injured

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 308

    Spies from the Shadows can cancel out almost any situation where I would have gotten mind gamed. I’ve been running it a lot in place of whispers.

    for survivor I’ve been running vigil. The amount of times that I’ve been able to use SB in chase more than once have increased dramatically since I’ve leveled Quentin.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    For Killer I would say Lightborn (even the old one). You can use walls to avoid flashlight save but what I love about Lightborn is when you break a pallet and they try to blind you, you won't and you'll hit them. That makes some chases shorter which is pretty valuable.

    For Survivor, I would say Alert.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Survivor: Deja Vu. That perk has helped games play out strategically and more often than not it's impacted heavily on the Killer. Special mention also goes to Lightweight for it's ability to get away and hide quickly. Combine that with Lithe and Quick & Quiet, and you have a killer combo!

    Killer: Lightborn. It's saved me more times than I care to mention. With the change coming up, it'll be even more protective. Special mention for Predator, especially when looking for survivors at a distance. It's a good perk to take on those sprinting around the map.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Survivor: Detective's Hunch. You literally never have an issue with a hex or noed again, and waste 0 time searching the map.

    Killer: Overcharge. Since the death of Ruin I used it for a tome challenge, (and several matches after that where I forgot to take it off) and it was really surprising how ######### even red rank survivors are at hitting it. It's like a free surveillance with mini-pop with no cooldown.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Survivors - Camaraderie, having that extra 34 seconds during struggle phase really can make a massive difference. Especially if a killer is camping? This allows ample time for the remaining survivors to heal up and strategize a plan.

    Killer - Surveillance; being able to pop a gen and then have it immediately light back up the moment someone touches it gives a ton of information.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Killer - Blood Echo is just nasty. if it didn't have such an annoying unnecessary cooldown it would be meta 100%

    There is also iron maiden, i feel people underestimate it too much, it can give you tracking and some occasional downs in the most unexpected moments

    Survivor - Mettle of Man. After you learn how to properly use it, its just as good as the old one.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239


    So many killers get baited by it, I love it.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    For me the combination of Dark Sense and Poised is underrated. Every time a gen is completed anywhere on the map you not only get to see where the killer is, but you get 10 seconds to run without leaving a scratch mark to put as much distance between you as possible.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,098

    Tenacity - can quickly crawl decent distance away from killer that doesn't immediately pick you up and recover while crawling. So many people should run it because they just start crawling without recovering so someone can't just quickly pop them up from the ground.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited July 2020


    Although it's regarded as a good perk, it truly is one of the most handy tools for a survivor.

    -It can warn you of pending danger.

    -You can work out the killers approximate position due to injured survivor behaviour.

    -It can show you injured survivors in need of aid.

    -It can get you ready to position youself for a hook rescue or flashlight stun.

    -You can observe other survivors unorthodox behaviour eg continuously hiding in/out of lockers.

    It's one of my faves.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited July 2020

    Bond can help you win chases in solo queue. Killer chasing you? Run to another survivor and make the killer chase them instead. Kidding, don't do that, but it is amazing. Tenacity and vigil are also very handy for swf and solo queue. For killer it's surveillance, since it can give you more information than any other killer perk, and lets you secure 3 generators.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Second wind, sure it must be hard to heal somebody in solo q, but it's great when it comes to play, saves so much time, It's actually my favorite perk atm

    It needs a buff tho

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Survivor: Aftercare + Autodidact.

    I like these two just because they give a massive reward for a high amount of skill... something that the survivor role desperately needs. (When so many perks reward failure, it is refreshing to see skill based perks).

    The information Aftercare provides for solo survivors is incredibly useful. Sure, it can be unfun to get tunneled and not be able to use the perk, but at some point it will let your teammate(s) know your situation and act accordingly.

    Sloppy is kind of boring, but nessisary. This perk rewards survivors for skillful actions... although I kind of wish 2 things happened:

    1. More skill checks
    2. More difficulty with the skill checks (at least for those above 3 tokens).

    Both of these perks really do their job well, its just that the meta right now really rewards survivors for failing, which is kinda dumb.

    Killer: Dark Devotion, Forced Penance, and Trail of Torment.

    The first one, Dark Devotion, has always been one of my favorites, ever since its change to its current form. It allows you to surprise one survivor while disorienting another... and it works against most SWFs, funny enough. It allows you to take control of the situation a little better. Is the obsession running to a strong loop? Ditch them and look for someone else. Are they in a good spot to be downed? Down them. It allows you to take actions you wouldn't be able to most of the time. Do not underestimate a killer with this perk, especially if they have Dying light to combo with it.

    I am honestly surprised by the other two, as I thought Deathbound would be the one useful perk of Silent Hill, but I have found the other two far more useful.

    As a legion main, I never appreciated how many times I technically make protection hits during frenzy... and that Forced Pennance works during Frenzy. If it only worked on basic attacks, then this perk would be way worse off. There is no cooldown for the effect, and it keeps track of the last person to receive the effect for you, letting you know when the last person will be unbroken. I would not advise it with Thana, but it has a lot of utility on Legion that it doesn't have on others.

    Trail of Torment on the other hand... This perk has grown on me. I ran it when I had no other options when I prestiged PH twice, and it always throws people off. Maybe because they don't expect it, maybe the way I play with it, but it demands you to... have a plan like the Joker from the Dark Knight... Unpredictable, but a method to the madness. I think the cooldown either needs to be lowered or removed, and for the gen to not glow within 32 meters, just like Better together, but most people don't really realize you have the perk anyway. This perk will become stronger if they add more gen aura perks for survivors, ones like Better Together, where it shows the gen as yellow, before Trail of Torment is really worth it. It is fun when used with Dark Devotion. You can use the 16 seconds to sneak up to the obsession, where then you get an extra 60 seconds of time.