Queue time / your experience?

Hello. I want to ask you. How long do you wait for a game as a killer? I'm from Europe and all day (from morning to evening) I have to wait for 5 minutes to find the game. I want to get rank 1 (especially for an achievement), but it's so boring and kinda frustrating. Some of my games are not very good for me and I sometimes derank. Then I have to wait in the lobby for another shi *** game against pro teams. It's the exact opposite of my survivor games. I am rank 1 survivor but my teammates play like yellow ranks. Good queue is only in the evening but I have to sleep. I hope you understand what I'm traying to say.
Killer at rank 1 is instantaneous queues, survivor at rank 1 can be somewhat short or it can be really really long. Depends on what kind of day it is.
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I'm rank 4 survivor and rank 12 killer. PS4.
I'm in England, and usually find survivor/killer wait times go from endless to immediate depending on if it's early morning or late evening.
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I'm a rank 1 killer on PS4 in Illinois and I get a game as soon as I press triangle anywhere from 8 AM through to 3 AM. The only time queue time got longer was during the event on weekend mornings from 8 AM until 12 PM before it went back to being instantaneous. Those waits were about 5 minutes
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Currently rank 2 killer and rank 4 survivor
Killer queues take long during the day and are way shorter during the night, and vice versa, survivor queues take long during the night and are way shorter during the day.
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I'm on ps4 on East coast in US. During the day my survivor queue is quick while killer takes up to 10 minutes. At night it switches, killer queue is quick while survivor takes up to 10 minutes.