Chapter Idea: Monsters, Devils & Hunters

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
edited July 2020 in Creations

So, this is gonna be a new direction for a chapter. This one consists of 2 killers and 1 survivor. Hope you enjoy :)

The Count



Average ↕

Power: Seduction

Your supernatural abilities are enchanting to mortals, allowing you to bewitch them.

Press and hold the power button to attempt to control your victims actions. While holding the Power button, use the d-pad or shape buttons (arrow keys or WASD) to resist and interfere with the survivors movement.

Special Ability: Blood Hunger

Press the Active Ability button to levitate off the ground. Press and hold the Attack button to Glide forward at a surreal speed while holding forward (5.2m/s). While Gliding, your movement is restricted, but with capabilities to strafe in a sweeping motion, side to side. A successful hit recovers 15% faster than a Basic Attack. A missed hit has a cooldown reduction of 50% but causes The Count to experience a 5% speed decrease and Blood Hunger is disabled for a combined total of 15 seconds.

The Count's Bio:

Centuries of life; centuries of death; hundreds of thousands of lives ended by his hand.

Count Dracula was turned at the end of his short numbered mortal years, by a vampire that history has long forgotten. The tales told of Dracula's evil are most renowned: existing for most of his non-life in the mountains of Transylvania, he emerged on the shores of England in a boat reeking of blood and death.

That same scent spread throughout England, no one knew who was behind the series of murders. They all had their theories, but no one ever knew for certain.

A century later and the name of Dracula was long forgotten. Now living amongst the mortals of the modern world, he blended in, living in the luxuries that the world had to offer.

The blood and death always following him around. And sooner, rather than later, that trail of blood and death caught up with him.

A name more renowned than that of Dracula began circulating around, Van Helsing. He knew this name was an alias, the work of a person crazed with obsession, but yet, he was fascinated by their determination, cruelty and tendency for the most gruesome and graphic murders.

Dracula allowed himself to be found by Van Helsing, luring them to a church in the back end of town. A clear trap, but not one of malice or destruction, one of mutual meeting and acknowledgement.

Dracula loomed in the shadows as Van Helsing walked through the doors. The aged wood creaking and cracking with the force of their entrance. Dracula, with eyes closed, watched as Van Helsing stormed into the room. Their heart steady and their blood smelling so rich. An aroma that Dracula had not tasted in almost 500 years. He glided down from the shadows in silence. The person known as Van Helsing stopped and tilted their head. A heartbeat just as steady as when they had entered. Dracula spoke as though it was his first words in as many years, "you...are a predicatable man, Van Helsing." With a swift waft of their cloak they were now face to face with Dracula. Removing their mask they looked at him through eyelashes "a man?" Van Helsing asked with a soft voice filled with elegance and a touch of laughter. Her hair fell from the hat she once wore as she removed it from her head. Dracula inhaled the aroma of her blood, as her skin was exposed to him, then loomed forward in a blink of an eye. Now right before her he stared her down through the darkness. She remained, unflinching, tilting her head up at him. "You're as insatiable as the legends say, I see. I fear you are the predictable one, Count."

Dracula scoffed as the sound of blood echoed in his ears, he could see her dead in an instant. "But you're not here for me, though." Dracula announced as he placed a hand on her chin and lifted her head upwards as he inhaled her aroma again. Van Helsing drew a pistol from her holster as he saw her eyes recognise something above them.

Dracula stepped into the shadows as dust rained down above them. A blue light of the moon beaming in through the hole in the roof. The light slowly disappeared as a creature loomed into sight. Dracula stepped further into the shadows as the beast howled towards the light, thunderous claps of gunfire rattled around the church in response. Dracula smiled as Van Helsing's heartbeat started to pick up pace. His eyes shut tightly as all he could do was breathe her in. The world around him silent but for the blood pulsing and dancing around his mind. He opened his eyes as the sound slowed down, to see the beast skulking over her fallen body. Dracula dashed from the shadows and hurled the beast aside. Taking her cheek in his hand he breathed her in one last time and sank his teeth into her neck just as the sound of a howl, a gunshot and sensation of heartache overwhelmed him. As he fell away from her, the taste of blood hot on his lips, Dracula felt colder than he had ever felt. A fog consumed him as he felt his body fading. He opened his eyes, a thick fog and a dim campfire in the distance, the memory of the taste of blood on his lips...he smiled as a fresh sound of blood filled his ears.

The Count's Perks:

Dance With The Devil - Your shreud and supernatural manner hypnotises the weakminded.

Whilst inside the exterior half of your Terror Radius, survivors that are performing an interaction have their Great-Success-Zones reduced by 50%/75%/100%.

"I like to make my meals last longer." - Count Dracula

Lust For Blood - Your desperation for the blood of mortals makes you a ruthless and dangerous hunter.

While chasing a survivor, their footsteps are 25%/50%/75% louder.

"I can hear the blood inside your veins." - Count Dracula

Eternal Life - Cursed to a life without ever knowing death leaves you satiated by the feelings of those poor souls that are left close to death by your hands.

While a survivor is hooked, see the repair progress of all gens within 56m/64m/72m from the hook. Repair progress can be determined by the intensity of their aura.

The effect persists for 15 seconds after the survivor is unhooked.

"Tell me, what does death feels like?" - Count Dracula


The Beast


32m 🎯

Tall ↕

Power: Lycanthropy

Frequently press the Active Ability Button before the power gauge reaches zero (within 30 seconds) to continuously stimulate your bloodstream with a serum to prevent the Beast within being unleashed.

Press or hold and release the Power Button to wind up and throw a Net. A survivor caught inside a Net suffers from Hindered movement and restricted camera rotation. Hitting a survivor while they're Netted will disable the Net but cause them to suffer from Deep Wound. Nets are shaken off after a duration of 10 seconds.

Up to 8 Nets can be carried at one time.

Special Ability: Savagery Unleashed

Allowing the power gauge to hit zero causes you to undergo a terrifying transformation.

While in Savagery Unleashed, your lunge range is slightly decreased.

Press the Power Button while in Savagery Unleashed to break into a wild charge. Hitting a survivor while charging instantly cripples them - they gain no speed boost from the hit. You can charge over vaults but suffer a 1% fatigue increase to all of your future transformations for each charge vault performed.

Press the Active Ability button after performing 2 successful hits to transform back to human form. You automatically transform back to human form after placing a total of 4 survivors into the Dying State.

The Beast's Bio:

The cult of Tiphrum was a secret society, created with the ideaology that monsters rule the world.

The Baron was reveered by his followers, they hung on his every word and did as he asked without question.

Every month they kidnapped one of societies forgotten sons and daughters and offered their life to the Baron.

On a night of the grand offering, the Baron was presented with a man that could barely sit up on his own and a woman that had a look of sheer terror in her eyes.

The baron looked them over and smiled. "These two are both fine offerings to the Beast!" He exclaimed. His followers clapped and sighed with relief at his acceptance of those offered to him. He gently set down the blue bottle that he was clutching.

They grabbed the woman and pulled her to one side of the room, the followers holding her down as the Baron stepped over the man hunched over in the middle of the room. A follower tugged open the curtains and scurried away.

The Baron fell to his knees and began tearing the skin and flesh off his bones, revealing a thick dark brown fur. The man glanced up and screamed as the Beast lunged at him, tearing him apart limb by limb. Blood and gore showering the room. The followers grabbed the woman and threw her down where the man once kneeled. She looked up at the Beast and smiled. The Beast snarled at her and lunged; she rolled aside and reached up behing her neck underneath her hair and peeled a gun covered in tape off her neck. She spun to shoot the Beast but got grabbed by a follower, she shook him off and tossed him into the Beasts path, he screamed as the beast ripped at his throat. She shot the Beast, hitting it in the leg and ran to the window. Firing two shots she leaped through the glass onto the wet grass below.

The Beast, filled with anger, turned towards his followers; terror filled the room as well as the sounds of their screams. He tore through them all, one by one. Those who ran just made it more fun for him as he chased them down and tore them apart; seeing that womans face in each of them as he did.

The next month, he found himself in a small town, trailing the scent of perfume through the streets in the night wind. He looked up and saw a blue light trying to penetrate the clouds.

He closed in on the church as the clouds began to part. His skin and flesh peeled away as the light washed over him. He scaled the walls and found a hole in the roof. He stood and stared down at the woman, whom stood looking up at him. He howled and leaped into the building. Gun shots whizzed past him as he lept from beam to beam. He paused and looked down at her as the shots stoped. Seeing her reloading he pounced down towards her, slashing the air. She barely ducked away, her back scraped by a huge claw. She fell to the floor in a cry, he snarled a smile and leaped on top of her, her hands scrambling for the gun. He reered back, ready to tear her head off, when he was suddenly hurled across the room. Staggering back to his feet he saw a man hovering over her, he began to pounce at them both when he heard a gunshot. Falling back he clutched at his chest, silver steam oozing from the wound. He gurgled and wimpered as the world around him went dark. He opened his eyes, to a dark world filled with fog and screams. He glanced down to see the fur had gone, and a blue bottle was in his hand. He smiled as the scent of familiar perfume and blood filled his nostils.

The Beast's Perks:

Hex: Moonlight - The power that the moon has over the creatures of the night is frighteningly beautiful.

While active, each time a survivor disturbs 2 crows within 32m of you, outside of a chase, you gain a 3/3.5/4% increase towards Searching Lockers, Pickup, Drop, Break, Vault, Missed Basic Attack cooldown and Successful Basic Attack cooldown; up to a maximum of 30%/35%/40%.

"The creatures of this world are easily swayed by the nature of Evil" - Baron Tiphrum

Hells Hound - Your ability to smell fresh blood is what makes you a ruthless predator.

When a survivor in the Injured State runs for a total of of 48m/40m/36m, the aura of their Blood Pools are revealed to you for 5 seconds.

"I can...argh...taste you in the air...gahhwooo!" - Baron Tiphrum

Contagion - Your curse spreads through the wounds you inflict.

When a survivor, injured by a Basic Attack, is healed to Healthy, they become the Obsession and suffer from Exhaustion for 30/45/60 seconds.

The effects do not apply to a survivor that is already the Obsession.

Can only have one Obsession at a time.

"You can't run from Evil. The Curse will claim you...that is, if I don't first." - Baron Tiphrum


Survivor -

Van Helsing's Bio:

Investigating a pattern of missing people in the area, she found herself in a homeless cloister. She asked around and the people all seemed scared about the disappearances of alley regulars. She adorned her most convincing homeless costume, made sure to stay alone that night and waited for a sign of these kidnappers.

It was deep into the night but right on cue, the alleyway began to fill with new bodies. The footsteps grew louder nearby and soon she came face to face with a group of men. They grabbed her and covered her mouth, tugging at her and carrying her away.

She was blindfolded and tossed into a vehicle of some kind. Lots of unfamiliar voices and cheering echoed around her. She blinked her eyes as the blindfold was removed, before her, a room of scared but cheering people and a huge man, sat in front of her. She glanced to the left and saw an ill man, barely able to open his eyes, beside her. She felt arms grab her and tug her aside as the huge man spoke to the room. She knew she had found her target. She smiled inwardly, maintaining her look of horror. The huge man transformed before her eyes, just as she expected, she watched as the Beast tore at the ill man and ripped his flesh and limbs off.

She felt a shove in her back as the people pushed her towards the Beast. She couldn't help but smile at the Beast, begging it to attack her. As if not recognising her intent, it did as she wished, but she barreled to the side. She scrambled for her gun and took aim, a man grabbed her arm as she struggled to fire. She shrugged him off and kicked him towards the Beast, she took aim as the Beast slashed and ripped his throat open. She fired and hit it clean in the leg. She glanced around and saw the gathering bodies around her. She raised her gun and fired at the window, leaping through it onto the wet grass below, she ran off into the night without looking back.

A month later she had tracked down a serial murder suspect to a church. She knew this was no ordinary man, but she knew no fear. "Mortals should not fear death." she said to herself as she pushed open the wooden doors.

She glanced around, feeling eyes on her in the darkness but not knowing where from.

As a darkness fell behind her, she spun hearing him speak. His voice trying to get inside her mind. She removed her mask and hat and confirmed her suspicions, a Vampire.

She let him toy with her, his hand lifting her head towards the sky. Her eyes widened as she saw the Beast looming overhead. Her hand scrambled to her gun and she shot repeatedly, each shot lighting up the darkest corners. The Beast moved quickly from beam to beam. She heard a click and quickly scrambled to reload. Her clip almost locked in she ducked as a swipe missed her face. She fell down with a groan as her back stung. She locked the clip in as the Beast pinned her arms down and reered back to finish her off. To her suprise the weight of the Beast was replaced with the darkness of the Vampire. She scrambled within her satchel as his warm breath intoxicated her. She raised her hand viciously upwards as sharp teeth punctured her throat. With her head thrust to the side, she saw the Beast pounding ever closer. She raised her gun and fired, the Beast stumbled and fell as the pain in her neck went numb. Her fingers felt weak and cold, her eyes filled with red and her breath slowed.

She awoke near a campfire to see a silhouette of a person walking off into the distant fog. She jumped to her feet and reached up at her neck; no gun either; no suprise. She reached down and picked up her mask and bandana, ready for round two.

Van Helsing's Perks:

Silver Bullet - Your familiarity with monsters means you're always ready for them.

At the start of the trial, for 80/100/120 seconds, your Vaulting speed is increased by 15%.

"It's a little thing called preparation." - Van Helsing

Monster Slayer - Your reputation leaves you feared by monsters and mortals alike.

After stunning the killer 4/3/2 times, all Survivor's see your aura for 128m.

The perk deactivates after you're hooked.

"Well, maybe they should fear me..." - Van Helsing

Hell Getting To Heaven - Your journey is not an easy one. You have many wrongs to right and Evils to vanquish before you can meet your maker.

You start the Trial in the Injured State and suffering from the Broken status effect. Repairing the equivalent of 1 generator heals you of your Broken status.

After safely unhooking a survivor you gain the Endurance status effect for 8/10/12 seconds.

"After all this time, all these countless sins, I doubt i'd even be welcome up there." - Van Helsing

Map: Small Town - Rundown Church

Post edited by Onyx_Blue on


  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    I'm mostly going to tinker with the perks since I don't have much to comment on with the powers

    The Count

    Dance with the Devil - What exactly do you mean by "exterior half"? Like the first 16 meters of a 32 meter terrior radius killer? If so, that seems kinda eh. Most terror radius perks aren't really that great outside of Infectious Fright and without something like Unnerving, doesn't seem like it would do much

    Lust for Blood - Better than Predator at least.

    Eternal Life - BBQ but focusing on gens instead of survivors. Some number tweaking might be required but it's a sound perk.

    The Beast

    Hex: Moonlight - Actually makes crows a threat. I don't mind this one bit aside from it being a Hex but it makes sense why it is a Hex. Would be way too OP if it wasn't.

    Hells Hound - Bloodhound but different. Probably would see about as much use as bloodhound.

    Contagion - Seems alright. May be a bit much for something that can activate on a basic attack but the idea is sound.

    Van Helsing

    Silver Bullet - Ehhhhhh. I mean, good on you for not making it a passive 15% but I'm not sure how much value you can get out of it within the first 2 minutes.

    Monster Slayer - So basically, with most maps, survivors can see you across the whole map. Honestly seems fair since only your teammates can get that info and it deactivates on hook. Would be good on the chase expert on the team.

    Hell Getting to Heaven - No Mither and Borrowed Time to yourself. The fact it has to be a safe unhook makes it a bit more tolerable since if it just applied to all unhooks, it would be hellish with Borrowed Time proper.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Anything can be acceptable in Dbd, but they really have to put a werewolf or a vampire, it fits perfectly into the game.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060


    Dance With The Devil - yeah, first 16 of 32m etc. The idea behind it was to make any objective related action performed when a killer is closing into a survivors location slower to complete without being an obnoxious slowdown to the action. The fact a survivor cannot hit a great means they gain no bonus progression.

    Lust For Blood - that plus it's the, so far missing, counterpart to Lightweight.

    Eternal Life - what would you tweak the numbers to?

    Hex: Moonlight - haha yeah it definitely has to have the Hex drawback to make it in XD

    Hells Hound - niche usage, but would be fun to synergise into tracking builds and on killers like Plague and Legion.

    Contagion - hmm, maybe I could add a cooldown to it and also make it so it doesn't effect a survivor that is already the Obsession, like Nemesis does?

    Silver Bullet - there currently isn't any outright early game survivor perks. Plus, for those 2mins of gameplay, you could really punish a killer for chasing you for any amount of time during those initial 2mins. Most killers lose the game due to lack of early game pressure.

    Monster Slayer - yeah, that's my intent for it.

    Hell Getting To Heaven - that, plus it encourages people to get saves while injured; something that can typically mean a survivor going into Struggle or Dying due to them being scared or worried about a camper seeing them.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Antares_2332 haha they definitely are overdue with these type of killers.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    Nothing specific comes to mind for Eternal Life but I'm just not sure if it's too little or too far. I'm just saying that it could work, it just might need some tweaking if it proves too little or two much

    For silver bullet, fair, but I'm always a bit suspicious over early game stuff. I'm guessing it's just because it reminds me almost of Lucky Break or whatever the Yui bloodperk is.

    Yeah, for Contagion, I think it shouldn't activate on the obsession.

    I'm mostly just saying that 32-16 meters is a bit wonky for Dance with the Devil. I think it wouldn't really hurt if it was just the terror radius in general.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060


    Eternal Life - well, 64m is just about over half the size of Coal Tower.

    Silver Bullet - yeah it can be hit and miss and sometimes not be worth the slot. But could also see it existing too lol

    Contagion - i'll edit it to have that criteria too.

    Dance With The Devil - would that not be too busted combined with perks like Unnerving and Distressing?

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    I mean, fair I suppose with the Dance with the Devil's ability, but I'm just personally iffy about the 32 - 16 range. If it works, it works, I'm just cautious.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @JackFrostMan pity we can't playtest the ideas lol

    What did you think of the powers btw?

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205
    edited July 2020

    Seduction seems like it would be complained nearly as much as Doc's shock. I think it's fine as long as the survivors had enough control to somewhat struggle against it.

    Blood Hunger sounds like a mess to program and could be hard to use in indoor maps. By itself, though, I think it's balanced since you kinda get punished if you missed (I assume the 5% speed decrease is until the power recharges) and it's only a regular hit.

     Lycanthropy can be a bit of a mess with you constantly having to keep track of how low your bar is before you go feral like a uwu furry. The net seems alright, just like a weird blend of a Clown and Legion attack.

    I assume charge vault would be around the same speed as a Legion vault but what exactly do you mean by "fatigue for future transformations"? Like the cooldown between being a furry and being a human?

    I find the no speed boost on hit to be a bit troublesome but it overall sounds like a Legion state but you can actually down people. Not awful power wise.

    I think the powers are above average for custom powers, at least

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060


    Seduction - would be 60/40 in the killer's favour. But a survivor can still vault and drop pallets whilst being interferred with.

    Blood Hunger - wouldn't be too difficult to programme, instead of reducing size via a Crouch, the killer gains size by being levitated off the ground (a little higher than Nurse). And the sweep animation would be like Oni when you strafe with him but look cooler lol

    Lycanthropy - well, I figured the 30 second window to manage your power conditions would add to the strategy of the killer. Staying Human when the survivor you're chasing is in a tile that you can get the most use of the Net from. As well as the Deep Wound effect. And letting it hit 0 when you feel the Beast could be more effective.

    Savagery Unleashed - the vault would be slightly faster than Legion's and cause damage if the survivor is on the other side of the vault too.

    The Charge not granting the survivor's boost of speed upon being hit was a balance to the killer having a short lunge range. It also cannot break pallets with the Charge.

    Thanks :) i'll take that lol also thanks for the feeback and taking the time to read through my chapter :)