Xbox games unplayable for past day due to new MM

des7in Member Posts: 47

I'm an experienced player on DBD on the Xbox One, and today the matchmaking has been absolutely dreadful. Only in the past half hour was I made aware that new matchmaking went live today. I've been duoing with a friend of mine who's also pretty experienced (we're both red rank every season, and I know the meme but this indicates we play consistently) and EVERY. SINGLE. GAME — the other two survivors have been ranks 18-20 who crouch in corners, walk everywhere, and go down to Legion's deep wounds due to not knowing what mending is. On top of that, the killers have been the same. I've not seen a single killer that's yellow rank or higher, and I've played for about 11 hours today (it's my day off work, okay?). The games have been absolutely miserable, mentally draining and literally unfun. I'm not asking for god teammates who can carry a match, just someone who knows all the perks and interactions in the game, knows all the killers and their powers, map layouts, and basic looping concepts. Is that so much to ask? I'd literally be GLAD to have someone as low as rank 10 in my match, and a common meme amongst my friends and I is that I always slag rank 10s and they say "rank 10s aren't that bad". Sorry for whining but I just hope this can serve as an omen for what's to come for all you PC players! You'll pretty much have no option but to go 4-man SWF if you don't want potatoes on your team.


  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Thats how PC has been ever since rank reset changed last year. Even at red ranks too pretty much

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2020

    MMR systems come with their own host of issues. One primary thing is that, depending on the system the game uses, it can take anywhere from 10-30 matches for MMR to place you where you belong. Unfortunately, that does nothing for your teammates. You might have finally been placed at X-MMR, but two of your random teammates might not have even been placed yet, so the MMR is jumping them around trying to figure it out. So, yes, they could be in over their head in your match.

    Which means that when teaming with randoms in an MMR system, it still very much becomes a crap shoot. I've played Overwatch, for example, since launch, and in Quick Play, which uses an MMR, whether or not a few of my random teammates are liabilities is till a coin flip. Especially when they're lower levels and haven't gotten an MMR yet, or they've been gone for a long time, come back and it uses their previous MMR (or tries to place them again) and they aren't in matches they should be in.

    Yes, you will eventually get some balanced matches in a team-based MMR system game. But you will also still end up getting lopsided matches, particularly when such a game is new, or it just then adds an MMR system (as DbD is doing).

    It's going to be painful for a month or so, and then continue to be painful each time they get a surge of new players from a free weekend, a sale, or a popular DLC.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    With how broken the current system is can it really be that bad. Tonight has been the worst night for a while I usually peak around purple ranks, I don't play too sweaty but have been matched with ranks 1's and 2's all evening. I had to resort to basement camping and taking mori's just to get a few kills. I'm not that concerned about the losses but I'd like to at least feel like I had some impact on the game at some point.

    If the new MMR makes for more balanced games eventually then great, if there is a mix of potatoes and elites then I know well enough who to chase and who to ignore. I'll at least get to game with the potatoes and maybe take a few elites with them.

    The idea of level matching killers separately sounds good but being locked into the killer I queue with feels a bit limiting (not that I switch often but sometimes you change based on survivors set up) it just seems punishing to killers but we'll have to see how it goes.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    1. It will probably take time against each killer to give you a new MMR/rank against that killer, so you'll get wildly inaccurate matches. That is if the devs chose to use a fresh slate, and didn't take rank to start with, and why would they?
    2. I have no doubt that this matchmaking will be just as crazily unbalanced with who you get matched against, except now the devs can reply with "oh but it's because your secret hidden MMR is similar to that person who doesn't know what a pallet is." If they hide the fact that matchmaking is stupidly bad, we can't reasonably complain about it with evidence.
  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    The option to go 4 man SWF? You mean every single red rank match already?

  • ResidentDoctorMain
    ResidentDoctorMain Member Posts: 51

    Resident Doctor Main here,

    I'm an Xbox player as well, but a killer main (If my prescript and username didn't give it away already) so I kind of see where this is coming from. I don't personally like really short matches if the entire team is Rank 20 potatoes, but that's just a problem with solo queuing the way I see it. Hopefully they're able to tweak the MMR a bit better to detect SWF groups and put them into matches where the other survivors also have comms, but I highly doubt it'll be soon, if at all. Sincerely,

    Resident Doctor Main

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    Why would anyone play redrank any other way but SWF. With the balance the way it is currently, that's practically the only way to stand a chance... Certainly cant rely on randos

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    I didn't go live today. Fake news. They have already had 3 million games to examine

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    It's been happening for close to a month now, hence why I always play with at least one team mate in swf. Killer matchmaking is just a broken. My friends who are red rank killers get lobbies of grey and yellow ranks while me, a purple rank (was a green rank a few days ago) has been consistently getting games with at least 2 red rank survivors.