When will BP be better on survivor side?



  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2020

    Maybe I misunderstood your statement below:

    "Maybe instead of complaining about not making more BP (EVEN THOUGH SURVIVORS REALISTICALLY ONLY NEED TO MAX OUT ONE CHARACTER WHILE KILLERS NEED TO MAX OUT 20+ WHILE KEEPING A HEALTHY SUPPLY OF ADD-ONS AND SURVIVORS DON'T), you should ask for the grind to not be, I dunno, a grind."

    What is it killers need to max out?

    It was something that @Sairek said

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I think you are referring to someone else's statement? I don't believe I made that statement.

    Killers choose which ones to max out, same as survivors. Some killer players WANT to max out more or all. That is their choice. Killers and survivors need to get all the characters to a certain level to get their perks.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    That is pure choice. The "full killer experience " does not require unlocking all killers. I have a full experience with just 5 or 6 unlocked. Why? I've tried the others and did not like playing them. It's all choices.

    As for survivor, they are not all just different skins. Many handle differently. Heck, I can tell you some are way louder and require IW if you want a stealth build. I can hear Jane from a mile away. As my buddy always says, the women are better for stealth builds because they are smaller....except Jane.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I didn't say killer was "that hard". I said it was harder than survivor. Which it is. There's no arguing that.

    And because it's harder than the opposing role (says every experienced player literally ever), and more is required of them, they are rewarded better.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    It's a choice, yes, but unlike survivors, killers actually have a unique reason to max out each character. They are all separate characters with separate strategies and abilities. Survivors are just reskins.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    You realize that is 4 survivors against 1 killer right? And that's why survivors get less BP... Think about it

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I agree, but I don't want to overlook the idea that some survivors do play differently.

    @jisp3r What? I had no clue. Been playing killer for three years and never realized that.

    Try reading through and you will see the very real reason this is an issue.

    Spare the silliness please.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    They do play differently, but that's on a per person basis, not a per character basis. A Claudette crouched in a bush, who runs away at the slightest light up of Spine Chill should absolutely be making LESS points than a Nea who isn't afraid to get into a chase. Chasing is work, you get a LOT of points for it if you do it right - and yes, sometimes that requires using pallets.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Which is totally unfair as the killer represents one side and should be getting far more for having to play against 4 players.

    When I used to play killer there was no way I would play killer without two cups of coffee and having played 3 survivor games.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Try hiding behind a tree with Jeff as opposed to doing it with Feng and come talk to me after that. I'll spot a Jeff or a Jake long before a Feng or Meg just due to size and how much they stick out from things. You completely ignored the fact that I stated killers are absolutely functionally different where as survivors have slight differences.

    It still comes down to choice as far as what killers you WANT to max out. I've killer for 3 years and stick to a handful, you may have been killer for less time and want them all. It's a choice, nothing more.

    The best part is that none of it matters in this debate. You are talking apples to oranges. Survivors should get more BP for objective driven achievements. DbD awards less for completing objectives than for looping a killer. It hurts absolutely nobody to up the BP rewards for survivor. No way someone should play a match, with a crappy killer who only focused on killing one target, finish gens and escape with crap BP. Survivor role fully depends on an engaging killer in order to get good BP.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Survivors sit on a gen and stealth then wonder why no points.


    Im a killer main and if youre not hitting over 20k as a surv, you arent doing enough as teammate, period.

    I play surv every day and usually outscore my team, because all they do is gen and then die. They cant run the killer, dont do totems, then wonder why the match falls apart. You gotta get chased to balance out the killers time, theres 4 categories in the emblems, not just one.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Bring it on, if survivors get equal bp to killer with minimal effort, i will never need to touch killer again!

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Totally not true, it is in fact, easier to get stacks on WGLF. You can literally get 2-3 stacks during one unhook. Buffing WGLF to have auras would not have any impact on the generation of points.

    BBQ you need to find, chase, down then hook a survivor, WGLF you just get hit and bam you doubling your points. It doesnt even require you to do anything, you get hit regardless in every match so it literally requires, ZERO SKILL.

    Your argument is totally invalid. Using your logic, we should require WGLF users to win the chase before getting a proc if we were to make WGLF like BBQ, you will have requirements.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    You have to learn how to not get caught. It's a challenging skill. Additionally, you have to learn how to max your survival score, which is the most difficult of the four survivor score types.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 272

    Sorry but did you mean to say fair instead of unfair? I believe you did but I could just be failing at comprehension, just got off work and i'm tired.

    I can see the point people are trying to make when they say that killers should earn more due to the fact its one player facing off against four other players. I just disagree, well to an extent at least.

    From my experience, playing survivor just doesn't net enough on average compared to how much BP you need for the grind. Killer has it better, which is why anytime I need BP I wont touch survivor. I would be fine with that fact killers can average more points if it didn't feel like a waste of time playing survivor for BP. For example, if I play survivor and could average what I tend to get as killer, which is 25k to 30k, but as a killer I could now average 35k to 40k, I would be fine with that. I just feel like earning around 20k or less is just too small for how many points you need, and unfortunately for me that is usually what I expect to earn as survivor.

    On another note, I mostly prefer playing killer. Unlike most, I find killer to be more relaxing. This is probably due to the fact that I don't aim for kills but points instead, and survivors don't have the tools to ruin my experience nearly as much as a killer can. So for me, survivor is harder for me play while also getting less BP, though I do still enjoy it.

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498
  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The only thing survivors would need is a small buff to WGLF to make it kind of similiar to BBQ and some more ways to get survival points.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    You only get stacks by safely unhooking your teammates and taking protection hits.That's the completely opposite of doing nothing.

    He/She just meant that both Perks are similiar because they increase your bloodpoint gain.So i don't see any reason as to not give WGLF an additional side effect like BBQ.

    Remember,buffing WGLF could mean 1 less meta perk per survivor.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Thnat would be fine in a discussion about perk balance, but this thread is about bloodpoints *points to title*

    What I replied to was a statement saying less BP wouldnt "matter iof they buffed WGLF like BBQ" which I stated would have no increase in bloodpoints, which is what tyhe thread is about.

    If you guys want to discuss perk balance, thats one thing, but this thread is about bloopoint balancing, which is why my point still stands in this discussion because giving WGLF auras, has nothing to do with bloodpoint balance.

    ps getting hit is not really doing something. As I said, maybe we should require survivor escape chase to get the stack, then that is doing something.,

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It's mind-blowing isn't it? "Killers just HAVE to earn more BPs" "why?" "Because they're the harder role!" ...like what? Who cares if it's harder to play killer or not when the change would not affect their BP earnings in any way?

    A lot of killer mains don't want an "us Vs them" situation in the community but then they have an attitude as ######### as this towards something so unimportant and meaningless.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I wish generators, the main objective, were more rewarding. Only 1k for doing them. Survivors should fight for them. Now we fight only for unhooks. Farming my team doesnt feel good.

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    This. It's crazy that there's a cap on categories when you have absolutely no control over whether your teammates are gonna endlessly rush towards the killer and you're gonna be stuck doing solely gens and unhooks.