Honest opinion on Pig (Amanda)

Everybody say she is terrible killer. But honestly her lunge and unpredictable (yes i encountered some pigs and it is very strong) ambush attack is not weak. Her gameplay is extremely easy and traps doesn't require skill. Just use whispers,M&A, pgtw, stbfl and play around these perks. I don't think she needs to be getting nerf but she needs a little bit adjustment. She is really good at slowing games and tunneling. She can disable BT entirely just pressing ctrl button. Thats the problems about Pig. I really like her design but i wish she could be balanced more.
I think she’s a great killer. I honestly feel like if people spent more time on her than they would realize she has a lot going on for her.
The only thing I wish is that they would increase her crouch movement speed. This becomes useless once gens begin to fly as you can only use it to save stacks on STBFL when chasing the obsession.
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She's an amazing killer she might not be top tier but she's good.
Honestly besides an add-on pass and maybe a couple of tweaks to her kit like increasing the Crouch movement speed there's not much you need to touch.
Honestly even without any tweaks the only thing she really needs is an add-on pass as a lot of her add-ons are pretty bad
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That and her teaps need to be a little more consistent. But shes underrated for sure rn.
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Yes crouch speed and addons maybe need buffs but other things need adjustments
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Yeah i agree about crouch and add on side but other things is unfun for balance
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She is one of the weaker killers. Just because you don't know how to play around ambush, doesn't mean ambush is super strong. Playing her effectively isn't easy unless survivors are braindead and doesn't understand the simple mechanic of leaving the loop where the pig is crouching. Or they keep falling for the same moondash trick over and over again in the same game. Trap isn't meant to require skill, it is a slowdown. Even with M&A and whispers combo, you can still spot Pig coming if you just keep an eye out for her. Or use spine chill if you can't do that.
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Spine chill is waste of perk. I didn't say pig needs nerf she need just a little adjustment
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Adjust her by making her weaker? Isn't that a nerf?
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Helmets are too RNG and her late game power was hurt a decent amount due to the EGC. Her crouch hinders her vision by a lot and barely makes her hidden and her ambush is usually useless against competent survivors. They need to go in and give her some buffs and QoL changes in my opinion.
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Nerf is big thing. Her crouch speed and add ons need to be change. Her trap,ambush and lunge need to be little adjustment. These are my opinion you don't have to agree it
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Tunneling is a very annoying consensus to put on a killer it's usually the fault of the player rather than they killer themselves.
Technically any stealth killer would be proficient in tunneling. Worst case scenario they just have to eat a decisive.
As for her stall potential it's very chance based this can help survivors and burn the killer ( trap off in the first two boxes) or burn survivors and help the Killer ( trap off in the last two)
Now with adjustments she's in a very delicate balance when it comes to taking away elements from her kit.
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PLayed against a Blinding Piggy couple nights ago and was like, damn, I am runnning that build and it peaked my interest in her. Never felt desire to play her but after that build, I wanted try it since the first I got hooked by it LOL
Basically everything was blinded, couldnt see hooked people, couldnt see pig boxes etc,... was awesome, we all dieded
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Can you give me full detail, add on perks etc
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I agree. Trap should be less RNG and ambush should make you growl after your dash starts. Lunge is the same as other killers.
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No ambush needs to be tuned down, traps should slow the game not just RNG mori. Her lunge always hit at pallets and windows. Also 360 is impossible against her
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From memory it was hex third seal, knockout based build, not sure on addons but if you look at them you may ffigure out which ones, its the ones that remove box auras
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Oh okay thanks
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Oh okay. Time for you to git gud.
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Rule Set #2 and face mask
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IMO... she doesn't need M&A to do good
Allow her TR to do some work too
I use the ambush addons but have found some success using both additional box addons
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She's very very good. There's really only two things that might need changing.
- RBT RNG. Depending on how lucky the Survivors are, an RBT might take a survivor semi out of the game for all of 15 seconds (free on first box) or over a minute (had to check all 4). It is wildly inconsistent.
- She has a lot of add ons that are worthless and several add ons that encourage playing scummy. Pretty much any of the ones that effect Box skill checks are terrible and actually hurt you. Almost all of the ones that add a Status Effect to the RBT's encourage the Pig to tunnel people with traps. She needs an add on pass.
But yeah, other than those two things... she's great.
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Her lunge is the exact same as every other killer. The ability to 360 and her reach is exactly the same as everyone else. You're incorrect, but that's okay because a lot of people are mistaken about this. Her ambush is not good and should not be tuned down, in fact I think it should once again be considered a basic attack and her growl should definitely start upon the charge.
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She's pretty bad imo. Her traps can very from terrible to decent depending on rng and her ambush is near worthless against survivors that are even half decent.
I'd like her traps to be more reliable but the main fixes she needs is to her crouch/ambush, that's where her main issue lies. 95% of the time it's not worth using her ambush which is bad design. She needs the roar removed from the ambush, the sheathing sound on her crouch removed and raise her view point while crouched.
She also needs an addon pass.
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I feel like her ability to ambush loops gets rekt hard by anyone who decides to drop a pallet early.
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She is terrible. A stealth killer who needs 2 perks to even use her stealth? Ghostface / wraith just push M2 and run up to the generators at full speed or more, no whispers / monitor needed. And she gets screwed extra hard by spine chill compared to the other stealth killers because you will be crouching around super slow with a bad FOV looking for people.
The traps are mediocre at best, you need purple add-ons to make them even somewhat threatening.
Ambush is meh and everyone good will just run away when you crouch, unless you have combat straps (which means your traps will do nothing) and can fake it.
Probably her best feature is that if someone tries to locker DS you with a helmet on you can make them run down their timer.
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It is consensus amongst GOOD Pigs that Trap Tunnelling is terrible.
Every. Killer. Has. The. Same. Lunge.
Her game play is a juggling act, and it's when or if, not can. "When do I use my trap? Can I make the Dash successfully?" Or even something like "do I continue chase or kick the generator for stall?"
She as fantastic stall POTENTIAL. It is up to the player and a little bit of guessing game.
ANY Stealth killer or perk can shut down BT. Just don't make risky saves in the killer's face. We hate that.
That perk build might be strong in general for her, but I prefer my build of Surveillance, Nurse's, BBQ and Ruin/PGTW.
In the grand scheme of things, she is quite weak and the single most nerfed killer. More than half her add-ons are trash and some actually harm the Pig player. There are those out there that can do quite well with her though, and her problem isn't what you mentioned. That will be a very special entry into my The [Killer] Problem series.
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I fancy a bacon sandwich.
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Her ambush just meh you can ran away when she crouch (and she didn't see you in most loops). Her RBT is base on RNG and purpose is slowdown the game not for kill if you and teammate are good enough and know her ability you'll never pop your head for sure. lol