New matchmaking (Testing?) on Xbox
I’ll preface this by saying I’ve been consistently a rank 1 player on Xbox on both sides for the past year now. The new matchmaking being implemented so far has been a complete failure. These last 2 months (presumably when you guys first started testing) on Xbox have been an absolute nightmare. Right after the patch that reworked most of the maps playing as a solo que and even with my duo friend we noticed an overwhelming majority of our matches was played against a rank 20 killer who clearly has just bought the game. Killer side of things I didn’t seem to notice much of a difference... up until right around pyramid head when things have gotten significantly worse. Now on both roles the game has been nearly unplayable for about a month now. Playing killer at rank 1 results in me playing against a full rank 20 team (sometimes a poor solo que red rank player is thrown in there). Eventually if I lobby surf or play enough I find what the normal red rank lobbies. Solo que survivor and even with a friend seems to be a result of rank 20-16 teammates against a rank 1 killer. I really love dead by daylight (it’s been the only game I’ve played over the last year!) but I would like to say from my personal experience over these last months of the “testing” this game has been in the least enjoyable state of playing I have witnessed. Thank you if anyone took the time to read this, and I hope I can give anymore feedback to help improve the quality in anyway.
I've noticed the opposite really I'm a medium rank casual killer main (well used to be until I realised how underpowered they are) and I get super toxic try hards who message me abuse which they can't get banned for because its not death threats or profanity. I was in a game as pyramid head and couldn't hit anybody cause of the stupid hitboxes on xbox and then (this may be a glitch BTW) a gen which had no progression suddenly popped and then I got harassed by a user who was consistently 360ing and hiding from me cause of the bad scratch marks. So in short the new skill based matchmaking is s***