

[Killer Concept] The Alpha

Member Posts: 1

So I'm a huge fan of werewolves and thought that a werewolf killer would be a perfect fit for DBD. I'm also a huge fan of character designing (but I'm not a graphic designer so the perks look mediocre LOL) and figured I'd try my hand at designing a killer

Character Bio

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, Lydia Tate spent most of her time out in the wilderness. Her family’s property was right on the edge of a forest and almost every weekend she and her parents would leave to camp in the beautiful wilderness that surrounded them. However, one spring when Lydia was ten years old, tragedy struck. When driving down from the mountain whose summit they had been camping on, the road collapsed, weakened from weeks of rain and storms.

Lydia survived the crash, though her face, arms, and shoulders were torn up from the broken glass and shredded metal. Her parents were not so lucky. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t wake them.

Miles from civilization with no reception on her parents’ cell phones, Lydia began to walk. She knew the basics of survival, knew how to build a shelter, knew what local plants were safe to eat, and knew that if she stayed near the road, eventually someone would find her.

Except what found her first was not human, instead it was the cold gaze of predators, lured by the smell of the blood and her weak cries. But something made the wolves tracking her take pity, and for eight years they adopted her as one of their own. Over those years she learned to think like one of the pack. They took care of each other, they helped her heal and helped her learn to hunt like a wolf.

Eventually the pack wandered too close to civilization, hunting a wounded deer. Lights lit up on the rural property as a man wandered out with his rifle, trying to keep the wolves from his cattle. He had not been expecting to see a young woman with the beasts.

For the second time in her life, Lydia was ripped from her family and placed into the care of an aunt and uncle. She struggled readjusting to life as a human. Speaking was difficult, vocal cords having not been used for human speech in nearly a decade. Socializing with humans was different than in the pack. But the worst was the food.

Lydia hadn’t eaten cooked food in eight years. With the wolves, she ate raw, fresh kills. The textures and flavors made her stomach roll and she quickly began wasting away. 

She was sent to a rehabilitation home meant to help her get her bearings as a human again, but she struggled to focus on anything but how hungry she was. One night, she was caught in the kitchen, tearing into a raw steak. The next night she found the kitchen locked.

With her easy source of food ripped away from her, Lydia began relying on the skills she had learned from her pack. She watched the animals that surrounded her, made notes to herself on which ones were frail or sick. When she finally decided on her prey, she struck quickly. Finally, she could tear into the fresh flesh of a new kill, still warm and bloody.

The next morning the rehabilitation home was abuzz with the murder of a young boy who had been torn apart and the mysterious disappearance of Lydia Tate.

Power - Leader of the Pack

In the realm of the Entity, The Alpha was given a new pack. The Alpha sets her wolves to survey areas, watching and waiting for new prey. When a survivor is spotted, a wolf will howl, signaling to The Alpha that they spotted a target for the hunt. If The Alpha is in chase in range of the wolf who signaled, they will join her on the chase, running to areas she specifies to assist her in cutting off prey.


The Alpha’s perks center around tracking her prey. With her years spent in the woods, honing her skills, The Alpha is adept at locating and hunting down targets she sets her sights on.

  • Hunter’s wisdom -- Instead of tracking through survivors’ blood and scratches, you are able to track via scent. Survivors leave individual scent trails that grow stronger the longer they remain in one area.
  • Weak link -- You know the easiest target is the one that is the weakest. When within range of the weakest survivor, your terror radius decreases by 2/5/8 meters
  • Hex Lunatic -- The power of the full moon brings upon great madness. You become obsessed with one survivor, each time your obsession recovers from the dying state, gain one token. At 2/3/5 tokens, any survivor in your terror radius repairing/healing/opening must make moderately/considerably/tremendously skill checks. This effect persists until its totem is cleansed.


  • Member Posts: 205

    Just going to give some thoughts on the powers and perks

    Power - Leader of the Pack

    Depends on how many wolves they have in total. The idea seems cool, though, pretty chase focused. Wouldn't mind seeing this in the game.


    Hunter's Wisdom -- Eh, I'm not sure. It sounds cool but I think it might be a bit too powerful if done incorrectly.

    Weak link -- Depends on what it tracks. Hook states, injured or healthy, status effects? The terror radius reduction seems negligible.

    Hex: Lunatic -- God forbid you went against a Skill Check doctor with Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge, Hex Lunatic, and Overwhelming though. In a vacuum, it's pretty nice

    I like the art though, pretty nice stuff OP. The perks are kinda iffy but the power is pretty alright.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Power - Leader of the Pack

    In the realm of the Entity, The Alpha was given a new pack. The Alpha sets her wolves to survey areas, watching and waiting for new prey. When a survivor is spotted, a wolf will howl, signaling to The Alpha that they spotted a target for the hunt. If The Alpha is in chase in range of the wolf who signaled, they will join her on the chase, running to areas she specifies to assist her in cutting off prey.


    The Alpha’s perks center around tracking her prey. With her years spent in the woods, honing her skills, The Alpha is adept at locating and hunting down targets she sets her sights on.

    • Hunter’s wisdom -- Instead of tracking through survivors’ blood and scratches, you are able to track via scent. Survivors leave individual scent trails that grow stronger the longer they remain in one area.
    • Weak link -- You know the easiest target is the one that is the weakest. When within range of the weakest survivor, your terror radius decreases by 2/5/8 meters (With this perk, instead of reducing your terror radius, whenever you hit another survivor, the survivor that this perk identifies as the weakest should either scream, have there aura revealed for 5/7/10 seconds, or gain the exposed status for 10/15/20 seconds)
    • Hex Lunatic -- The power of the full moon brings upon great madness. You become obsessed with one survivor, each time your obsession recovers from the dying state, gain one token. At 2/3/5 (You mean 5/3/2) tokens, any survivor in your terror radius repairing/healing/opening must make moderately/considerably/tremendously skill checks. This effect persists until its totem is cleansed. (Slug meta in a perk. But in all seriousness, this perk won’t be meta per say, but my god would it be fun!)

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