So boring killers are the new trend now...



  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Freddy can only do that against a survivor who doesn't know how to loop a Freddy. This goes back to "sometimes simply running in circles isn't the answer". Legion is annoying, as I said, but has counters. Doc is a non issue. As for Ghostface, I have never had an issue revealing him. So I can't speak on that. I do it pretty much 100% of the time. Spine chill also has more uses than just being a warning perk. It's also key to the vault build, which I love using, by the way.

    As for Spirit, I'll give you spirit. She needs some sort of tell when she goes into her power.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    The game is boring

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    If i was chasing survivor on safe pallet to infinte loop to another safe pallet i would agree, But on 50/50 loops and if he mind game me and read my next move every single time, I don't deserve to get him just because 'this is the game rules'.

    If that happen just stop the chase and find someone else less skillfull, Because IT IS 1v4 after all.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    Avoiding confrontation is not "mastering" DBD. That's like saying you're good at a Battle Royale because you hide until endgame. And if your argument for something balance is just "don't get chased 4head" then that just proves that it's not balanced lol

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    But the point I'm making is that just because you can't "react" to his ability doesn't mean you can't trick him into missing or firing when he shouldn't. The goal isn't to react to his shot, it's to proactively make him shoot in the wrong direction or not shoot when he should shoot. It's about conditioning his behavior as much as predicting it. It's a different kind of interaction from reacting to the visual cue of something being shot and then dodging it.

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    That's completely fair. I can see how it would be seen as just a band-aid fix, which many people don't like. I would be all for another mandatory objective as well; something small that just adds an extra layer of gameplay. I'm also hopeful the new start-game mechanic coming soon will make games more fair for everyone.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    Nah they are boring because of the way you have to play against them to win.

    They win every 1v1 so you have to split and gen rush.

    I think you can agree winning by pressing m1 isn't satisfying.

    BHVR added way too many anti stealth perk for it to be a viable way to play. Not like it would be fun for either side to play that way. Who enjoy playing against an immersed squad.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Let's be honest that survivors often find killers boring that have any anti-loop abilities. But in my opinion pre nerfed hillbilly and Freddy are where the balance should be. They are threatening in chase and still got reasonable counterplay. Sadly hillbilly got omega nerfs in PTB and even leatherface looked stronger lmao