About the power of the survivors mentioned in abundance


As a survivor, I will present my views about the power of the survivors mentioned in abundance.I see that people are abundantly uneasy about their power about survivors and swf.But you know that there are plenty of camps and tunnels in this game.Killers just camp and kill at least two people(if noed, the number is increasing).When the topic of the camp opens, people say we need to rush the gen.if i don't enter swf this is not easy at all.If you enter the game alone, another survivor gets hooked and if she is camped to the survivor, she leaves the surviving game.In such cases, other survivors are punished.But in these cases, only the powers of the survivors hit the eyes of people or the powers of the swfs.Believe that when the power of the swf or the survivors is reduced, the campers will increase because setting up a camp will be an advantage.Unless the camp and tunnels are punished in the game, what you say about the power of the swf and the survivors will not change the views of many survivors.