What's the reason for NOT having this?
I know I've said this before but I think this would make strategizing with other survivors and just make being a single survivor easier and more fun. I play SWF alot. I have about 3 different groups I play with. But they cant all be on at the same time. Sometimes I've gotta play alone. I think that if we had an in game chat..FOR SURVIVORS ONLY....it would make it more interesting. Not only be able to meet new people as you play but to actually be able to talk to other survivors and come up with a game plan. Instead of having to go through making a party and attempting to invite everyone before the game starts. And if someone gets mouthy all we gotta do is hit that little "mute" button by their name.(U HAVE to have a mute button if u add game chat) now to make it even better...if instead of using regular game chat, why not make it proximity wise? I feel like that would make things kinda scary and WAY WAY MORE EXCITING!! Does anyone else find this idea exilerating?? but my question is...why hasent DBD made it this way yet? Is there a specific reason?
If they wanted to give to survivors a built in way to speak to each other, I'd imagine they would have to balance around that as well.
It would be fun at first but then you'd probably end up with people cursing their teammates for being so bad, because teamwork would be even more important.
*Flashbacks of DeathGarden*
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I like the idea but a lot of the game is based around listening so having someone else talking to you could b troubling when listening for the terror radius etc
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Yeah but that's why there would be a mute button on each player. If someone decided to start cursing or too loud you could just mute them.
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One of the best things about this game is not having to mute people. This just isn’t needed.
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funny we have swf with voice chat but people don't want voice chat int he game.
i for one don't want it either tho but we can't get rid of swf with voice chat either this what people call catch 22?
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I wouldn't mind proximity voice chat with a mute option. It'll be faster than trying to tell someone to stop running from a healer with the killer a mile away or telling someone the killer is insidious camping the basement.
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I don't see them doing this as if they did tracking perks like bond would be useless. I would love it though.