Lets talk Pyramid Head

ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

Anyone here use him frequently?

Whats a good build for him?

and how often do you manage to get survivors stepping in torment?


  • ResidentDoctorMain
    ResidentDoctorMain Member Posts: 51

    Resident Doctor Main here,

    I've played PH a fair amount, but I haven't prestiged him yet or anything. I like to run Forced Penance, Enduring, BBQ, and PGTW/Overdrive, though. I've gotten survivors stepping in torment a few times, and as a survivor, I've stepped in torment a fair amount. It usually comes down to not seeing the trenches or just running around. Sincerely,

    Resident Doctor Main

    "Wait, this guy plays other killers?"

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
    edited July 2020

    In the off chance I play him I use pop, infectious, corrupt and discordance.

    I don't have all perks, but this is the best build I could come up with what I had. Infectious to see if you need to cage or not, Pop for pressure, corrupt because well its corrupt and discordance for any gen tag teams in the late game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Really? I notice a lot of hits come from his M2 thats why I was unsure about sloppy. With STBFL do you lose tokens on the obsession kr try to M2 them everytime?

    Pop I was 50\50 on due to caging but yeah I noticed that im hooking way more than caging.

    At the moment im trying different perks but Infectious seems pretty good on him.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited July 2020

    I got two builds on him, my Cage Build and my Regular Build. Been playing with him a lot recently too.

    Build 1 (Regular)


    I'm All Ears

    A Nurse's Calling


    Pop Goes The Weasel


    Valteil-Sect Photograph, Tablet of the Oppressor

    I'm All Ears and Nurse's provide invaluable wallhacks, which should never be underestimated on a killer who can hit through walls. BBQ is still one of the best perks in the game, and Pop is the typical gen regression perk that's almost a requirement right now. The add-ons increase the time you can use your power, and increase the recharge time of said power. Alternate add-ons you can use are Spearhead and Forgotten Videotape, basically the weaker versions of those add-ons.

    Build 2 (Cage)


    I'm All Ears

    A Nurse's Calling

    Monitor and Abuse

    Infectious Fright


    Valteil-Sect Photograph, Tablet of the Oppressor

    The purpose of this build is to utilise cages much more often. I'm All Ears and Nurse's continue to provide the wallhacks that are so good on Pyramid Head. Monitor both allows you to approach survivors easier, and combos well with Infectious Fright. Speaking of, Infectious allows you to know if someone is nearby. This lets you cage a survivor if someone is nearby and begin another chase very very soon, which applies a tremendous amount of pressure. If nobody's nearby, then just hook them and move on. Same alternate add-ons you can use too.

    Alternatively if you're done with the alternate add-ons, double range add-ons (Burning Man Photo, Wax Doll) can be exceptional. Having an extra 1.5m on your Punishment shouldn't ever be underrated, particularly with Nurse's and I'm All Ears.

    Also, as another tip: Only break god pallets. Your best bet of hitting Punishment of the Damned is when someone is stuck in an animation, vaulting windows/pallets or dropping them. Force people into a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario, since you can cancel your power almost instantly and get the hit, or get an easy m2. You can even deal with shack pallet being dropped like this, but it's still reccommended you break it.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I've been playing with him quite a lot lately because I have over 50 cakes that I need to use! Sadly his perks don't synergize very well with others, so the best way to get any use out of him are perks tied to other killers. I usually use STBFL, M&A, PGTW, and either BBQ/Thrilling tremors.

    The guy has no map pressure and his entire loop potential is pretty weak. The trail of torment that he can put on the ground only affects a survivor the first time they step on it, meaning that survivors can't repeatedly succumb to the slowdown like survivors can with Freddy's dream snares.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I'm not claiming to be a pro or anything but I've been playing him a fair bit lately since I have like 20 cakes on him that I want to burn off before prestiging again. As far as add ons go, my favorite ones extend the range of his ability. Survivors just don't expect him to be able to hit from that far. His ultra rare add ons didn't impress me all that much.

    As far as perk builds go, I haven't really come up with anything special. I mostly just use my generic killer perk set up (BBQ, PGtW, & NOED. Last slot is flex to try different things). I don't know of any perks that work especially well with him nor do there seem to be any perks that suck with him. You aren't going to get on hit effects with range attacks but I don't think that is enough of a reason to shy away from perks like Sloppy Butcher.

    Getting torment effects isn't especially difficult. Just drag the sword through choke points and around corners with tall grass. If you are familiar with Trapper just think of places that you'd put traps down with him. But you don't have to be nearly as limited when using it. If your power meter is full then drag your sword till the meter is half used. There is no real reason not to.