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Why is it that killers earn more bloodpoints per match, than survivor's? (thanks for the answers!)

SeantheHuman Member Posts: 40
edited July 2020 in Ask the Community

Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, I myself main Killer and recently have been enjoying playing some survivor matches, (Of course the more I rank down the more I want to go back to higher ranks). I've noticed though that when playing survivors blood-points seem too be earned a lot less than playing killer, making ranking slower and also getting more items harder, this seems a little strange to me simply because wouldn't be more of an incentive to play survivor if they earned more blood-points? Of course the answer I have so far is because teachables are quite powerful for survivors, more than killers. Though this is just my theory.

Thanks for the Answers! I personally was a bit curious but this does make since, espically since I recently have been enjoying Survivor for relaxing gameplay vs kind of stressful Killer gameplay.

Post edited by SeantheHuman on


  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    it's most likely because killer is more stressful and harder overall because they are going against 4 other players on their own as a result tend to have to put more work in, whereas survivors have each other and split the workload 4 ways thus its easier for a survivor overall then it is for a killer. so i basically think the harder role gets more bp however i do think survivors do need a tiny buff to blood points.

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    because you don't force yourself to extra things as survivor, like cleanse totems, cooperative actions, unhook multiple times.... and just do gens and leave fast as posible.

    and because to win as killer youre forcing yourself to do a lot of things (even if is not for the points) like do multiple chases in a small amount of time, hit evrybody before they finish gens etc etc