Concept to Deal with SWF

So, we all understand that BHVR can't ban SWF because they can't control what people run on their computers while DBD is running; however, DBD can do something that will bring horror back to the game and nerf SWF at the same time.
Mic detection.
DBD can always access mic inputs without broadcasting what survivors are saying. For survivors who don't use SWF and keep their mics off, this won't be an issue. Solo survivors can simply leave their mics muted/deactivated, and they'll play like normal. SWF, however, could have their location revealed with a 16-24m range if they're actively talking. This wouldn't eliminate SWF, but even informing your teammates that you're being chased would reveal your aura to the killer. This could give the killer an advantage at the right moment; additionally, trying to the hide from the killer would require SWF survivors to be silent and stop feeding info to their team.
It's not a perfect solution, but I honestly think it's the easiest solution to implement that won't hurt SoloQ survivors or killers while remaining fair to SWF that use comms.
Edit: Since everyone's crying about it, here's the new addendum to the concept: mics only activate if you queue in SWF. If you're commentating during a SWF match as a content creator, then that sucks to be you. It's a horror game, and it should feel like one.
I see major problem with that idea. Some pc's are hard-equipped with mic (laptops usually) and will hear everything - you bumping into desk, someone calling you from other room or even *clack* *clack* of your mechanical keyboard.
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Buff soloQ to SWF level -> buff killers = possible balance?
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Streamers always have their mics on, even if they're solo.
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Theoretically, playing the game in a SWF group could enable the mic detection while playing SoloQ wouldn't. That's pretty simple to enact, too. You queue up from the SWF menu, and mic detection is activated for that game.
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Imagine if being in a SWF group revealed the killer’s aura too because in essence that’s way more OP than actually telling someone a vague idea of where the killer is.
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There are quite a few issues with this.
Content creators playing solo? Guess they don't need commentary huh.
Someone can't deactivate a mic? Sure hope you live alone and don't make any noise at all with any of your hardware.
Someone just wants to talk about their day with a friend not even playing dbd? Oop guess you've just made life 90x harder.
Literally just buff solo q then buff killers how hard is that?
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Within a 16-24m range? I don't know what the balance point there is, but both are generally in terror radius and 16m is super close. It's not a massive cross-map advantage.
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These kinds of things have been suggested before. Every streamer needs a mic. You can't severely handicap streamers when they are needed to promote the game.
The game would die if people couldn't play with their friends on voice or were discouraged from doing so. People just need to accept SWF and move on.
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Y..... NO
Like someone said earlier, I have a laptop and my mic is always actuve. I'm not going to deactivate it to play a game.
Also I stream every now and then and mic is on. So basically my aura would always be revealed because I'm reading my chat or my brother is talking to me or my niece is crying or.....
Try again
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Like I specified, it could me activated for SWF as a consequence of queuing from the SWF menu. As for relaxing after work, you can still talk outside of the 16-24m range (which is within the killer's TR) and be fine. Aside from that, DBD is supposed to be a horror game (I know, big shock), so the tension would help to bring that back.
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And what of the people who don't use comms for the game, but do swf, and do have active mics elsewhere? I can think of several streamers off the top of my head who would get a penalty for simply being in the same group with someone else. They can still stomp killers because they're good, not because they're sharing information over voice.
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You do realize that even saying, "The killer is chasing me," let's everyone else on SWF team know that they should be working on gens? Five words can destroy the tension of whether the killer is currently a threat or not and allow the other survivors to push their objective, punishing the killer for working toward theirs. SWF is destructive for the game; this is a minor inconvenience for people who use it to bring SWF back down to SoloQ level.
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Dbd is a horror game but like any horror media it loses its scare after a while. If you try and tell me you can watch The Exorcist for 50 hours and still be scared ill be damn impressed.
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You do realize that when I say "don't use comms" I mean absolutely zero communication between survivors? They are streaming. To their own separate streams. No one has the other streams open to listen because it's too much noise to be able to hear the game sounds. I mean zero communication between survivors. They. Are. Just. That. Good.
Your theory for detecting mic would screw over people like that. It's not a good solution.
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And the current system screws over SoloQ survivors and lower rank killers. More people are screwed over under the current system than would be under that system. I'd say that's an improvement.
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The idea BHVR should have stuck with but went against it
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Nah, dude. Just nah.
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using this without EXCLUSIVE permission would be an invasion of privacy. this is an internet based game, if the game were to access the mic it could then be easily hacked to record and even be unmuted without the user ever knowing. this has been discussed before with the devs and they even said they tried activating the mic originally and you'd get people breathing funny etc without realizing you're hearing another player. not something they'll want to repeat.
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In response to only your last line here.
No we don't. A cheat, is a cheat, is a cheat. Regardless of how you label it.
SWF teams have private game mode they can enable and join. So they can still play with their friends and have fun. 😍
The problem with most SWF teams is their fun is at the expense of everyone else in the game. Sometimes 1 teammate and a killer, sometimes two - and my absolute favorite .... using a friend to play killer to cheat.
If I join solo - I want fair play and a team that doesn't sandbag their teammates. I don't think that's unreasonable to want or expect. THis is not an unreasonable expectation by any means of the imagination.
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Well don't accept it. It won't and can't go anywhere without killing this game. So keep it up. :)
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We'll have to make a bet on that one :-) I think you might be surprised in the future. 😀
I see no response to the fact that they already have a means of doing SWF without having a negative impact on others. There is no reason they can't use that to have fun. So that is a very big tell on who they are isn't it?
I won't enjoy watching the downfall of the SWF teams that are playing nice with others, but I'm so not going to mourne the majority that are nasty.
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Tryharder will just use their phone with your "solution". Anyway nothing will be done, BHVR have official discord server for people playing SWF. Just deal with it.
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This content has been removed.
You can still turn those mucus off
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Or you could just look at the injured icon or physically see them on the map, or even run a killer aura perk like Alert which gives you an exact location of the killer, far better than “killer is on me”.
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Injured icon requires them to be injured first. The moment a survivor spots the killer, they can casually say, "Killer is at shack," and the other survivors can start working on gens without even needing to keep an eye out for the killer.
Also, SWF don't need aura perks or detection perks if they're being given information. SWF allows more players to bring in second chance perks, vaulting builds, and sabo builds without needing to worry about detection perks. It gives SWF a massive advantage of SoloQ for free.
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I disagree that the majority are nasty. I also don't understand what you mean by "I see no response to the fact that they already have a means of doing SWF without having a negative impact on others." What is that means? If you're referring to the OP, that option won't work.
And I'm willing to take the bet. You have to keep streamers and friend groups happy at the core. The game will not survive with just solo queue and bots. It won't be financially viable.
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Unfortunately all my experiences have proven different. I really wish I could say they weren't. Especially when one of the SWF members is a killer and that happens a lot too. My experiences with groups are they are groups of 2 or 3 survivors - you are then the odd man out and they don't care to unhook or anything else - unless they can farm you for BP. I have had more miserable games because of SWF teams than anything else.
The other means they have is a private game. If they are really not interesting in cheating through the game and they want to have fun with theirs that mode. By all means - go there.
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Even if we ignore the intrusive side of something like that, ultimately it's pointless as it can very easily be circumvented. All you need is to set some unused and not operational microphone as your OS default, and set your real mic as the setting in Discord (or any other VOIP app). DBD (and any other app that just listens to the default audio input device) won't pick up a squeak, Discord works like normal. And apps don't listen to all input devices, just like they don't output audio to something like laptop speakers, seperate plugged-in speakers and headphones at the same time by default either.
And if you don't have something like that, such as a disabled laptop mic or something.... just install a Virtual Audio Cable, don't actually set it up to be functional at all and then set that as your default "microphone", so anyone can do it.
So you have a system that makes people angry because it's invasive and it doesn't actually accomplish what you set out to do in the first place.
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You know how to deal with SWF... Kill them.
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In all fairness, you still find the weakest one and target them. While they can coordinate better, you can still out loop them and exude map pressure.
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I agree but please don't mistake me for one. I'd the odd man out often. Please kindly carry me to the exit or the hatch. Kiss me on the cheek or the forehead (or give me one good smack) and set me free to go on my way to another game with maybe a normal team.
I will even gift you what I am carrying if you'd like as a show of my appreciation for killing the SWF and recognizing how alone I was.
Thank you killer.
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If I play you in game I won't kill you. Deal.
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This has too many issues and for one doesn’t need to be done nothing needs changed with swf rather solo then killer needs buffed
Secondly a lot of PCs have built in mics so it would reveal anyone’s aura no matter what
Third I play on console and if I am solo but in a party with friends on let’s say playing war zone why should I be revealed because I have friends to talk to while I play?
Fourth on the last part why in general punish people for having friends to talk to
Fifth this will be the last thing cuz I could go on forever Say I decide to just discord call my friends maybe for when crossplay comes and I do it from an extra phone or pc not connected to my ps4 this would not do anything anymore
Now while I know swf is a lot stronger then solo and killer the solutions are not to ban nerf and punish anyone who uses a mic but to buff the side without these communications available
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Now go forth and kill all the pesky SWF teams and make the world a better place! (and make it hurt!)
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I think anyone wanting to criticize SWF should go spend a day playing in them as a survivor on the official public Discord. I think you will see that the SWF teams vary greatly. You will also see that they aren't farming others. What you are describing is rare. I play so many games both solo and SWF and don't see it that often, and I've been playing for almost 4 years.
Go experience the public server for one day and see what you experience. It will help you to see the full picture.
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This right here is the only correct solution.
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I dont mind microphones what I mind is 5 gens 5 mins so I want time for early game specially
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If there wasn't an real issue somewhere no one would be criticizing it this intensely, wouldn't you think? It would be a "meh" to each their own, and a yeah, they are annoying but everyone would shrug it off.
Unfortunately my experience right in the game itself has shown me the behavior first hand what it is like 90 percent of the time. Maybe people on the public discord behavior better for some reason? Or I have really, really bad luck - which - wouldn't shock me. Truly it would not.
Buffing the killer is an interesting idea imho for a 4 man SWF (give the killer equal footing somehow), but not if that SWF includes a Killer, or two and three man SWF. As a teammate you end up fighting against them and the killer. Not my idea of fun. Been there, done that way too many time to care to continue dealing with it.
While I'd be happy to go in and listen to them - it won't change what I'm actually experiencing.
I really wish that wasn't the case. Unfortunately my reality is different that yours.
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what do you propose for a solo buff? And dont use information perks plz, because the game is based around a lack of information, and some people enjoy it that way, and play solo for that reason. So no basekit kindred or other aura perks.
So, how to buff solo without buffing swf?
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And yet, you don't want to go try actually playing SWF where you can hear what people's motivations are instead of writing a narrative that suits your argument?
Okay, keep on talking without solid evidence (instead of speculation). See where that gets you.
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ermm I would think the solid evidence would be experiencing what happens playing with them, but hey that's logic. Who needs logic right.? 😉
Both of our sarcastic remarks aside....
As I said, I have no issue going in and watching and listening to them in that discord. Maybe that place is different which is great. Not everyone is in that discord though - I assure you.
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I’m not a game developer so I can’t really say but a buff to solo sounds better then treating discord and party chat as third party software like hack tools are me saying “I’m in a chase do gens” isn’t as strong as “I’m no clipping through the wall so the killer can’t hit me lolz”
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My point is that you are judging them based on what you see rather than what you hear. If you play with them and hear what they're saying, you might have a different experience.
I also think you'll find that the vast majority are not toxic. Yes, they have a slight advantage, but aren't bullying.
I realize that there are other servers beyond the official one and that some may not even use Discord but rather some other tool, but still, you could learn a lot from just spending a day on the official Discord.
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just buff solo queue and then buff killers.
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Won't work. There are ways of blocking programs from using your microphone through third party stuff. People will just block dead by daylight from being able to access their microphone. Plus that's a pretty big invasion of privacy, always listening on peoples mics without their consent.
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Believe me.... I will.
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Point, however ,you are asking me to ignore a freight train that I see coming because I hear the bell off a bike. That's crazy talk but I like you so I'm going to trust you.
I can't do it this week but next weekend (unless something changes) I will set up my mic and headphones, join in and see what the what is. A different is a good thing to have. It certainly can't hurt to be open minded and see. 🤗
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Sounds good. I usually play on weekends and my Discord name is the same as my DBD name, so hit me up if you need help getting it going or if you want to play together.