Is NOED a bad perk?

Now listen before you shine your pitchforks and light your torches. I'm just looking at the perk with an unbiased viewpoint and pointing out its strengths and weaknesses with no opinions.

Fact time!

It is NOT a guaranteed down when it activates.

It does not secure a free 1k 2k 3k or 4k

It has multiple counters

1, being cleansed after it lights

2, cleansing all 5 totems so you can have no fear of it

Although not exact counters, there are perks and map items that aid tremendously in the help of finding totems. And even perks that make cleansing faster to an extent

Not guaranteed to work every match

Can last anywhere from 20ish seconds to on average maybe a minute or 2

With all this in mind I'll be going into my opinions on it. For it lasting so short and being a hex by default i feel its just an inconsistent perk at best. You can run it and still get a 4k before the last gen is powered but people will still badmouth you for it. I would know because i used to do the same. When i die i woulx be "really?! He even had noed too, come onn!" But in reality they had a perk that was under so much restrictions and ran 3 perks through the whole match. They could have ran a slowdown perk instead and the gens maybe would not have been done.

But there's also the fact that a 2:2 ratio of dead and alive is a thing. So that means exit gates being powered are almost a given in most of the killer's matches. Which also means it's generally beneficial to run end game perks. If a killer struggles in lethality then noed is a valuable perk. If a killer excels in lethality then they can run blood warden, there IS a reason why survivors 99% gates. But since that's the case then they can run remember me.

Either way, an end game perk in my opinion should be meta.


  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    It's a solid perk on low tier, M1 killers like clown and wraith. It's just not very fun to go against as a solo survivor.

    Personally I think it needs a rework and nerf, but that's just me.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    That is very understandable but mind if i ask what about it is not fun to go against in your opinion? Right now I'm actually doing some tests. I personally never ran noed but I'm going to try it on plenty of m1 killers with. no 1shot downs built in. Im going for a very information orientated perk setup and having noed as my 4th perk. Made this post while waiting on queue lmao

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    There is nothing wrong about Noed, and should stay as it is. It has counterplay if survivors instead of gen rushing waste a little bit of time on bones.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    It's as good as survivors make it to be. If survivors know how to properly manage game's pace they can easily do all 5 totems to prevent NOED's effect, it's rather difficult to coordinate this as solo if you decide to depend on your teammates but it's doable.

    And even when it activates, it's still only as good as survivors make it to be. Killer is generally chasing 1 survivor before final gen pops so most of the time they would catch that survivor even without NOED. Then it all depends on how boldly other survivors play, they can all run into killer and hand out a 4k or hide and find NOED or just leave through gates. Most survivors like to for whatever reason swarm the hook with NOED active and killer camping it and then complain how OP NOED is when they could have easily avoid it in so many ways.

    I think NOED's effect isn't good for DBD's health and could use a rework but it also isn't overpowerd in any way so it's up to debate. Useful inclusion for endgame builds and good perks for unexperienced killers. I don't use it since gutting of good endgame builds of Pig and old Freddy + remember me nerf. It's still good but I don't really find any good killer to synergise it with.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    As a solo player you are forced to check every single totem spawn on the map to be sure all of them are broken. You can't trust your team to have done them. It's not exactly enjoyable to get smacked at the end of the game for a surprise one hit.

    I also think it inflates kill numbers for killers, making them look more lethal than they really are.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    It has a role but is easily countered, in fact its so easily countered that a lot of folk just don't run it, so I'm not sure why everyone complains about it. I often find when I run it I get maybe one down out of it or I never get to the endgame in the first place, so often its better to run a 4th perk other than noed.

    I think it robs people of an expected victory and makes them salty thus leading to complaints about it.

    Most success I've had is with doc as he finds people easily and can get multiple downs with it or hag trapping near the gates to port and smack everyone down before they leave.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Noed is a very feast or famine perk. It gives the killer a massive power spike at the end of the game, but as you pointed out, the survivors have a couple different ways of making it a complete non issue. I seriously doubt that Noed will ever be Meta because it is too inconsistent. That doesn't make it bad. In fact it is one of the best perks in the killer's base set... which is actually why you see newer killer players run it the most. But, there are reasons why most killers drop Noed when they get a decent stable of teachables. Its inconsistent, and unless you have Freddie, you don't have any perks that really synergize with it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I wouldn't even call it wasting time either. each dull totem is 1000 points.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    In my opinion it's a crutch perks for bad killers to get to purple.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It's a strong perk, but it's badly designed.

    And yes, there are counters such as doing the bones, but all it takes is for one set to be missed by me as a solo and nobody else doing them before I am the one who gets destroyed by the perk.

    It is also one of TWO perks/effects that hides Exposed, yet has zero input from the killer.

    I would also like to argue the point of just running another perk that will help you ALL game.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    No, it is not a bad perk.

    Can it form a bad habit? Yes. I leaned on it heavily when I first started playing killer. I formed a lot of bad habits as a killer because I knew I'd get some easy hooks once NOED popped. I had a great end-game chat with a seasoned killer who played survivor vs me one day and he advised me to drop NOED unless it was part of an end-game build or overall build. It explained why. So, I tossed the crutch down, got my teeth kicked in a few times, but learned and got better. Now, I only use it as part of specific builds.

    So no, not a bad perk. But it can become a crutch that limits your ability to learn how to truly get good at killer.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited July 2020

    NOED is highly overpowered against solos and mostly useless against a 4 man swf. It enables the worst kind of players to tunnel/camp all game too knowing they will get their endgame crutch.

    It needs a rework.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It really does inflate kill counts. I see so many games where NOED can secure an extra kill or two all by itself.

    But when you mention this to killer mains it goes over their head and they refuse to see any changes to the biggest crutch on the killer side.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    I honestly believe the very obviously weaker killers who weirdly have high kill counts are hurt because of this perk. It needs a change, but frankly most perks in the game need to be buffed/nerfed. I'm tired of seeing the same perks every game.

    Killer main btw

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389