Campy Doctors

Wylesong Member Posts: 642

I want to start off by saying I say you play however you like. If you want to camp do it and the same for tunneling.

My question is though is the Doctor a killer that needs to really camp to get kills?

I ask this only because out of the past few days I have gone against at least 10 or 12 Doctors and about 9 of them camped the person on the hook or moved but just far enough to be able to reach the hook in a second. Then even if the person got unhooked instead of chasing the rescuer they tunnel the already poor person on the hook. It just made no sense to me because he is a killer that seems to not have to camp. I mean do a few static blast then if no screams run off and pressure others. I just felt like he is one of the stronger but not OP killers so when I see killers like Doc or Spirit camping and killers like Legion and GF not camping I get confused.

Just wondering if I missed something and if Doc became a killer that needs to camp and tunnel to get kills or it just the toxic behavior growing on the platform I play on. Once again you do you and play however you like but just seemed odd.


  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    You don't need to camp or tunnel with Doc to get kills.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    It just depends on the situation. Sometimes you have to remove someone from the match.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I mean...I don't think any killer has to camp to get kills but Doctor would be an odd choice. If you're going to sit there and camp, he might be one of the worse ones at it as his powers are about discovering survivors, not hurting them. So a very....odd choice of killer to camp with.

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    What rank were they, ive seen on the low rank survivor experience vs low rank killer, everyone tunnels and camps in low ranks

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Its all situational. Has nothing to do with character or player, good killers know when to camp and when not to.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I have seen Rank 12 and the latest was a Rank 8 Doctor that no joke walked circles around one survivor so long that three gens got done. Then someone said screw it and saved the person and the Doctor tunneled that poor survivor. I felt bad for them because they spent the entire game on the hook. It just made no sense because doctor seem like the last killer to camp with considering it is so easy to find survivors that you should not ever need to camp with him or really any other killer.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Can I ask and I do not mean this with any offense or disrespect but when is a good time or a needed time to camp? I only ask because I suck as killer but enjoy it and I will never camp only because I like to give everyone fair chances and also camping means others have time to do gens. Also if I let them get the survivor but then chase the one who unhooked I have at least two (most the time if the other one goes and tries to heal at least instead of doing gens) who are now off gens for a bit.

    I mean camp if you want and if you REALLY need it but just asking when would you consider a good and reasonable excuse to camp someone? Just trying to learn. =)

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Today I had a match. At the beginning of the match I screwed up and spent way to much time looking for someone that was nearby, this allowed the others to get a serious head start and 3 gens popped right before I got my first down. 3 gens are gone, 3 survivors that hadnt been hooked, yup should have camped. I didnt, got 4 or 5 more hooks but in the end it was just delaying the inevitable. Got a 1k.

    Another game against a 4 man swf (i know this for a fact) all r1s. I didnt mess up but they still got 3 gens right after i got my first down. Id played this grouo before, so i said screw it and dragged my second down into the basement (ironically i was a doc that match). Turned into a dog fight but ended in a 4k during egc.

    Point here is, hard camping is best used as a hail mary, youre hoping the others are altruistic and you can squeeze out enough hooks and hits to safety. Its not even about the 4k at that point, though no reason to be mad about getting one. Either you screwed up (as I did in the first scenario) or the survivors are stupid good and very coordinated as in the second scenario and now your backs against the wall and youre staring defeat in the face. Gloves come off. Slugging, csmping, whatever you got to do at that point should be on the table

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2020

    I completely agree! If it is like the end of the game one gen or no gens then take the gloves off. Go in swinging and do not stop until someone or everyone is dead. If it is the start of the match though camping is yes hurting that one survivor but it is also overall probably hurting you the killer more. When 3 gens pop you have no one to blame but yourself if all you did is sit and stare like a happy creeper at the guy on the hook. lol You should have been out putting pressure on the others and forcing them to come rescue their hooker friend. lol

    You have the right idea and I am glad you got the 4k on that SWF group. I despise SWF because thanks to them they are making people think things like Keys and certain survivor perks are OP and causing killers to want nerfs. I have had this talk and was shocked when killer mains on youtube even said it but Keys are only OP in SWF who can strategize and plan so they all get out. IN solo que the survivors are lucky to even make the hatch spawn let alone somehow communicate enough to all get out if they are even alive or can find the hatch. Then DS and BT are really only abused by SWF who plan when and how to use them. I mean in solo que IF I bring BT I am luck to even get to use it because normally someone else steals the rescue and I stand there like BUT i HAD BT! lol

    Sorry got off topic but yeah I am happy you killed that SWF and I agree with your post!

    I hope you have a great weekend and keep on killing! =)

    May the odds be ever in your favor! Live long and prosper! NANO NANO!

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah first hook camping is brain dead strategy and I have no respect for it.

    I dont mind swf, theyre not all bulky squads and the ones that are arent that difficult to deal with once you get used to it. The coordinated gen rushers show where the games broken but half of those guys arent dicks about it. Kind of is what it is 😊

    Good luck to you too 😊