Sulphuric Acid Vial Value! Worth using at all?

Avid Clown player here. I would like to know people's opinion on the green addon stated in the title. It makes all survivors caught in the gas mangled for 2min.
I often feel I only really get proper value out of it in rare situations where I intoxicate multiple survivors at once with one bottle. Thus getting most of the team mangled, maximising the time they waste with little cost to me.
I must say that I use coulrophobia with my build, whether the heal penalty is stacked with the acid vial is still unknown to me.
I’m interested to see your opinion!
Could be interesting paired with thanta when you dont want to run sloppy
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Feel as though it’s a budget replacement for a heal slowdown perk lmao. Has it’s uses though...
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Out of all the mangled add-ons, its possibly the best due to how easy it is to intoxicate survivors
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Yeah thats the idea, so you can run thanta, dying light, coulorophobia and that add on and youre maximizing anti heal while still having a 4th perk slot for tracking like bbq or TT or pop or something
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Clown love to my brothers and sisters of the fog.
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Can’t say I enjoy any other killer more 😂.
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@DudeDelicious is our resident Clown main if I am not very much mistaken.
(apologies for the tag, but you are very knowledgeable about this killer and I hoped you'd be able to offer assistance) <3
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You'd be correct about the Clown Main aspect.
from the looks of it @CHED1 it looks good in a hit and run or anti-heal build but i'm not the most knowledgeable.
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IIRC in the olden days mangled used to have different severity levels (Back when it was listed as "Slows down healing speed" or whatever). So it would slow down healing by like 40 or 60 percent.
I also remember the slow repair speed chain addons for OldBilly used to stack with themselves in the early days. So if you chainsawed a Dwight 40 times, he'd actually REGRESS generators when repairing.
I do think mangled addons should be changed so they stack with Sloppy Butcher or have an increased slowdown.
And on another note, Hemorrhage addons of high rarity (Freddy's purple Z-block, I THINK Pyramid Head's hemorrhage addon is purple rarity too) should come with a built-in bloodhound. (Increased blood visibility)
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Its up to you. Just depends if you want to use the add on slot for this or the perk slot for sloppy.
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Indeed I wonder though what add-on would be best to run with it. I tend to use purple/green ether addons (Increased intoxication duration) with something like cork stopper (reload speed). With this addon I guess something that expands the gas would be good (bottle of chloroform maybe). Seems a decent choice. But then again I’m no expert.
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No need to thank me Mandy did all the work summoning you.