Do not let EAC boot you out mid match.

You can wait to ban cheaters until their match is over, seriously. Because as of right now, EAC seems to be all wonky and kicked me out of a game. It told me to quit game as survivor mid match today but didn't ban me or anything. What is going on? And no, this is not an admission of guilt.
So let me see if I understand right you are mad you got banned mid match for cheating?
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EAC did that to me after a patch because my perk color palette didn't got updated. Then I stopped tried to customize the UI since EAC break it almost every time.
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EAC recognises that a file is not as it should be - yes this can happen mid match. If you verify your game files, it will solve this problem. (it's basically that some files have been corrupted, which is why it happens then).
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I didn't get banned. I got booted out of a match while I WASNT cheating. Did you read my post at all?
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Verify files. I have this sometimes after reinstalling the game coming off the ptb. For some reason when you download the live version it doesnt do all files correctly