How is this even fair?

WARW0LF Member Posts: 200
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Pretty good job so far.

here's a wild idea, truly revolutionary, make the game actually fun to play.



  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    The matchmaking needs some time to evaluate how good you are with one killer or another.

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    past couple of days has been non stop red rank lobbies, it's making me just not want to play tbh, i get slammed playing solo surv and slammed playing killer, it's difficult to find a point in playing

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    Dude, i got today even worse, like look at it. Im killer

    It is SO damn unfair that i cant normally describe that...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Remember, this game only cares about the survivors having fun. Not killer :P

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    I'm not terrible but i'm also not good, i've mained surv for 800 hours and wanted to try killer, blew through ranks 20 - 10 really fast as it was giving me really easy yellow/brown rank survs, fair enough, i hit green rank killer and sometimes it gives me green and purple rank survs, which the games end in a 3k or a 2k, sometimes its a close game and i 1k, np, which is great, but most of the time i get red rank lobbies who trash all over me, in fact in 2 days i've played about 10 hours and only had 2 matches that had survs my rank, rest red rank with purples, i just haven't gotten chasing and looping down yet, i've only done it as a surv up until now, even then i'm not amazing at all and it's different as a killer, there seems to be a million pallets and lots of second chances, lots of misery and frustration

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Its not. You will have to wait for the MMR system.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Your running double slowdown freddy. I'd say it would've been really unfair facing people your own rank.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Yes the "history of patches" where they nerfed pallets, windows, exhaust, ds, "infinites", bt, map sizes, bnps, flashlights, slight nerf to coop gen progress, great skillcheck nerf, healing nerf etc etc

    and what did they nerf on the killer side, the nurse, who is still the strongest killer in the game if you put the time into her, the spirit... still one of the strongest killers in the game, oh and billy, which we'll have to wait and see on.

    Not to mention the reworked freddy, now one of the easiest killers to master, massive doc buff, massive leatherface buff

    oh sorry they nerfed ruin as well, which clearly hasn't change mucch in the game because I'm still seeing killers constantly 3/4K without it.

    Yep, they sure do hate killers and pander to survivors.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited July 2020

    patch 1.9.2

    The scary part is the devs were the ones who thought it was a good idea.

    Lets not pretend. The only reason devs nerf survivors/buff killers is when there's hardly anyone playing killer. So long as their survivors get a match they think al is well.

    Post edited by EvilJoshy on
  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Just because someone uses a strong killer with strong addons it doesnt mean its unfair to face same ranks.

    You can take the strongest stuff and still lose if you are not good enough.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764
    edited July 2020

    Obligatory daily matchmaking post.

    The devs are testing a new matchmaking system right now on XBOX1 as we speak (or, well, type). Posting on the forums won't speed up these tests.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    It's the one where if you flashed or pallet stunned a killer at any point during the pickup animation it would drop the survivor at the end of the animation, it was an entirely stupid update but was reveresed within 4 days.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    Senzu was responding to someone talking about patch 1.9.2.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Yea, if we're allowed to call up updates from two+ years ago I'd like to introduce Joshy to the Nurse, the strongest killer in the game who ignored everything survivors had to use against killers and they didn't touch her for three years, that's just their survivors bias showing clearly :P

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    The fun of your teammates escaping and leaving you on the hook without the killer even camping. Or the fun of them letting you get into 2nd stage and then unhooking you in front of the killer without BT. Oh, yes, so invigorating.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Just because it happened 2 years ago doesnt change how much of a screw up it was. It just further proves the devs dont know how to balance their own game. Hell how long were flash lights OP? It took Kote himself getting his ass kicked for them to realize that.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    it not fair but that MM for you.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The guy who is the head of balance from that time is actually still in his position. They still have the mindset that that patch is a good idea.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Thing is the killer was Devotion 2 level 28. That's not a Devotion for someone who just made it to rank 9.

    I'd say the game just matched him with people of a similar skill level.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    They testing it out on Xbox and it don't work and for some it does

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Unlike you, I think the devs are capable of learning from past mistakes. You keep on harping on about that patch for another 2 years, though.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Thats called a SWF party when there is so many different ranks

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited July 2020

    Wow... going to go with the personal shots first, huh? Ad hominem arguments only make you look bad. I only responded once, so I am not harping on about it, as you claim here.

    And their balancing trend, while overall it's good (in recent history), should be nothing to brag about. They are capable of making good changes (EGC, hatch closing mechanic, PH as a character, ), but they have done so many questionable ones... like what they did to Hangmans trick, Nurse Basekit, Billy Basekit, why DS unbreakable is a thing, why Unbreakable/Soul Guard exists, why they added the Robbie skins for Legion (or why legion balancing is less than great), the 8 or so Pig nerfs, or changing ruin without asking themselves why people use ruin... There are a lot of reasons why I hold them to account. Because while their biggest mistake was a long time ago, there have been some recent ones that still make me wonder who they are balancing for, even when we all know the answer. That, and they have the capacity to make great balancing choices.

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    no it didnt, clearly, i have most of my hours (800) on survivor and spread out over 3 and half years, i probably have less than 20 hours on killer, i should NOT be getting red rank survivors, there's no argument to that, there's no "oh well, he's using something i find strong, so screw him, eh, amirite"

    the game should feel fair, it doesn't

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    He said he played only survivor before. If you only have killer experience from the survivor view this wont help that much.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    It is fun, for the survivors. That's 90% of what the devs care about.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Fair argument 👍 didn't think about the fact you could've just played survivor.

    You shouldn't have been matched with them based off ranks. Though I must say getting 20k points against red rank survivors is pretty good. That's not someone who's a complete baby as killer.

    So even though you shouldn't have faced them, it didn't hinder you that much from what I can see. Definitely doesn't seem like you should be facing rank 9 survivors at that rate.

    Look at the message he sent above lol I didn't read all the comments so I didn't know he only played survivor.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    No, not defending it, but pretending that survivors have never been touched to try and say that the devs favour survivors is ridiculous when you can list off a dozen nerfs to survivor, granted they're all warranted but if they really favoured survivors that list of things would be half as long.

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    I got entity displeased that game, they were so organised that two kept looping me like hell, one would wake up/heal to avoid snares then they would swap and take hits for each other, totem spawns screwed me because both my ruin and huntress lullaby got taken out after first gen, pretty early, got a couple of hooks, by time i'd gotten my 3rd hook gens were done, couldn't camp the hooked guy cause the doors were pretty far, so i semi camped but alas BT came in again and they body blocked and escaped, i honestly didnt stand a chance, didn't know what to do

  • WindyCityBum
    WindyCityBum Member Posts: 18

    Really hate to say this but as s killer main, I look forward to a challenge. I'm rank 8 so not far off from you either. The more you play the better skilled, in theory, the survivors will be.

    I've seen a few replies giving you advice on other perks etc but you have to know what you're looking for from the game too. I haven't been playing long (120 hours maybe?) but knowing what you want can help you with pipping up to harder challenges or pipping down for casual experience.


  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776
    edited July 2020

    They don't hate killers, they just want survivors to feel better than they actually are so they keep the cosmetic money train going.

    Anything that gives the killer full control is usually nerfed into oblivion. This is why they are adding cool downs to everything so the survivor can control the killers power.

    I am shocked spirit is still going.

    Lets use billy! You could feather a loop until the survivor was in the correct position and chainsaw them. Post nerf billy, what is feathering?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266


    for Survivors.

  • wwemonkey619
    wwemonkey619 Member Posts: 14

    I don't know what the big deal is i'm a Green Rank and i recently killed 2 rank ones although they played like babies for the most part and they did have a rank 18 teammate who probably wasn't doing much most of the game but yet somehow did better than a rank 8

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    this isn't even that bad. until MMR came into the game, the system was set up so it allows you to get survivors/killers either 6 ranks higher or lower than you which is half of your lobby and there isn't much difference between rank 1's and 3's. i've been seeing rank 20's get red ranks, that is what you call bad.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm sorry that you struggle so much to have fun as killer, I enjoy it even when I come across competent survivors, but I know that I shouldn't win every match and done come to the forums and pretend I should because It's very easy to realise both sides can and should be able to win.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447

    The matchmaking system on Xbox right now isn't really good either though tbh.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Not necessarily, like I'm only a Rank 13 killer atm, and I've gotten matched against 2-man Purple Rank SWF, and a 2 man Yellow Rank SWF in the same match. Next match I again had 2 (diff people) purple Rank SWFs. Like the MM system just seems to be throwing stuff at the wall at the moment. I've think I've also had gone against Solo Q rainbow ranks as killer before. Sometimes MM just be like that.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    The problem is that i am playing survivor and see the other side of the story. All it has done is confirm my feelings because it is to damn easy.

    The only complaint i have is iri huntress needs to go and pyramid head zones to easily.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    This game is super unfair on both sides. As a survivor you get steamrolled and facecamped in yellow/brown ranks and as killer you get steamrolled as soon as you get past brown/yellow ranks by flashlight clicking, t bagging survivors with ten second chances and get out of jail free cards.

    The former is caused by a huge skill ceiling for survivors, they have to learn a dozen different tricks and mechanics to become competitive (360, mind games, memorizing maps, aiming flashlights, timing actions) and the latter is caused because killers are typically not rewarded or outright punished for using their powers (legions frenzy, clowns slowdown reload, nurses cool down and fatigue,) their only gameplay reward is a hit. I think it was otzverda who did a recent video where he explained really well how each killer is basically not rewarded for using their power skillfully. A good example is when ghostface does a lean from cover stalk and marks someone and then downs them there's no difference between that and just marking them while in a chase with no special stealth. Otz suggested as an example in that scenario GF should have his stealth refill faster afterwards. Something small that rewards skillful play. Survivors perks tend to reward them for playing poorly, or rather they're given more chances to tilt the odds, sometimes a little and sometimes a lot.

    Oftentimes there's little to no incentive to the killers power or it relies on the survivors to give the killer their power. An example is clowns potions. You can get insanely good at throwing and aiming them but sometimes in a chase it's actually just faster and more efficient to just m1 instead of trying to use a potion and then m1 because using his power wastes time.

    Another example is LF and Billy can both chainsaw pallets, but without add-ons to decrease the chainsaw charge time it takes the same amount of time to break a pallet regularly as it does with a chainsaw. Survivors can also still pallet stun them both when they're using their chainsaws. The only benefit is if you charge the chainsaw behind the corner of the pallet and then use it to destroy the pallet you make it harder for a survivor to flashlight stun you while breaking the pallet but it's such a marginal benefit and it wastes time.

    The number one thing that's unfair for survivors is camping hooks. At the end of the day it gives them the feeling of being powerless even though I've seen 4 escapes in a match against a camping bubba.

    TLDR this game sucks for everyone lol

    Why do I play this game 😂

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The massive, massive irony being that Freddy is one of the least fun killers to go against, simply because everyone knows how easy and mindless he is, and the sheer number of Freddy's they see because of that.

    And you cannot convince me otherwise given that, when I wanted to farm BP yesterday, I popped on some MiW and listened to their last 3 albums whilst mindlessly getting 2-3k's. I literally cannot do that even with my best killers. I've tried. And suffered the depips.

    I get that the game needs to be fun and fair, but a little self-reflection is in order.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    Lol, you can not be serious about this statement. Every change for the last year at least has been pro-killer. I see survivors on this forum daily post about the same issues and nothing is ever done, in fact the devs put out interviews that state plainly they couldn't give a ######### less about those complaints and plan to do nothing. This is not a pro-survivor environment at all.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The quantity of changes doesnt measure up to the quality. Survivors are still the stronger, easier role, and there have in fact been plenty of "pro-survivor" changes to boot. Ruin is gone, Nurse is harder than ever, Spirit got a bit of a nerf, Billy is getting nerfed, even the BL "nerf" actually made it stronger. Hells, the instaheal-nerf patch actually made medkits stronger and didn't even remotely touch steptic agents. And, Kindred buff, aye? That was a sweet one, it's now my favourite perk. And the Gearhead nerf... I'm not sure why it happened, but it most certainly happened. And there's the Dedicated Servers, they nerfed Plague, Myers and Ghostface and made grabs borderline impossible, with the only downside being "exhausted on the ground", something that's still easy to avoid by simply using the perk correctly. And the second Legion nerf, that was a wierd one. Plus, the massive, massive buff that was chase music drowning out survivor footsteps and breathing.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Yeah but most of the time high rank varieties comes with some kind of SWF group

    Beside the MMR system aint live everywhere yet as much as i know?