Gen Rushing, Camping, and Tunneling.

Lots of valid discussion happening with these topics. It's quite obvious that survivors can finish 1-3 gens within the first 2 minutes of a match and it usually ends up in a 0k-2k which is dissatisfying as killer, since you most likely need to camp or tunnel for those kills. Though in these scenarios, increasing gen times would be fine, BUT you get the killers that camp on first hook and deny rescuing of any kind which making increased gen times dangerous since if you can fully camp a survivor for the cost of 2 gens. If gen speeds are increased, why not face camp for a higher win chance? Finishing 3 gens with 3 people is much more difficult than 4 survivors with 5 gens. That's taking in consideration of survivors in chase, running to objectives, altruism, etc.
If gen times were to be touched, then hook sacrifice stages need to looked at. Maybe it's making them longer, or making it punishing for killers to be closer to the hooked survivor while outside of a chase.
Playing the game is meant to be fun, and if one side is having fun and one isn't due to Gen rushing, Camping, or Tunneling, that just shows a massive game flaw. If the goal is also to make the game competitive and about skill, rather than casual fun, then that leads into the flaws in RNG, matchmaking, and rank, which need a massive overhaul. Definitely bigger than an MMR system.
Though as of now, tunneling, slugging, and proxy camping are valid measures for victory, it seems so wrong and in serious need of improvements. This should be a priority, rather than adding perks like: DS, Corrupt Intervention, and BT as counters. Those "bandaid" fixes in form of perks just cripple and you shouldn't have to use a perk to counter a flawed game design.
I wouldn't be against increasing the gen times, but that will slow down a lot of the game and we'd need lots to be balanced accordingly (ie, movement speed, alternate objective speed, animations, etc.) Not to mention, it'd make PGTW more powerful than it already is.
Let me know how you guys feel. I'm open to all feedback.
The devs are making an early game start, while it is another bandaid it should help.
But I really don't think gen time is bad, I actually think it is on a good spot, what I hope happens is that more maps should get reworked and try to make maps balanced for both sides.
What I suggest for facecamping (being 15m away while staring and not leaving the survivor unless the killer is on a chase right there) is if the killer is actually face camping increase gen speed for survivors, no one likes facecampers and this is coming from a killer main, I don't get why people enjoy actually face camping.
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Gens are too fast for the health of the game. Yeah you can still win as a Killer but you have to play super flawless. By the time you down the first survivor you lost the first gen (had a game yesterday with Billy downing a survivor in less than 20 seconds and when I hooked him the first gen was already done, still won that match but holy moly.
My suggestion is to make gens go slower if you repair them while injured. Nobody heals because of dead hard so we can punish that without having to increase the normal speed progression.
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The survivors are supposed to work as a team, so I'm kind of partial to the idea of gens repairing significantly slower if you're repairing them alone (so you're not at maximum benefit by having the survivors scattered to the four winds each solo repairing a gen at the start of a match) -- with the caveat that solo repair speeds increase each time someone dies.
I don't know if it would actually fix anything, but I think it would result in a game that's much more in line with the spirit of the concept instead of the quasi e-sports shenanigans it appears to have become. Hell, it'd even be lore friendly. Could talk about how having someone there to hold a bundle of wires out of the way while you repair is more efficient or whatever. Extra hands and all that.
Obviously repairs are already faster as a team, but it's really a detriment to be doing that early game in most cases, which is completely bizarre given the nature of a team-based game about working together to survive.
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I mean increasing gen times is not the way to go in my opinion. The devs have once talked about an early game phase that they are working on which sounds much better. But yes, I conpletely agree. If the gen rush problem does get adressed, camping and tunneling will need addressing too, otherwise killer queue times will become way too long i fear.
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I think there's 5 gens, and at the start of the match every single pallet is up. Add into the size of maps and how most killers take a long time to pressure due to it, you can very easily lose 3 gens right at the star of a match. While you can make an argument that fewer gens means closer together survivors thus more pressure, again, the reality is map sizes mean that it's not as much as you think.
I don't think that a game should be decided based on factors completely out of your control like that. The one common factor among all of what I just said is really simple: map size. It's funny how nerfing Ruin simply created more problems than it fixed, but what it did is what has simply never been fixed, despite it being nerfed.
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Yeah I find games are getting pretty ######### for me as killer. I'm now tunneling and camping because if I don't I'll never get any kills. I'm not going for the 4k heck I'd enjoy it if I could get 4 BBQ stacks.
I know the usual "git gud" wankers will come out of the woodwork but seriously, I've gone from really enjoying the game to just kinda hating it at the moment. Increasing gen times is probably not a solution because survivor is boring as bat ######### to play. On the other hand though you only need 1 good player to carry the team to an escape and I know because I suck as survivor and still escape 90% of games thanks to others keeping the killer busy.
Add to that lately I can't hit people who are unhooking even if they do it in my face, guess that's a bug. Most grabs leave me stuck in animation for a sec or two resulting in a lot of distance being lost. The stutter when in chase results in m1's that don't even register so chases go on forverer because I never even swing when a hit is all but guarenteed. Meaning the survivor makes it to that window/pallet yet again. There is no value in chasing survivors if they can't be hit. If it wasn't for Trapper's traps man, oh and I swing through anyone who's trying to rescue someone in a trap too.
Hopefully the new MM will fix the red rank death squad match ups. I haven't had a balanced game in fricken days. I feel real good when I get the 2k vs a group who are much better than me but its a rare friggin event. To top it all off every game ends with the most vitriolic abuse.
I've saved up my cakes because I doubt I'll get a match where I want other people to benefit because they are so friggin ######### to play with. What the ######### is wrong with this community.
Phew that was a rant. I'm looking forward to the hag rift as she is my main but can I bother to keep playing till then.