Extra Spooki Drawn Roman Numeral! Edgy Chapter Title!

Edited! Now With The Base Stats, Perks still can't think of names and all that jazz! (Just as many spelling and grammar mistakes tho)
A Edgy Vampiric Killer Based off Zephonim from Nosgoth in the Legacy of Kain series! (Screw Rocket League)
Name: Some kinda Gothic gibberish. Or probably just Gothic because that jazz is cool.
Alies(es) "Zephonim"/ "Deceiver"/ "Vampire"/ "The Great Succ".
Gender: Asexual Spider Demon, formerly male.... probably a eunuch now... (poor sod).
Nationality/Ethnicity: Dat boi undead, he got none..
Realm: Silenced Cathedral.
Power: Shadowrun.
Passive Trait: Infection: Missing a skillcheck on a healing action after being hit by the Deceiver will cause the survivor to suffer from hemorrhage until fully healed, this is a passive trait that remains for the whole match.
Alt. Attack = Basic Attack: No.
Weapon: Manifested Eldritch Energy Blade (Think of Spirits Weeb Sword but also a Lightsaber if it was a Pata (Gauntlet Dagger/sword thingamajig).
Movement Speed: Crouching ∞ 1.13 m/s 28.25 %
Walking ∞ 2.26 m/s 56.5 %
Running ∞ 4.0 m/s 100 %
(Devolved Form)
Alt. Mov. Speed: Crouching ∞ 3.6 m/s 90 %
Running ∞ 4.4 m/s 110 %
(Evolved Form)
Height: Short (Devolved)/Tall (Evolved)
A Mischievous Killer, able to debilitate survivors with his movements and presence!
Power: Shadowrun! His inhuman hunger for blood fuels his strength, gaining mischievous power from stalking and injuring survivors. Injured survivors leave trails of blood that the deceiver can consume to fuel his powers. Downed survivors can be drained to change form and sate his thirst. The Deceiver starts the trial in a Devolved state, at crippled speeds! Granted undetectable, it is able to move as survivors do in this form. Walking as they do, sprinting, vaulting, crouching (crouching stays throughout but I thought it be best I emphasize on it a little), even interacting with certain map objectives, albeit, in a mischievous manner.
Tampering with boxes, generators, and even pallets and windows, haltering survivor progress. Causing survivors that interact with these objects to suffer from Various effects. Hindered (Taking an item from a tampered chest) Blindness (missing a skill-check on a tampered generator blinds survivors currently working on it, and the Deceiver if he happens to be in the vicinity of the explosion), Oblivious (opening boxes, entering and exiting lockers). Depending on the object, the effects last for 5 seconds after interacting with them. Once a survivor interacts with an object it will remain tampered for an additional 10 seconds. (The blindness obviously does not last 5 seconds... but what if?)
Able to stalk his prey and learn their tactics, once stalked a survivors aura is shown for the duration (default stalk duration in both Devolved, and the Evolved state is 30 seconds) (it takes 4.5 seconds to stalk a survivor in the Devolved state) he can change his form into a marked survivor, downing the marked survivor hides their presence from their team, tamping with objects, performing destruction, and actions on anything that is not the marked survivor removes this disguise.
Consuming blood from injured survivors grants the Deceiver terror radius, short bursts of speed, and slowly removes former abilities in favor of new ones, aiding in the hunt.
Once enough essence is consumed the Deceiver permanently changes form. Gaining Monstrous Height, greater movement (110% to be precise), terror radius (16 meters), trading former abilities for new ones (can no longer vault obstacles as a survivor does, use mimic, or tamper with objects) The deceiver can still crouch). Instead it now stalks survivors in order to use his new ability: Shadowstep, quickly closing gaps to end chases quickly with his weapon the Manifested Eldritch Energy Blade!!! (I just like saying it)
The Deceiver can use Shadowstep to move at inhuman speeds (300%), striking into a marked survivor Within a Range of 8 meters. The Victim Must Be Within Line of sight. Once hit/downed, the mark is removed. The Deceiver must either give chase to stalk again (stalking a survivor in the Evolved State takes 2.4 seconds), or finish running down its prey, if they aren't already felled.
Counters to the Deceiver would include, early game pressure, healing a lot, spine-chill, and comms, also running in straight lines before he powers up. Kinda like Myers.
Addons include stuff and things that does jazz like:
Faster stalking.
Greater speed at which he consumes essence.
Amount of essence consumed.
Instant downing after using Shadowstep at a certain distance.
Outright killing a survivor after they've been completely drained, stalked (it will take 15 seconds of stalking to kill a survivor this way), and downed using Shadowstep.
(to change form it takes the equivalent of getting two survivors at 3rd hook, depending on the addons and how often they heal, thats could nearly 9-12 hits and a lot of chasing if they don't heal).
Using his Shadowstep ability to go through walls at the cost of no longer being able to target the victim, instead gaining charges for stalking survivors, maximum of 2 charges.
Ability to read auras after stalking (in his evolved state).
Or trading his Evolved speed in order to keep certain stealth abilities (undetectable while crouching. Revealing survivors auras for the stalks duration) at the cost of gained speed (Putting him at 107% movement once evolved rather than 110%).
We could also give Ghost Face an addon that reveals auras instead of exposes for the duration, or a Busted Camera addon that blinds both him, and the survivor that blinds or stuns him, seemed like a funny one. The number of times I've blinded myself with firecrackers is too dang high!
The Groovy Perks! (maybe idk)
Edgy Perk Name #1: If a survivor breaks chase, the next time that survivor performs a cooperative interaction their location is revealed for 2, 4, and 6 seconds per level of perk. This can only happen once per survivor every 30, 21, and 16 seconds respectively.
Edgy Perk Name #2: If a survivor remains injured for more than 60, 45, and 30 seconds per level of perk, the next time they perform an action for more than 12, 9, and 5 seconds respectively, they will emit your terror radius as if you were on top of them, the injured survivor afflicted will not be aware of this terror radius. Survivors performing cooperative actions afflicted by the terror radius perform them 3% slower per survivor. Idk maybe. Not many fun slow down perks atm, seems like a fun one.
Edgy Perk Name #3: After hooking a survivor, any survivor not performing any action objective (gens, totems, healing, searching dem boxes, ect.) will immediately and brutally be raped by the entity. Scream, revealing their location for 2, 4, and 6 seconds per level of perk. For those do nothin' Blendettes that are shitting in the tall grass.
i haven't heard any talk about the Legacy of Kain for years cool idea.
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Eyyy just got done tinkin about the perksEdgy Perk Name #1: If a survivor breaks chase, the next time that survivor performs a cooperative interaction their location is revealed for 2, 4, and 6 seconds per level of perk. This can only happen once per survivor every 30, 21, and 16 seconds respectively.Edgy Perk Name #2: If a survivor remains injured for more than 60, 45, and 30 seconds per level of perk, the next time they perform an action for more than 12, 9, and 5 seconds respectively, they will emit your terror radius as if you were on top of them, the injured survivor afflicted will not be aware of this terror radius. Survivors performing cooperative actions afflicted by the terror radius perform 3% slower per survivor. Idk maybe.Edgy Perk Name #3: After hooking a survivor, any survivor not performing any action objective (gens, totems, healing, searching dem boxes, ect.) will immediately and brutally be raped by the entity. Scream, revealing their location for 2, 4, and 6 seconds per level of perk. For those do nothin' Blendettes that are shitting in the tall grass.Post edited by orangegoblin on0