Civil Discussions: For Dummies

I don't know about others, but I personally have been getting really tired of people on these forums who find a post they don't agree with, and instead of giving their reasoning and opinion on the matter, will just hurl insults at the OP and dismiss the topic entirely. I think it's a fair observation that this is not only a very bad way to handle a debate, but is also very unhealthy for this community as a whole, so I just wanted to clear some things up not just for those people, but for everyone to keep in mind when making a comment on something your not incredibly fond of.

Everyone is here for the betterment of the game

Regardless of whether or not peoples ideas and opinions would actually help the game, everyone is here to make suggestions on things they think would benefit the game as a whole. I think this is very important to keep in mind. The next time you see someone who says Clown needs a nerf, instead of saying "eww you clearly haven't played killer and are stupid" you can instead give them your reasoning on why many people will disagree with this, and instead of the OP feeling like their being harassed, they might think about what you said and even change their mind on the subject matter, realizing that this would in fact not help the game.

Understand what the opposite side is dealing with

Asymmetrical games will always come with large quantities of the player base that are extremely disconnected with the other sides experiences, unfortunately there is nothing that we can do to change that, as people will always prefer one side over the other, or play exclusively one side leading to these disconnects with the other side. This is why people who play both sides tend to (not always) understand the problems that both sides have and usually understand where people are coming from in discussions that one side may see as ridiculous. What I'm getting at is that when you see a complaint or suggestion coming from a side you don't play, either give that side a try to understand their reasoning, take their opinion with a very LARGE grain of salt, or just don't respond at all. If you don't have a good comprehension of the subject matter then why give an opinion that you may not know you would have after playing the other side. I personally have been playing both sides since launch, but prefer killer, so whenever I see a post from an "eNtiTleD sURvIVoR mAin" I take it with a grain of salt, and look to my experiences when playing survivor to try and understand where they are coming from.

Avoid getting off topic and derailing the conversation

Pretty much the heading, just avoid getting off topic or changing the subject, and stay on topic, if there is a post complaining about keys, don't immediately dismiss the topic by saying, "Oh well mori's exist so keys can't be nerfed." Instead try focusing on the main discussion, or if the two are related such as keys and mori's, instead try coming to a compromise on changing both of them.


Just be nice to people, respect their opinions, and don't hurl random insults at them just because you don't agree with them, civil discussions will always better this community and the game as a whole as it will bring people together to understand and agree on certain topics. Sorry this was so long, I just really wanted to go into detail on this because I really care about this game and think civil debates will really go a long way.

TL;DR: Make sure to respect others opinions and give your reasoning on why you disagree with something, having civil debates will really better this community, and can change peoples minds instead of hurting people's feelings.
