Cooperative mode for murderers

Xinpai Member Posts: 28

Hello everyone, first apologize for the errors in the translation of the google translator.

There is something that has always seemed to me to be missing, and it was the option of being able to play cooperatively with your friends playing as assassins, I think we all think in that case of bringing in two assassins, which is something really disproportionate So I think there is a much cooler option and that can also make people who do not like this style of play, if not the strategy can be fixed in the game. I hope this track has served you to imagine what I want to propose and that is, that the second assassin really plays as the Entity.

 I am going to explain the mechanics of what I have in mind, the second assassin will play as the Entity, its real function is to support the assassin, instead of playing in 1st or 3rd person, we play with a strategic view or eagle view (like a classic strategy game, to give you an idea if you know the natural game selection 1 or 2, it would be similar to the commander mode directing the aliens or marines, giving them orders and assistance, although it could also bring the camera closer or rotate it to get a better perspective on things). In this case, the interaction with the assassin is not as direct as in a classic strategy game, but it is assistance. As you all know, the entity has automatic functions such as blocking windows through which a sup has repeatedly jumped, etc. etc. In this case those functions lose their automation and it is the player who has to activate them manually. In order for the sups to know that they are playing against a team of coop assassins, at the beginning of the game a macabre laugh or some sound should sound throughout the map that will indicate it.

 Also the entity has what is known as fog of war, you can see the entire map but not the sups directly but if you could distinguish things with the environment such as chest openings (no warning is given but an attentive player can realize these things), you can see how the sabotaged hooks break, the crows fly or you can see the movement of the motors (its 4 phases of movement of the pistons) but not hear them, in the foggy areas of war the entity would be deaf and blind except for objects in the environment that could see but not hear (or see if a sup is interacting with them). The only data in real time and total would be what the advice around you would provide.

 Ok now we would have to see how the player would interact directly with the murderer, as I have already said it would be more assistance than direction, this means that the entity can guide but not order, the way to do this would be that the player could click on a point close to the assassin, causing a whisper to be generated in a direction with a different sound than that given by the perks (the assassin's perks that perform the entity's automatic functions DO NOT lose their automation, since these are abilities of the assassin and not of the entejugador, for example the perk that makes you hear whispers with close sups would sound car although with a different sound or the one of the hunter that makes the murderer momentarily disconnect from the entity, causing him to have no source of information neither of the murderer nor of the environment briefly) if the murderer is attentive enough he can follow these whispers to guide himself, keep in mind that the click must be done near the murderer not so that you can hear it and follow a trace in one direction, if you click on an area far from the map such as where a chest opens, the whisper will be generated in that area that is outside the murderer's hearing range, this ability to whisper has a 1 second cd so as not to saturate the murderer with sounds.

 I have also commented that the player should be in charge of some automatic functions of the entity such as blocking windows when a sup repeatedly passes over it repeatedly, this makes the window appear to the player a white frame in which You can click to block the passage, if you are not attentive the browser would lose that option after a few seconds, this may change the strategy of the sups a little, for example, by not activating the sup. think that it is not blocked and when you turn around quickly it will be blocked in the face (I doubt that much will happen since as I say it has very little time to activate and the normal thing is for the sups to go to the opposite side of where the murderer or go around the environment making those few seconds pass to activate it), right now I do not remember many more automatic functions but I know that there are some more.

 To finish, comment that accessing the game mode with Ente could only be done by playing in coop mode, the normal mode only allows the automatic entity, so guys, to find friends or couples to play with.

 And last but not least, the entity would unlock as a new assassin for everyone with their own blood network but with much higher costs, this means that they could have their own perks or even offerings (in no case objects or improvements). I think that the ideal for this would be to put a series of basic perks of the entity and then add an extra for each murderer you have bought or unlocked in your account (this would encourage people to buy more packages or murderers). As an addition, I would also like to see a small series of active skills depending on the perks that have been chosen (not all of them have to add a skill), making it possible to activate or deactivate the ability within the game by pressing 1 to 4 and with You throw M2 wherever you want. An example of this could be done something like the fog at a particular point thickens extremely, this makes the sups move more slowly inside and it is difficult or even can not see anything through it including the area of red light from the killer's vision. This perk raises the fog thickness by one level and the skill depends on the fog thickness level on the map.

 Greetings and I hope the dbd guys read this and it may seem like a good idea, xao xao.

 PS: I strongly encourage you to squeeze your brain and make proposals for perks that you liked to see for the entity, both your own and that inherited from each of the assassins.

URL of the original post in Spanish: