We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

New Killer Idea: The Gorgon (Medusa)

Willroxas Member Posts: 4

The Gorgon (The Medusa)

·       Speed: 110% (4.4 m/s)

·       Terror Radius: 24m

·       Height: Average

·       Map: Medusa's Lair

·       Power: Petrification Gaze

The Gorgon, consumed by revenge, patiently waits for her prey, that wants to defeat her at all costs, to enter her home. What they do not expect is her murderous look and a cruel future.

The Gorgon's power is charged every time a Survivor looks directly at her, head on. It takes 5 seconds with Survivors looking directly at her for the power to fully charge, it doesn't need to be the same Survivor, the charging can accumulate.

With the power charged, the Gorgon can fire a stone beam through the eyes when the power is activated. The power is activated for a time of 30s, and has a small cooldown for each ray fired.

When hitting Survivor with the stone beam, a timer starts. After 10 seconds, the Survivor turns to stone, remaining still for a total of 5 seconds. It is possible for another Survivor to help the other out of the petrified state, using the action button, and facing skill checks. If the survivor fail the skill checks, the petrified Survivor will remain in that state 2s longer for each error. If The Gorgon hits the petrified Survivor, it will go straight to the dying state.

     In addition, The Gorgon can petrify Pallets (which cannot be dropped while in stone state), Chests (which cannot be opened), Hooks (which cannot be sabotaged) and Items on the floor (which cannot be picked up) . The objects are petrified for a total of 20 seconds. A maximum of 4 objects can be petrified at a time, until they return to normal.


·       Nothing can be broken

In her domain, no one can do what they want. As soon as the exit gates are powered, all totems are blocked by the entity for 30s / 45s / 60s and cannot be destroyed. The perk is disabled for the remain of the trial.

"You think you can undermine me? Come, face me head on if you're capable." – The Medusa

·       Hex: Gorgon's Eye

If they want to escape from you, they must do their utmost to do so. As long as the Hex totem is standing, each time a Survivor stays for a period longer than 90s / 80s / 70s without performing any action (repair generator, open chest, purify totem, stun Killer, blind killer), he or she will suffer from blindness, exhaustion and mangled status effect for a period of 30s / 45s / 60s, in addition to screaming and revealing the aura for the Killer for 2 seconds.

"The more you hide, the stronger I get!" - The Medusa

·       Chase in the Dark

The secret of good revenge is that you don't know where your beautiful statue will be. Whenever you are in a chase, the aura of an injured Survivor being chased cannot be seen by any other Survivor, and if it is the obsession, the claws on the HUD will not move.

"You will be a beautiful statue in my lair, especially with no other nearby." - The Medusa


  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Her power sounds mediocre, because it's so heavily reliant on survivor choice. If they avoid looking at her directly (which from Ghostface we know is incredibly inconsistent anyway) then she simply has no power.

    Nothing Can Be Broken is literally just "Protect NOED." It sounds just awful. Not in the least because now you're going without 2 perks JUST to use NOED.

    Hex: Gorgon's Eye honestly seems more like a survivor perk, because all it does is motivate survivors to not be Blendettes that don't contribute to the team. If anything this would just cause you to lose faster because survivors are more active.

    Chase in the Dark would be good if not for the fact that it only hinders solo survivors. SWF completely counter this already.