Will Cross-saving refund our currency or have they announced it someplace I missed?

A thought came to mind and I wanted to ask. When cross-save comes around, will the auric cells we spent on costumes we already have on other systems of the game refund to us? Or are they going another direction? I've been trying to keep myself updated but now I dont know.
Best Answer
"Allowing players to team up with their friends from other platforms was the first step to break barriers between platforms. We know that some of our players are active on several platforms, and Cross-Progression is also one of the top wishes from our community.
We are thrilled to announce that we are preparing the first steps toward Cross-Progression and that it will be available for Steam, Google Stadia and Nintendo Switch in September! Players will be able to share their progression, purchases, and inventory on those 3 platforms – Exceptions might have to be made to accommodate for some external licensing needs.
As of today, we cannot make Cross-Progression available on other platforms and we have no guarantee that it will happen. However, we know that this is a community wish, and we will keep trying to make it happen."
As far as I know, ATM we don't even know if we're getting cross-save. We just know we're getting cross-play, which is not the same thing at all.
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my mistake. Haven't kept up with this game too much lately with the mess it is rn.
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Thanks a ton bud! : D