Killer Matchmaking is Broken

For the past 2 months I've been trying to get my killer rank as high as I can and I finally got to rank 4. I've got to say it feels very satisfying when you win with the system working against you. 90% of the time matchmaking put me against survivors who were much higher rank than me and then 10% of the time put me against survivors who were lower rank. I know I don't have Rank 1-3 killer skill which make me wonder why the game constantly puts me up against red ranks. I think I'm going to take a break from killer for while or at least until they fix matchmaking because I've noticed myself getting very frustrated with matchmaking and becoming the exact killer I despise going up against (face camping at end game to secure a kill, tunneling weaker links to get them out of the game). Any time I saw possibly problematic items I'd pack a mori to even the odds.

I hope that the devs fix matchmaking sometime soon.

Below I've attached a bunch of screenshots of the most whack matchmaking


  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    I mean the problem with the system is that as survivor you can get to red ranks but just playing the game a lot, but as killer you have to mow through people who can loop occasionally. So there's basically a TON of red rank survivors, and they don't have anyone to get matched against (cause most killers cant endure it until red ranks).

    As rank 1 killer it'll only bring you more frustration but hopefully you can use that to become a high-tier killer, good luck on the journey and all we can do is hope the new MMR does something.

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    It's usually not that they are red rank survivors that worries me. It that they are red rank SWF😐️I know how you feel, I think I belong to somewhere between green and purple ranks myself and this matchmaking does everything to make me give up on the game.

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    You are quite lucky!!

    I'm a survivor main and have a crazy difference in rank. I am rank 3 survivor and Rank 20 killer as I hardly play killer.

    I thought I'd start finally getting into killer but 5 games in 19 of 20 escaped. Average rank of survivors between ranks 1 to 5!!

    That's one way of putting people off. I'm on Xbox BTW

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited July 2020

    Post #3736819373628 about matchmaking

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Its good that people keep mentioning it when there's clearly a problem with the matchmaking system.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2020

    Everyone I see lately uses the excuse that "the new MMR will (hopefully) fix it" but usually, people who say this have no clue how an MMR system should work. In order for the system to work, it must first rely on the game being reasonably well balanced, up to a point where even minute skillful plays can be tracked and attributed correctly. It then needs decent representation on all tiers of play, so natural upward progression in terms of skill can occur (aka a lot of ppl playing).

    DbD is currently anything but balanced, with broken mechanics and abusable things that can be done to completely tilt a game in a certain direction. By the very nature of the game - you can "lose" by doing things correctly (like how you can kill 3 people as killer and only safety-pip or mori them and get "entity displeased" even though your job is to kill them and on the other side of the coin, survivors can use the key to open the hatch and let everyone out and it's still considered a "win") and you can "win" by just playing enough in that trial (hello, survivors).

    At peak time, there are around 30-40k playing during the weekend and 15-25k during the week peak hours, meaning that outside of those times, even fewer people play and depending on those people's particular skill level, the matchmaking will attempt to provide "balanced" games. It's like being dealt a trash hand to play in the game of life, it's bad but it's all you've got so you have to play it as best you can - this is the MMR system they are trying to implement.

    On top of all of this is the fact that you have to assume the system being put in is decently thought up and tested, which from what I've seen of BHVR - they have a poor track record of achieving.

    All in all, I want to be proven wrong so much because I really like the game, but I think the "new" MMR system won't do much to alleviate these issues and is currently just being used as a scapegoat to justify peoples opinions. That won't be the case forever though but it will still buy BHVR many many more months of not actually doing anything impactful, under the guise of tweaking the fledgling MMR system (it's already been, what? like 7-8-9 months of hearing this MMR excuse any time someone complains of horrible matchmaking - my first thread on this forum was made out of frustration caused by the atrocious matchmaking I encountered when I was just starting out and I've seen people there posting the same things as here).

    We'll wait and see, meanwhile..

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Yea, and the devs have been listening and working to push about new mm system

    These post are nothing new

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    You're pretty naive if you believe that the new MMR system will work from the get-go. We're not even sure it won't be worse than it currently is.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054


    Atm, ranks don't mean anything anymore and has been that way since the last 3 chapters or so

    If anything, this new mm is bound to be better than the current "mm"

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Yes, worse! Things can always be worse. I cannot wait until people find out the quirks of the new matchmaking system and use it get matched against newbies that they can stomp. No doubt it'll be related to how player stacking in SWF groups will work, if you recall back to the time where the matchmaking based its rank search based upon the lowest ranked member of the SWF. Undoubtedly, this will happen again.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2020

    red rank don't mean anything. You getting 30k point 4k against a team of red rank as a rank 10 just prove that. If it was unfair they would have stomped you every single time. I mean you are devotion 1 96. You clearly have played enough to be playing against red rank

    It's just a mental block at this point. If you didn't see the rank of your opponent at the end. I doubt you would complain so much. You would just assume thats how the match goes.

    Soon it won't matter anymore anyway since the matchmaking will use mmr instead of rank

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    Thanks. It feels good to know that others understand.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    I've read the changes being made to Xbox One's matchmaking and it seems like the new mmr is going to make the current problem worse. They want to increase the rank variation in each match which is the problem and they said that rank isn't a true indicator of skill, so they won't be using it for matchmaking anymore. I want to be optimistic, but that Matchmaking Update post killed all my faith in the new mmr system.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Devs only care about survivor fun, they don't give a ######### if new killers have to suffer because all that matters to them is new survivor retention. If a new survivor buys the game to play with their SWF red rank friends and gets to bully new killers in matchmaking they will stay.

    New players who buy the game wont have fun but that doesn't matter since survivors outnumber killrs 4/1. There's more money to be made by keeping survivors happy.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    Unfortunately I think you're right. If Survivors have fun, they'll recommend the game to their friends so they can play together which results in more game sales and more potential cosmetics purchases. Me and my friends all bought DBD to play survivor together and we each started playing killer after already playing survivor. It'll be really disappointing if that really is the devs plan for this game.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2020

    "if that really is the devs plan for this game"?

    There is no "if" man, that is 100% the plan. Remember the latest couple of polls BHVR ran? regarding your gaming habits/ how you learned about DbD/ what your current experience is with the game/ time spent/ what you enjoy or don't enjoy about the game? Ye?

    Give this a read (same concepts apply) -