Basic attack requirement for perks is ridiculous

Sometimes I think developers put in perks just because they think perk sounds too simple so they decide to add text to it so they get paid more or idk. I'm not trying to insult dear developers with that post, though, but sometimes I really don't understand their judgement. The following perks have "basic attack only" requirement and most of them have this requirement for no obvious (I wonder if there is even a reason) reason:

  • Save the best for last - reasonable.
  • HEX: Third Seal - unreasonable
  • Knock out - somewhat reasonable, but then we remember that killers like Spirit, Hag, Meyers and others with snowball and slugging potential exist who are allowed to use this perk without restrictions, but killers like Demogorgon, Huntress or Chainsaw killers apparently aren't, also, Infectious fright.
  • Franklin's Demise - reasonable
  • Remember Me - unreasonable
  • Dark Devotion - unreasonable, the basic attack requirement just makes no sense here (as Meyers or Nurse are allowed to get undetectable via their powered attack, then why aren't other killers who don't have such luxury, even though they don't have that much instadown or snowball capability and also, most of them either don't benefit from undetectable anyway (huntress, demogorgon) or have to come in close distance to activate the perk so why aren't they allowed to keep their momentum and use their power (chainsaw killers)
  • Surge - unreasonable, it already has a cooldown and limited range and its effect isn't that major (also the fact that this perk belongs to the killer who uses M1 attack only when brings in SBFL is laughable)
  • Gearhead - unreasonable. This perk has 3 different requirements to be useful without basic attack requirement - 2 hits, 30 seconds window, survivor doing a good skillcheck on a gen during that time.

Only 3 out of 8 perks are somewhat reasonable to have such limitation, others, well, these perks are MEH even without basic attack requirement. They are niche, they don't have much impact on the game or they already have another restriction:

  • HEX: Third Seal - is a hex perk, which applies not very gamechanging debuff.
  • Remember Me - after nerf (32 to 16 seconds max increase) has no major impact in the game and is highly situational, moreover it doesn't just give it's effect for nothing, you must earn it by targeting obsession. And this perk has basic attack requirement, which makes it pretty useless for killers who rely on their power to down survivors.
  • Dark Devotion - you have to find the obsession and the undetectable effect isn't that strong for any of existing killers if they were not forced to use basic attack.
  • Surge - not very major effect, has a cooldown and is range limited.
  • Gearhead - it has 3 other conditions to give any use and even though it is pretty meh.

Then, I remember the existence of the following perk:

Infectious Fright. What it does? It reveals survivors within your terror radius everytime you down a survivor. And this wonderful tool of slugging has no basic attack requirement. But perks like Knockout and Third Seal (other slugging perks) somehow must be "basic attack only".

Also, the following killers that are considered to be pretty strong by people have no basic attack restriction on them, since their power attacks are considered basic attack:

  • Spirit
  • Deathslinger
  • Nurse
  • Hag
  • Myers

Every single one of these killers, except deathslinger, has very good snowballing and slugging capability and deathslinger is very strong in 1v1 chases which he ends quickly using his power. According to current state of the game, these killers are ALLOWED to use "basicattackonly" perks. What makes them different from killers like Plague (red vomit), Chainsaw killers, Executioner, Oni or Huntress? I think that the killers I just named are even WEAKER than killers from the bulleted list. Yet somehow ones are allowed to get use of basic attack perks despite using their power, others are not. Then we have killers like Pig and Demogorgon who are far from being the best, but for some reason they are still not allowed to use "basicattackonly" perks through their power.

Oh, I'm not even talking about "exposed" mechanic, which is also "basicattackonly" so Nurse or Spirit etc can get use of it without restrictions, but Pig or Demogorgon cannot.

Just why it is the way it is? Please, either be consistent and make ALL perks, attack landed after using power and so on NOT to be considered a basic attack or be more reasonable with putting that restriction to perks and powers. Most perks and killers could really get a new life if they were allowed to use "basicattackonly" perks and exposed at their fullest.


  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Yeah I agree that a lot of these “basic attack only” perks feel like they have that restriction for really arbitrary reasons.

    Infectious Fright, a perk that can end the game in under a minute because of its huge snowball potential: everyone can use it!

    Hex: The Third Seal, a niche and somewhat weak perk that can be deleted from the match entirely: no, basic attack only!

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    The basic attack requirement is almost a tell tale sign of overbalancing.

    Where the developers are too scared of a perk over performing they end up making it worthless instead.

    STBFL I'd argue is the only one that actually needs as it adds to the perk instead of being a random downside.

    Franklin's really doesn't as its a niche effect and most alternative attacks are melee anyways so not much actually changes.

    Knockout makes it anti synergistic with its respective killer leatherface...Along with it being niche effect again.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    "Pig's lunge is god tier and shouldn't proc exposed."

    What am I reading? I can't believe people think ambush is good. If you manage to hit someone with ambush it should instantly kill them and uninstall dbd from their computer.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    It really doesn't make any sense that they removed the basic attack requirement from Infectious Fright, but still kept it on much weaker perks like Surge or Third Seal.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Let's hope they don't nerf infectious so it requires a basic attack.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Believe me, they will. It just won't happen soon because of how slowly they release updates.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    Love surge has a cooldown and basic hit requirement yet infectious overhere is why billy and oni can snowball. I think blowing up gens nearby is less powerful then basically allowing the killer to instadown everyone. Surge either neees to be put to infectious level or the opposite.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Billy is already a garbage with his recent changes. Oni, well, he is just a slightly better billy.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    3 major wrong points on your essay: Demo is not only attacking with Shred, he is more like PH to counter some loops. If you main the Shred attack, you might have a bad game to be honest. I'd say at max you try with 30% of your attacks to Shred.

    Also Surge effect is not "not major". This perk can easily become OP with only number tweaks. Same for Gearhead. It needs restrictions, as it is pretty much the strongest and detailed information perk of all, as long as it is up. On both I'm not arguing how good they are with the current restrictions.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2020

    I'm curious, why should surge not work with hatchets? I cannot think of a single instance where that would be overpowered, given the drastic cooldown and extreme rarity of scenarios where you catch more than a single gen

    Edit: I would also like to say that pigs lunge is never God tier. The survivors have to be relatively brain-dead to get caught in it, given that they can just run away from the loop.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I have watched Scorpionz, he is the one that showed me the power of Amanda, and he is the one that admitted that her dash attack is reliant on survivors not running away the moment you crouch, both in his Pig guide and regularly in his streams.

    And I honestly don't see any problems that would arise from either of those scenario's. Can you elaborate? Even the biggest, a cross-map into a centralised area hitting multiple gens, is kind of not great. If it hits 5 gens... ######### were those survivors doing, Pop is the meta, you shouldn't be splitting up and giving the killer time to actually use the perk, you should be focusing on a gen or 2 at any given time. Also, even in that scenario, it's only 6 seconds on each gen plus .25 extra seconds per second the gen isn't tapped. And that would be an insanely rare scenario to begin with. Even with Surveillance I don't see the problem.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I don't know if they will because it encourages survivors not to group up together. Once survivors know you have it they should avoid being near each other when another survivor is in a chase.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    He even says the counter to her dash is just leave the loop when she crouchs.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Not gonna lie I agree with this. I've almost stopped using pigs lunge because I just can't get the full effect from the perks I carry into game. Changing pigs lunge to not be a basic attack was stupid, especially since it only makes the survivor lose 1 health state.....