4 games in a row where someone d/c's or kills themself on hook in first 2 minutes.

Голубой Member Posts: 126
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

BHVR fix this f-ucking shlt. It's ruining your game.


  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    By any chance do you main Freddy / spirit ?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Welcome to the world of online games where nobody gives a crap about decency towards teammates or other players.

    It's the same in nearly all online multiplayer PvP games. Prime example is my go-to game league of legends or rocket league. Enemy teams gets first kill or goal -> instant DC

    Sadly people don't care for morale or responsibility towards others as soon as they are protected by their anonymity online.

    If this would happen in a well known circle of friends, at some point noone would invite them to play ever again.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Just give the second hook phase skillchecks like Pyramid Head's cages so they can't die immediately. They might at least attempt to keep playing once they've been unhooked (if apathetically)

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    it is really hard to find motivation to stay on the hook after running a killer for 2 minutes and no gens get done. Only to see that your team consists of rank 20s doing nothing useful and hiding in a bush or locker.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    That's what bans and other penalties are for atleast in other games.

    Sadly dbd doesn't have those and probably can't even afford to implement those with their rather small player base.

    You can't to force them to play it if they don't like it but you should be able to prevent them from playing it if they don't accept the common gameplay (yes, tunneling and camping are idiotic at early stages of a round, I find them boring to play. Killers are in the game to be played, even doc, spirit and Freddy).

    If you don't respect the rest of your or the other team don't try to play team based multiplayer games.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    Issue is, with my limited experience in games with deserter penalties (aka Paladins) people who can't leave will either feed to the opposite team, emote in spawn, or just literally afk. The good news being if they do dc then a bot takes their place, which I really hope Bhvr implement into pc dbd soon.

  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348

    CSGO and DOTA have dc penaltys as well as griefing report systems that work. They're also the top two most played games in the world. Your complaints that survivors would do something else doesn't hold salt. Sometimes you have to force people to be decent.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I find it funny you say this because most of the games where I see someone dc are games where the killer is hardcore tunneling or camping. You are right about the lack of decency, just perhaps it should be aimed in both directions.

    I've had only a few DCs, usually thos survivors who tried to be toxic and teabag on the other side of the window who then try to window tech me only to get downed. I've had maybe 4 of them out of 40 plus matches this weekend.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154
    edited July 2020

    Yeah that's what I mean. Instead of taking the loss as an opportunity to learn most ppl start throwing matches since nobody can do anything against them.

    The same problem runs rampant in league of legends but I read they want to improve feeder or similar bans.

    But it all stems from the problem that people don't see the necessity to be civil only towards the people they play with. As soon as they don't get the experience they want they throw a fit in whichever form if they can't leave.

    It's simply to hard to differentiate between those and simply new people with no game experience.

    Edit: I play killer-only so I never been hardcore camped or tunneled but my approach would be wasting the killers time while signalizing my team that they should leave me and do gens by doing gymnastics on the hook. I find those Playstiles boring as hell but they have their heavy downsides which should be punished Everytime.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well the most DC I ever saw (which is not many) were instant once I got them down first or they saw which killer I played (one time spirit, the other doc. And yes I know these killers can be annoying but they are part of the game unlike the DC they give their teammates.)

    I for my part only did DC one time when all 4 survivor ran back to a fat-shaming spot when they weren't all fixed. I don't play with people that intentionally cheat or exploit.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    I was playing survivor. Idc if people do this when I play killer because it just means a free win for me.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    Or they can just start putting penalties for people ruining games if they accrue enough reports.

  • Buddha
    Buddha Member Posts: 14

    Because you´re breaking the rule # 1 of the survivors book: Cant hit anybody in the first 5 minutes of the match

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    This right here is why survivors are stronger than they should be , half of the survivor playerbase have no brain stem and do stupid things to ruin the whole game for everyone or DC at the beginning to ruin the game for everyone because they were outplayed , I'm not surprised the kill rate is so high when the mobile bots can outperform some of these red ranks I've been seeing

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Except in those games they don't just stop you from queuing for 5 minutes. They will actually ban you for several days, or weeks at a time. Permanently even if you do it too often.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2020

    Most people sit right on the generator they spawn on. So chances are, you aren't doing that great of a job at running the killer if you die without one being done at the start of the game. The only time the first gen doesn't pop quickly is when a killer is running corrupted intervention.

    This is not a valid excuse to just give up on a game.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194
    edited July 2020

    For example, a freddy with Pops, sorry, insta DC ... I've already played vs freddy many times and they all play the same build.

    Why should I play something that doesn't amuse me?

    Now, I am a prime killer, I never do DC so I can give myself those luxuries as a survivor because I rarely play and I will never spend more than 15 minutes banned. 🤷‍♀️

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Again league of legends, dodge the champselect in any matchmaking queue and you have a 5 min, 15 min and so on timeout. Most of them start with a timeout and work their way up to 2 week and then permaban.