

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I mostly use bbq to get more bp, and it really helps out some of the weaker killers like clown and those guys

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    I have literally never worried about BBQ once as a survivor lol. Do I have a gen nearly done and they have pop? Then I'll hide behind the gen or get in a nearby locker so I can finish it without interruption. If that's not the case then let them come to me. I can position myself well enough to run them and I stay away from gens and teammates. I feel like only low rank/inexperienced survivors worry about BBQ because they don't know what to do if the killer comes to them.

    As a killer, when I use BBQ I really use it for the extra BP lol. I nearly always forget to look around for auras. Unless I accidentally see them and I'm like "oh yeah, BBQ shows me people."

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    It's obvious that this person either has a hard time finding survivors, or doesn't like the challenge, and time lost when looking for survivors, and wants it made easy. Killers have so many aura reading perks, add-ons, and abilities as it is. Amanda's letter, scratched mirror, all seeing blood, doctors madness, bbq, infectious fright, bitter murmur, spies, nurses, just to name a few. Some can be countered yes, and that's fine. That's just how it is. I play both sides, just so y'all know..

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505


    That's really the best response possible for this thread.

  • MercySparda
    MercySparda Member Posts: 17

    With the new auras guess they got their wish since you can't see ######### anyway

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    To be honest, I don't really care for the aura reading (not like I enjoy it anymore with the aura change). It's the BP I want.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2020

    Because it's a consistent and pretty reliable tracking perk that helps killers maintain momentum and provides a guiding hand where to go next after hooking someone (Which is important with the immense time pressure killers are on, especially low-mobility M1 killers like Clown or Wraith). Whispers is a pain to use. Spies From The Shadows is poo-poo and when they buffed the range on it to 48 meters it was nerfed back to 36 meters the next patch. Nurses Calling won't help you find non-injured survivors. Stridor sucks with the buggy audio and once again won't help after a hook. Bitter Murmur's aura reveal pretty much only matters when all gens are done and the game is over. Rancor's weird location reveal thing is similar to Bitter Murmur where it only procs after a gen pop, but the Mori is pretty neat. The BP bonus is icing on the cake.

    Maybe if other tracking perks were a bit better for keeping momentum up post-hook, you'd see less people running BBQ.

    And honestly survivors should be happy about BBQ since it discourages camping (The aura reveal) and tunneling (Each survivor awarding one stack).

    Remember you have a few options. The fake-out pretend to walk one way then run the other tactic, hiding in a locker, running distortion, etc.

  • Pricefield
    Pricefield Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2020

    First you rank 20s nerf Billy now you want BBQ nerfed, just get in a locker or behind a gen or within 32 min of a gen or double back

    basically stop whining about Op when you can easily counter it you low rank players

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Pigs dash isn't a lunge and Myers T3 is very specifically an alternated lunge with 1 extra metre of range.

    Pigs dash doesn't even count as a basic attack, not to mention both require using a specific killers power when most people who aren't pedantic arseholes would understand I was talking about a standard unaltered hold-m1 lunge.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    I don't know about the current auras (they went live at like 2am my time) but with the old auras, as long as you were decently behind the generator it would be tough for the killer to find you, and they'd probably go for the other two (more obvious) survivors anyways.

    Distortion isn't meant to be used as a 'dodge all auras' perk. You run it, and keep an eye on the charges, knowledge of the situations in which a charge depletes lets you infer what perk the killer has. For example, vault in chase and lose a stack? I'm All Ears. Killer hooks someone? BBQ. You're healing inside TR? A Nurses Calling. Against a Myers who sent you to Leary's? Jumpscare Myers.

    Once you've used distortion to determine what perks the killer is running you can be more efficient in using the other methods you have at your disposal to avoid having your aura revealed.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Who cares about bbq? *laughs in decent survivor* no seriously tho bbq is worthless and I barely get use because of aura and you shouldn't be scared of the killer. If you are injured or TRYING to be immersed then its understandable

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I never said that it was meant to be but wanted to point out that it isn't really a counter. I already stated why. At some point with experience you're able to easily deduce what perks the Killer is running including A Nurse's Calling and especially BBQ. I usually always assume killers are running those perks so I always play in a way to minimize providing opportunities.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Fair enough, there's someone else on this thread downright saying distortion only has three charges so it can't be used to help counter BBQ, got you two mixed up.

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    I'm sorry I was telling you things that countered dh so quit crying about it

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Pig dash isn't even a counter to DH... The counter to DH is wait till they lunge, then lunge just after. You don't need either Myers T3 lunge nor anything special from other killers.

    All you did was give me non-counters lmao.

  • Brisingr
    Brisingr Member Posts: 104

    I know this post is probably bait, but you know the same can be said about DS, right? You have to respect the possibility of DS the same way you do with BBQ. Not only that, but you can counter BBQ with perks, whereas no perks can counter DS.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah the only time i can think of that anyone runs both iron maiden and bbq. Is huntress players or one doctor player. That and by the time a killer normally gets to the place where someone jump out of a locker, they are a long gone or b by the time they get there, the expose effect has wore off, for most killers lack any sort of mobility or the survivor has gotten into a strong position, for they are aware of the effect. Going with the idea they are healthy. Like a survivor would have to play stupid or very unlucky, to get down due to iron maiden.

    Yeah Myers has no aura reading and i'm rather sure burger king Myers add ons cancel each other out, leading to there being no aura reading. Which scratched, vanity mirror do grant aura reading for Myers but come at the cost of slower movement speed. Making him easier to loop than a clown. While denying him the ability to one hit down survivors. Which also only work well on certain maps. Leading to there needing to be good rng or a map offering for it to work.

    Which yeah, if a killer is staying around the hook until someone reaches stage 2. Something has gone wrong. The survivors are not doing gens and rewarding this action or made it a very good idea for the killer to do, due to everyone swarming the hook at once. Which funny enough, some say camping and tunneling is everywhere. Yet from the majority of survivor games i play, i rarely see it. What i do notice, is survivors acting stupid, way more than i see the killer doing something that some would label scummy. Many people hate camping and tunneling, even with it not being against the rules. Yet here we are, with someone demanding a nerf to bbq. A perk that promotes and rewards a killer for not tunneling and camping. If bbq gets nerf, the next perk on the chopping block would be thrilling tremors from ghostface. Due to it granting information as to which gens are being worked on and if we go with the op reasoning, allows the killer to secretly know where the survivors are and which gens they are on, if they don't let go of the m1. Which "ruins immersion".

    Which the immersion part, has to be the most questionable bit about the logic behind please nerf bbq by making it even easier to counter than it already is. When in truth, the op idea behind it would just make it worst for survivors, since it will stop them from doing their current action, which could be getting rid of something like devour hope. Which if we look at the term immersion. It's normally used to talk about survivors who hide all bloody game, denying the killer the one interaction he/she has with survivors, the thrill of the chase, the thrill of the hunt. It only takes 400 seconds or around 6 minutes to finish all gens, if done solo. A killer simply does not the benefit of time on their side. They would ideally, if they want to win, want to find a survivor and get them down asap and if luck should benefit them or the survivors mess up, get a few others injured as well, to keep them busy healing and off gens for a bit. For time is on the survivor's side, which is why a killer simply cannot afford to play long games of hide and seek with the survivors. Leading to any perks buying the killer more time or can help to end chases quickly, often being meta, like pop or save the best for last. For the more the killer can slow down the game just a little bit, the more time they have to kill off a survivor and start to snowball from there. Heck even if a killer doesn't care about winning and just wants to chase people around, well if the survivors are super good at immersion, the killer is not getting to do the one thing they enjoy, the thrill of the chase and hunt. That and a killer secretly knowing where the survivors are. Like has the op read the lore behind ghostface for this game? It's all about studying their victims and knowing them like the back of their hand, as they craft the perfect murder, while not leaving behind a trace. For if we are bringing up the immersion factor, well not every killer has the same lore or backstory. For some, bbq would be very much fitting for someone like ghostface, in terms of studying and slowly learning everything they can about their next victim, without them knowing a thing until it's to late, is rather fitting. So the immersion card sounds like poor reasoning to use, without taking into account the other side aka the killers. That and with the way auras are, you can barely see jack with bbq right now, i think most would swap out it for something else, due to how bad the auras are.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Dude BBQ and chili has so many counters is not even funny.

    Even before Locker immunity and distortion was a thing there was multiple counters in fact one of the counters consisted of getting into a Locker so the killer could see it and then leaving it forcing a killer to foolishly check that Locker.

    Hell it has so much counters and it's so wildly unreliable sometimes most Killers don't even run it for the aura reading anymore they just use it because bloodpoints.

    Just leave the perk alone

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    How many counters you need for one perk? 5+ is not enough? Even if the killer comes to you, you can still loop him lmao. What do you have to say abaut perks like OoO?

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited July 2020

    Bitter murmur OP its no way to tell if the killer use it or not its in my mind every game I cant bother hiding behind the gens for a second cause it take so much time reeeee

  • Xm3n_Gambit
    Xm3n_Gambit Member Posts: 4

    Looks like he got his wish with how badly they changed the auras.

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    Yeah and that's why when ive played pig they've dh as soon as they see me dash right next to them and still get hit so yeah a non counter right

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I can't agree more with you, and same here, I rarely see campers, most killers I play against either just look around and if nothing happens, they just go away fast which makes me wonder if I'm lucky or people think that everything that a killer does is camp.

  • fixthegameplz00
    fixthegameplz00 Member Posts: 14

    All u have to do is go in a locker stop trying to get every strong killer perk nerf to the ground

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    "People don't know how to play a game therefore this is a counter and not just me playing against trash"

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Well they nerfed the aura now.

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    Um bud most ppl I play ain't trash just cuz you don't have games like that don't mean others don't so choll

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    There's a reason why bbq is run it's really simple



    Honestly clown seeing a bbq aura is more of a "Welp won't be getting him" moment

    The bloodpoints is why its used a lot

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    We don't talk about that it was a very op perk

    Just dced everyone on mobile

    So we don't talk about that

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    I've seen a lot of people comparing to DS and it's really not comparable.

    DS has specific requirements you don't get to activate several times per match and, you have to hit your skill check to make it work. The Killer has to tunnel you after being unhooked. DS also doesn't have a BP bonus.

    Remember, I suggested a slight change to BBQ, to make survivors scream rather than reveal. This change has pros and cons. You could effect close survivors and, disrupt any actions survivors are taking. At tier 3 the perk should cover nearly a whole map.

    The only counters would be being lucky enough to be really far away, in a locker or, using Calm Spirit.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    No u tbh

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    BBQ is no OP, close please