What's the nicest survivor/killer relationship you've had?

I'm not talking like ships, no, I mean a killer being nice to you, or a survivor being nice to you during a round. For me it would be this one time I had a Legion on Haddonfield. He started the game off like normal, going around and getting people off of gens and hooking them, but after two of them were sacrificed, he just started leading us around the map, showing us where gens were, and watching as we completed them. Only damage we took was from Frenzy, and he just let us mend it right there, no harm no foul. Then watched as we opened the gate, we all did like a taunt dance together, the three of us, and then we were allowed to leave. It was really nice and fun and I wish I had a lot more like him. So I'm just wondering if any of you have had experiences like that at all, and how they made you feel.
A Wraith told me he would give me hatch next time he saw me, because the Zarina on our team had a hissy fit about him "camping the basement" (when it was just her and Steve left and the Steve was hooked there, she could have easily left but instead went in and got clapped), and I told her (kindly, of course) to get over herself! 😋
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I've had a lot of survivors defend me as a killer and the choices I make, and I've in turn done the same for killers when I play survivor. Always appreciate that, it's nice.
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Had a match as Wraith at the swamp, was normal at first till 2 people DC'd, felt bad getting a easy win from that so I just ran around and bing bonged to try and let them know I was friendly, went around kicking gens and dropping pallets after that till I let em go.
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A 4 man swf once sent me a msg before the match started on ps4, to farm, they got all the points they could, I got all the points I could, then later on we started playing Simon says, I was standing up in a hill with ghostface, teabagged twice, they teabagged twice, I looked left right left right, they copied me, if one made a mistake they told me to hit them, it was the funniest match I ever had in the almost 2 years of playing this game, kinda heartwarming.
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That sounds like it was a good time, I seriously wish more rounds were like this. Hope you meet those guys again, and I hope I get to meet them too.
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One of them added me but I don't play on PS4 anymore, hopefully you get matches like that, you see that there are still people playing for fun with friends, I tried copying that on PC recently with my brother but the killer called me a scumbag for sandbagging my brother.
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My first evening going out into the fog as Dwelf back in December when the cosmetic came out. I was on Crotus, working on a gen. Next thing I hear soft breathing behind me. I rotate my camera around and there's a Pig just crouched behind me. My first instinct was to run, and then I saw she wasn't chasing me or trying to attack me. So I cautiously went back to my gen and she just stayed crouched beside me.
She just followed me around the map letting me do gens and booping her snoot. She left the other survivors alone, too. Afterward she messaged me and said I was the most adorable thing she had ever seen. She could hear my bells jingle every time I moved and she loved it.
I knew then that Dwelf was the best Dweet cosmetic of them all.
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I have had a lot of these moments both as survivor and as killer.
The recent ones I have had were when I played Pig and went against Pig.
Coal Tower was where I was Kate and the Killer was Pig. Teammates went down pretty fast, but was looping the pig really well. At one point, I jumped into a locker and the pig just looked at the locker. I went out of the locker and we both just crouched and stared at each other. We then started walking around each other and then she left. Got two gens done and the rest of my team died. Waited at the door to power it when she closed the hatch. She closed it and found me. I stopped powering it and just crouched down to meet her. I nodded my head saying that I was willing to die. She then mentioned to follower her and we just crouched mapped for a while. She ultimately let me go. It was good fun.
I was pig playing in Hospital. Got someone down right away and they proceeded to dc on me. I went through the game killing 2 other survivors, but when the last one was hiding in the corner near the gate. I just crouched with her and walked her to the gate. We added each other on Switch afterwards and had a good laugh. Happened two other times and let the last survivor in each of those matches go as well. Even led one to the hatch and allowed him to pallet slam me.
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My friends and I don't like to farm a lot bc it can be really boring, but occasionally we get a killer who's fantastic about it. These are usually the killers we have nice games with. Two main examples:
-- Had a farming Piggy in one match. We just spent the whole game basically exploring Yamaoka with her. There was a Jake (not one of us) that was being a jerk to her in game for no reason, so we would get in his way and gesture him off to do something else. Like, in farming it's defo fine to blind/stun, but there's no need to do it like 20 million times in a row. But she was really fun, lots of boops, 10/10.
-- Had a farming Huntress that needed to do the 'Hit 2 survivors from 15+ meters' challenge. We were 4-manning at the time, so we could easily coordinate target practice for her. Had a lot of fun in that game just standing and waving when we figured we were at the right distance. She moonwalked for us at the exit gate. Again 10/10.
-- Also never forget our conga line Ghostface. Most fun game ever that started with a conga line (again 4-manning and just being chaotic dumb when we spawned together). GF saw us and stared a moment before joining in. Then all my friends pointed at me, he turned around and stabbed me, and I got first hooked. Game proceeded as normal, but there was no 'toxic' play, just a really great match.
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Was streaming in a four man against a Legion about a year ago, pretty sure they got all of us. Sent a GG message, then one of us has to go so I asked them if they wished to join. Been surviving off and on with them ever since. Still call them Legion.
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I honestly don't remember the most heartwarming one, but I do remember a match where I've pretty much dominated as Myers (on Ormond as well, of all places). There was only a Nancy and Ace left, as the two others were dead at that point, with 3 gens left.
I decided to just try my pathing against the Nancy, as she was by far the best looper out of the modley crew, and at one point, we ended up just chasing each other around one of those rock formations, where the pallet has been thrown down.
After roughly 2-3 minutes of merry-go-round around that thing (and the Ace somehow not having finished a single gen at that point. As far as I remember, that is), I finally wise up and break it. Only to chase the Nancy to another rock pile, and her slamming the pallet down on my head.
I just stared at her. Then down at the pallet, then back a couple of times (with her crouched, and doing the same).
I just left her, killed Ace instead, and let her have the hatch. GG Red-coated Nancy player, whoever you are.
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Mostly during the 4th anniversary event.
I'd let one survivor go at the end-sometimes two since rank means nothing and I got insane BP anyway- and lead them to the hatch and crowns. They were always extremely grateful for being allowed to get the crown and leave.