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The MMR on Xbox doesn't work.

Member Posts: 831

It's putting inexperienced killers against good survivors. I know that ranks don't mean anything rn, but don't tell me that this is okay:

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  • Member Posts: 621

    Rank doesn't really mean much, just because a survivor is at red ranks doesn't mean they're good. For example I recently came back from a break from DBD so I was a green rank killer (when I'm normally a rank 1 killer), does that automatically make me an inexperienced killer?

    Also I don't know many good survivors that use self care in 2020.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Ive given up looking at rank. Im rank 6 at the moment and in the last 20 games or so havent gotten a killer higher than 16. Mostly 18 - 20

  • Member Posts: 1,457

    Actually it does. I haven't played in a long time. So it would make sense that I'm still being put against Rank 1-8 players.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    I know this post is about matchmaking, but I have another question. The third image... was “killedbybot9085” a real human player? 🤔

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    mmr does not use rank what so ever. so you can easily see spreads like this. you have to give up rank as a signifier of your capabilities

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I agree its not working perfectly, but you cant go by rank anymore. Rank is irrelevant. So those screenshots mean nothing. Ill also add that while its not great yet, it is better than it was 2 weeks ago

  • Member Posts: 957

    Just more high rank hand-holding. They want shorter wait times so they /cried till the queue was opened up to brown ranks. Nothing new there at all.

  • Member Posts: 831

    Ikr? R1 survs usually can run the killer for some time but those R20 usually hide in plain sight.

  • Member Posts: 831
    edited July 2020

    It was a bad Nurse that slugged one single player and refused to let go of him. Luckily we managed to bodyblock her.

  • Member Posts: 831

    Spreads like a r20 killer with 1 (one) perk against 4 R1 survivors? Yeah no.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    if they hadn't had any matches against that killer their mmr would match!

  • Member Posts: 1,783
    edited July 2020

    I wouldn't be surprised if some of those killers had boosted MMR's simply because of NoED and Moris. They end up killing entire red ranked groups, this skyrockets their MMR so the system puts them with red ranks more often.

    While it also sucks for them, they likely barely lost any MMR when going against you if they were low. In other games with MMR that kind of stuff happens where you sometimes go against someone a lot better then you and when you inevitably lose, your MMR barely goes down. People who constantly use Mori's and NoED for easy 4k's are the ones who are probably going to be hurt by this system the most as they'll end up facing the really high level groups where that kind of stuff won't work as well.

    Post edited by ohheyitsbobcat on
  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Doesn't take long for someone to go off a massive rant about no one escapes death

  • Member Posts: 682

    I'll never for the life of me understand how this game doesn't just match on playtime aka your player level. It's not like two different players at 1500 hours of gameplay are going to be that different in terms of skill. I realize there won't always be new players available to play with, but there's just no excuse to put players with thousands of hours in the same lobby as new players.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I played it. You have to keep in mind their goal is 2k 2E, so in some cases the algorithm thinks the 2 experienced players can carry the bad players to meeting that goal. I had one game where it was 3 rank 1's and a rank 20 (he probably should have been a 13 or 14 though, he wasnt completey new). It was a rough game. The 20 died, the others got away but just barely. Slight play one way i might have got another possible 2. Just saying it was really close. THATS what they want, close games.

    Now like i mentioned earlier, not all my games are like that, sometimes too many noobs

  • Member Posts: 940

    MMR is working as to how the devs have intended it to.

    You do well against a noob with low MMR and you get a little MMR.

    You do well against an experienced player with high MMR and you get a lot of MMR.

    Noob killers losing interest by playing DBD and taking up being a survivor is nothing new in DBD.

    This is to mask the problems with matchmaking and mask MMR rankings so nothing is wrong here.

    Everything is fine and going along the planned route......

  • Member Posts: 201

    I'm an R1 killer on Xbox and the matchmaking is pathetic. I have hundreds of hours in this game and I'm clearly being matched with noobs over and over. Say what you will about rank, but I've only faced two red ranked survivors all day, and over 75% of my opponents have been rank 16 and up. Sure, rank doesn't matter, but why am I being matched with beginners time and again?

    Is my MMR moving at all?

    Does someone with little to no MMR have no restrictions on who they play (hence why I see so many)?

    IMO matchmaking on Xbox is as bad as its ever been. Every game is no contest, and that's not fun to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Honestly i think during the day theres just not a lot of red ranks on. Ive noticed in the evenings to late night you see a lot more.

    If it prioritizes "Ping > Skill > Wait time" then its going to match you with a rank 16 nearby before it matches you with a rank 1 a few regions over. Just a thought 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    I'd hardly call what I said a massive rant and I wasn't even complaining about the perk? Just pointing out newer players and lower rank players can get carried by it as well as Moris and that it could cause their MMR to go really high really quick. Depending on how MMR in this game is calculated of course.

  • Member Posts: 101

    Same here. Every game has been so easy. I get 4k after 4k, but I'm not being put against as good as survivors as I had been going against in the past. I wonder how many 4k's I have to get before I start going against quality survivors again.

  • Member Posts: 442

    I have a question about MMR. If I'm normally rank 1 killer, will I have to play 4-man sweat squads every single game under MMR? Because that ######### sucks

  • Member Posts: 940

    No, it is another buff to 4xSWFs.

    You'll still get random solo survivors so it will be even easier playing rainbow coloured ranked survivors who can't talk to each other.

    Of course the game is balanced around solo survivors so expect SWFs to be more fun

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    i don't know but this new MMR don't look like it going to work that great........

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