Playing killer is discouraging

This title don't quite summon up what I am about to say but I do hope it is at least eye catchy.

Let me state that I do play both killer and survivors about equally and recently playing a killer really getting on my nerves. It's not about swf or the usual, it's about just how much harder and less rewarding it is to play a killer. Yes, you might get bit more blood points by playing a killer, to get like what? 1-2 more bloodweb items? Thats nice I guess but lets not forget how much more stressful it is to play a killer, when game should not stress you to begin with.

I am sure everyone heard of bit name dbd streamers and youtubers. I have seen them all from time to time say how easy it is playing survivor against a killer. I bring this up just to remind that it's not just me that thinks that.

You can start with such a massive disadvantage that you make one mistake and game goes downhill from there with only ways to return from that is playing kind of scammy and get ######### talked for even if that scam play can be completely countered as well. The start of the game needs something to prolong gen rush, survivors do it to me when I play killer, you guys do it, and so do I. We just get on that gen and smash it till it's done and very often 2 gens are done at first hook. It's freaking insane really. There needs to be some sort of other objective thats not optional like totems. Find parts or something. This is a new approach and would likely not get implemented, I get it but thats not all of it.

Survivors get way to whinny the moment you don't do something they want you to do. It literally feels like they been spoiled by how easy their game play is that most live in that delusional bubble and once they speak it spoils entire experience, assuming it has not been spoiled yet, which likely it was by the way they play. I don't care about perks right now but they need something to toughen up their gameplay to humble them if anything.

NOW IS SOMETHING THATS ACTUALLY AS IMPORTANT TO ME. Sorry for the caps but walls of text prior almost grantee that you wont make it here, so now hopefully that got your attention and I wanna bring up ranking up. I generally don't care too much on ranks and for longest time played without even trying to raise it. Yet I recently noticed something that really puts me off from playing a killer. I rank up as survivor for barely doing anything, I slam some gens, maybe heal and unhook 1 person, then do 1 chase, escape and bam pip or two. I play a killer and I can have the most sweaty game where I hit everyone to no end, damage gens and pallets, do so many chases, game can literally go for 20 mins and be super clutch with everyone being on death hook and if 2 people escape I get nothing, no pips. What the actual #########? I feel like I put 3x work into killer than I do survivor and game thinks nah, he did not deserve anything. It may be just a number but it shows how unbalanced the game is in terms of survivor favor over killers.

There is a reason why I get survivor games the moment I ready up but have to wait on a killer.