Most hated Killer to play as?

Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

Everyone has a favorite or preferred Killer but what Killer is at the bottom of your play list? Whether for daily challenges or the Tome, what's the Killer that you wouldn't touch at all and why?


  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I hate playing as Trapper due to the set up time.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Freddie, and the chainsaw bros...

    Freddie: I just dont play, cause I'm debating on P3 for him plus I don't have a working build on him

    Hillbilly: I turn into a (insert basic attack button) killer... Can't get a handle on his chainsaw sprint

    Bubba: ^^^^

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Huntress. Not because I don't think she's fun and definitely because I don't think she's effective, but rather her song gets to me. As in, my mood WILL tank if I hear it for too long, until I'm flat out miserable not because of how the games have gone, but because of the fact I've been hearing the song for so long. She's my least favorite purely because of that.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    I hate playing as Demogorgom cause i cant make him effective before 3 gen left... i dont get a great tatic with his portals in anyway... and he is a teleporter M1 killer...

    But Huntress is horrible to play with console. So, i avoid playing her also.

  • Suwusie
    Suwusie Member Posts: 26

    Hag or huntress.

    Hag because I don’t like setting up because gens go brrr and no one ever steps on my traps.

    Huntress because well I suck at huntress.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Legion. I just don't like Legion at all on either side.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    Oni. He's too clunky, his early game is #########, and he suffers from NurseSyndrome of making me feel very very ill. The downside being that at least nurse is semi-fun sometimes, whilst oni is just infuriating.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Preparation Killers aren't my thing.

    I don't like the approach of setting up traps or simply preparing something to maybe have it turn out good later.

    And even if i could turn that "maybe" into "almost always" with enough training, the mere need to spent extra time just setting up feels like a drag.

    Bonus: I dislike Nurse, for a very stupid reason: Can't stand her screeches and whining.

    I like powerful roars like Oni & Demogorgon, but these high-pitched screams and annoying wheezes every time you use 1 Blink?

    No thanks.

  • Mooshroome64
    Mooshroome64 Member Posts: 105

    Nurse because I play on console with poor frame rate. Similarly I also dislike Billy because I stutter while revving my chainsaw and then the survivor vanishes.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111


    You chase after survivors and hit them (or occasionally don't). Either way, you have no power until you're off cooldown, and for now you're 4.4 killer without a power, so now you've got to wait for a recharge unless the survivor goes full pepega and lets you hit them. Then you do it again, and again, and again. Doesn't feel like there's much variety, and I don't like the way her cooldown makes me feel.

  • TheFrog
    TheFrog Member Posts: 56

    Spirit: Too easy of a killer and I’d rather watch paint dry

    or either of the chainsaw bois: Not into needing to rely on an insta down to win, I like playing with atleast some lvl of skill (gonna get some hate with this haha)

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Dislike playing Hag.

    Don't like her POV. Don't want to spend time learning how to place her traps effectively. I also feel I'd end up camping hooks or trying to 3 gen with her, which I would find boring.

    Also dislike playing against her.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Nurse is easily my least favorite killer to play. The way she wheezes and stares at the ground after every single blink is just so irritating, whether or not I'm actually playing her well at the moment. And it's so disappointing because in principle I love the idea of a killer that can teleport, it's just that in practice this stun mechanic is simply not fun. At all. In fact when I do play Nurse I intentionally use one of her two add-ons that makes her move more quickly at the expense of blinking less simply so I don't have to keep seeing the wheezes all the time. In other words I find a nerfed Nurse who doesn't use her power and acts like a basic killer with no ability more fun than a normal Nurse, that's how unfun she is to play.

    I would LOVE to see her get a revamp with a couple of changes:

    • Make it so you at least don't stare at the ground and can look around while stunned after a blink. It wouldn't be quite as annoying if you could at least keep an eye on what's going on. And if that makes her too powerful then just make the blink refresh take slightly longer to compensate.
    • Make Plaid Flannel (the add-on which shows you exactly where the Nurse is teleporting) simply be part of the blink ability and not an add-on. This perk really is only useful for players who are still learning how to play Nurse in the first place, more skilled Nurses won't need it because they'll have a good feel for her distance. One of Nurse's problems, though, is her steep learning curve scares new players away from her, so making this "learning" add-on just be part of the ability itself would make her just a little easier on new players while not making her more powerful in the hands of Nurse mains.
    • Her Spasmodic Breath add-on (if you hit with a blink attack you become a 115% speed basic attack killer that can't blink) is an interesting variant but, if we're being honest, is straight up less effective than using no add-on in that slot. It's like saying you want to play a vanilla basic attack killer most of the time while ignoring the power that helps her be a good killer in the first place. It feels like this add-on should get a slight buff to make it so it's actually comparable in effectiveness to other Green add-ons. One possibility would be that it makes her move 120% speed instead of 115% for the duration, that would turn her from a very slow killer that teleports to attack into a killer that alternates between doing teleport attacks and quicker than normal footchases.

    So /rant on Nurse done, I'm ok with playing basically all the other killers more or less. Some minor preferences are probably:

    • Spirit is definitely an effective killer but I don't think I enjoy playing by ear that much so I'm not all that excited playing her.
    • Huntress is probably the more effective killer than Deathslinger overall since she can more reliably get a one-two down on a healthy survivor and can more reliably down an injured survivor from across a pallet. But I find Deathslinger more fun to play because I like that I can do instant shots with him versus having to charge up the hatchets before throwing and because I like that he reloads while walking around versus having to go to lockers.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    Spirit because I have poor hearing so it's very difficult to listen in spirit form and Nurse because for whatever reason teleporting causes massive amounts of framerate loss on my computer.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I would say nurse, but I don't hate her, I hate her bugs. Demogorgon is probably my least favorite. He's just so meh, and the stomping gets old.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Huntress because I can’t hit a damn thing.

    or nurse because I can’t hit a damn thing.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274


    While I acknowledge that she has the potential to be one of the strongest killers in DbD, I do not enjoy using her power nor do I like how she is slow and short (makes playing large and/or "immersive" maps very annoying). Plus Hag has one of the most detrimental pallet-stun animations in the game, practically licking the ground next to the pallet for a couple seconds.

    She is the only killer in DbD that I actively avoid playing. I'm actually not even sure if I ever played her again after I finished her Adept challenge back in 2018-ish.

  • mostlyghostly
    mostlyghostly Member Posts: 135

    For me it's demo because I feel so powerless, I hate his portals and never feel like I get use from them and the shred feels.. underwhelming and clunky.

  • Bootlegmoth
    Bootlegmoth Member Posts: 290

    Nurse, for the very simple reason that I suck with her

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Pyramid Head. So easily countered. Clunky and frustrating.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Billy, Bubba and Legion.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088


    There are times when I propose to learn how to play with it, but when I try to learn to use it, it is hell and I stop using it.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Huntress. She has no crosshair and that messes me up more than it should. At least Doodflinger can aim down the sight.