Somewhat Simple Perk Ideas for Killers

One thing I've noticed as DBD has gone on is that a lot of the newer killer perks are very sophisticated in their use (and sometimes very tricky to trigger), versus earlier perks were more simplistic in how they affected Survivors. Here's a few ideas I want to propose:

Hex: Ghostfire: Your desire to maintain power in the entity's realm fuels this Hex totem. When a survivor cleanses any other Hex totem, survivors will be faced with 2/3/4 Tremendously Difficult Skillchecks. Skillchecks will not regress cleansing progress, but will trigger a loud noise notification. The cleansed Hex totem will be relocated to the furthest unlit totem and the totem related to this hex perk deactivates.

Down Under: You find comfort where others do not. During the duration of a survivor being hooked in the basement, all other survivors suffer a 15/20/25% penalty to repair and altruistic actions when you are further than 32 meters away from the basement. This effect does not stack with other slowdown perks or addons.

Dare Devil: Your excitement to secure a kill shakes the entity's realm, terrifying all who are in it. At the beginning of a chase, your terror radius expands up to a range of 50/60/70 meters and lasts until the survivor is downed or escapes the chase. This effect can only be triggered once every 140/120/100 seconds.

Blockade: Your hatred for quick escapes compels you to be tactful in your approach. After stepping over a window, the window's aura is shown with a yellow aura. This perk activates when at least 1 window is highlighted and the killer performs a basic attack. For the next 4/8/12 seconds, the highlighted windows are blocked by the entity. This effect can only be triggered every 120 seconds, and previous window auras will disappear after its use.

Focus: A good chase excites both you and the Entity. When gaining bloodlust during a chase, the survivor being chased becomes your Obsession, and survivors within 28 meters of the killer will have their auras revealed for 1/2/3 seconds.

Let me know what you think of these! Currently brainstorming some more.


  • Bill_I_Am__Overbeck
    Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312

    No comments? :c

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Good ideas and i like them all but Down Under would be to strong for killers like Hag. 25% is just way to much.

  • Bill_I_Am__Overbeck
    Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312

    Perhaps make it so that Down Under will affect generator speeds by 15/20/25% for 30/45/60 seconds after a survivor is hooked in the basement? This effect can only be triggered after 180/120/60 seconds.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Well if it includes that the killer has to be ~30 meter away from the basement, then something like that would be a good idea.

  • Popcornchicken11
    Popcornchicken11 Member Posts: 110

    Dare devil would be nasty with doctor, I love it

  • Bill_I_Am__Overbeck
    Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312

    Thanks! It would also be nasty with killers that have a naturally low terror radius, such as Deathslinger (could fool people into thinking you're way closer than you are, and they might waste time hiding instead of doing a generator). I would limit this perk to not stack with terror radius altering addons for killers.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Blockade would basically make Bamboozle irrelevant, and it seems really strong.

    So how about a basic attack that hits a survivor, and if it miss one window won't be blocked off.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Dare Devil and Blockade sound really cool. I think I'd like to see those

    The first two I'm not a fan of. I don't personally like the idea of creating perks for the sole purpose of protecting other perks that just seems like a total waste imo, unless you're planning on using a full hex: loadout but that's more of a meme build than anything else so kinda of redundant in that way too.

    Focus is an in-between, I'm not a huge fan of it as much as I am of the first two I mentioned, it looks kinda like a reworked Nemesis, but I don't think it's as bad as the last two I mentioned and I'd definitely prefer it over them.

  • Bill_I_Am__Overbeck
    Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312

    The main idea behind blockade is to reward killers for taking the time to "set up" windows for the perk to block, while Bamboozle works better in the middle of a chase. Bamboozle could receive some sort of buff to compensate.

    Here's some more perk ideas:

    Insight: You become obsessed with one survivor. Whenever the obsession starts a repair action on a generator, the generator's aura is revealed for 1/2/3 seconds. Hooking the obsession causes aura blindness for the killer for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Generating Terror: Your goals to give survivors a false sense of hope align with the entity. When within 24 meters of a generator with at least a repair progress of 30/25/20%, this perk activates. The entity will block the generator for 30 seconds and the generator will begin regressing at 75/90/105% of the normal regression speed while the generator is blocked. Survivors repair speeds are increased by 7/6/5%. This perk can only be triggered every 60 seconds.

    Death Toll: Deathly precision comes at the expense of speed. For each survivor sacrificed, gain a token. For each token, survivors auras are revealed for an additional second when they start a repair or heal action (ie. 2 tokens is 2 seconds of aura reading.). Survivors repair and healing action speeds are increased by 15/12.5/10% for each token (ie. 30% increase for action speeds with a singular survivor remaining in the trial)

    Cursed Chaos: You become obsessed with one survivor. If you hit a survivor with a basic attack, this perk activates. If the obsession is repairing a generator or healing a survivor, they are faced with a tremendously difficult skill check, which will cause 5/7.5/10% regression if they miss the skill check. This perk can only be triggered every 90 seconds.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    for dare devil after 40 meter you might as well just say map wide and cut the bull

    for blockade its just bambozzle with extra steps no one would use this

    for focus its a direct upgrade to Nemesis that would make a the pwf obession switching combo an instant win especially with leatherface

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited July 2020

    Ghostfire sounds interesting, but could be OP with Devour Hope and NoED. I think it'd be interesting if maybe this hex was replaced by the first cleansed hex as soon as its cleansed. Not sure how to make it into tiers though. 

    Down Under sounds okay, but the basement hook requirement is a bit much. Maybe reduce the amount, and require you to be so far from the hook. Would benefit people who don't camp, without being so powerful like Devour Hope.

    Not a fan of Dare Devil. Way too easy to end a chase, then start it back up once the 100 seconds are up. Seems like it'd benefit someone like Doctor a lot more than... pretty much anyone else. A bit too killer dependent. Legion might also find it useful, but... hard to say, given how hard it is to get far enough in frenzy. Would make Infectious Fright very powerful.

    Blockade is bamboozle with a requirement and a cooldown. Also I imagine it'd be hard to implement where survivors get hit by a basic attack JUST before going through the window. Which seems like one of the few times it'd be useful. 

    Focus... combine it with Rancor, and you've basically got NoED on Steroids.

    Insight - I think the cooldown doesn't help if it isn't paused while the survivor is on the hook.

    Generating Terror - Thrilling Tremors has a similar effect, but shorter duration, greater requirement, and no regression. So I think this one would get a No.

    Death Toll - I like the concept, but encourages tunneling and survivors have little counterplay here.

    Cursed Chaos - Sounds like a weaker Overcharge.