DBD Survivor Tierlist - Based on how the majority of these survivor mains play

Some might call this stereotyping, but I assure you this list is fairly accurate (at least in my experience). And to let everyone know, I am an Ash main, but I feel like I don't fit the stereotype of being an average skill player (especially for a red rank solo queue that understands how to do gens). Sorry if I may be hating on some of your mains, but I feel this best describes how many people view these characters even before seeing them in action.
Two points to add: these are not 100% accurate to how every player plays these characters (believe it or not I have met friendly Neas & pro-level Megs). Secondly, if you disagree with something on my list it might be that we experience different things. I'm in the NA (West Coast region) if that helps with understanding what players I'm usually playing with.
Put Ace on the God Tier. Never mess with an Ace.
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Even tho survivors shouldn’t be tiered as they are shells with how people play this is scarily accurate 😂 especially the brain dead meg haven’t seen a meg that doesn’t drop all the pallets and hold a flashlight on you when those run out
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I think I see (and use) Jeff enough to give a fair description. Jeff mains usually are pretty skilled, about the same as Kate, Yui, David, etc. They will go for a more altruistic playstyle than most characters, though, and if they can sacrifice themselves for another Survivor, they'll do it.
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I don't know why but I rarely see Ace ever. If I do, they are either really good or they just farm the entire team. Couldn't decide on how I felt about him lol.
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You know to be fair, the few Jeff's I have come across seem to be like this. Occasionally though, they seem to be gen-phobic haha.
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I mean, when I play Jeff, I'll do gens until I see an easy altruistic opportunity appear, but I bet that most Jeffs go too far and only do altruistic stuff and do zero generators.
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This is scarily accurate ime.
But it could be improved by using a quadrant chart ranking skill/toxicity instead lol. That would be perfect.
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Toxid tier 🤣🤣
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bring Laurie WAAAAAAAAY down
They just get carried by their own perks
Edit: Oh wait, it says "toxic". I thought it was going by skill lol
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In my experience Steve players tend to be the most braindead. They are the ones that waste all the pallets in the map within the first 2 minutes of the game.
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Ace is mainly used by tryhards like me cause he got sick cosmetics and a built in iron will
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I'm not toxic, thank you.
At least my other two are "generally skilled".
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Last times I got farmed it was always an Ace. And if it's not Ace, it's a David.
I've come to hate Aces.
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Most Kate & Cheryl I encounter get downed by m1 killers in a 10 seconds span, like Megs.
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Oh boy you won't like the next 70 days then :D
In my experience according to your points it will probably be more like this:
Toxic: Nea, Claudette,
Generally Skilled: Feng Min, Kate, David, Zarina, Adam, Cheryl, Quentin, Bill
Average Skill Level: Laurie, Yui, Jake, Jane, Steve, Nancy, Ace, Jeff, Tapp, Dwight
Braindead: Ash, Meg,
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As Dwight main I completely agree. Dwights are not the brightest. Some of them are pretty decent though so not all of them are brain dead.
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as a Jake/David/Steve "Main" I can confirm this list.
Although a lot of nancys are braindead as well. There are exceptions to the rule ofc :)
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In my expeirence Neas, Davids and Lauries are often the toxic ones.
Lauries also tend to be more skilled, alongside Adams, Yuis and Aces.
Janes, Cheryls, Kates, Zarinas and Jeffs tend to be average in everything.
Dwights are often braindead and Jakes in my experience are even more so.
Nancy, Ash and Bill are usually either super good or on the contrary even worse than a rank 20 Dwight.
Also there are enough Megs, Claudettes and Fengs to fill all the categories and be on top of each single one. Quentins, Steves and Tapps are on the contrary too rare to judge.
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Oh Nea. Feels bad when my main has become the most toxic in many people's eyes, but hey I think I play decently well most games and I like bright cosmetics, especially hers.
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According to this im either "Toxic" or "Generally skilled" and id like to disagree with both. I try not to be toxic and I'm ######### at the game lmao.
Megs being briandead though? Sorry but I'd have to agree lol.
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You should put my Acy boi in a "Supreme" tier
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I'm generally skilled, or not seen enough to determine.
Ace should be in toxic though. They like to think they're unicorns but they play exactly the same way as Neas.
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Nah, the next 70 days will be fine. It won't be Ace mains, but just people playing Ace.
It's the ace mains that tend to suckass. They usually have dope ass skins though.
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Players who play as Kate Denson usually are decent at looping and won't camp at pallets like Bill's lol.
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survivors are just cosmetics if you disagree with your own thing its probably false
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*Insert bill main screaming*
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While yes they are just basically all just reskins, it seems a lot of like-minded individuals cling to maining the same characters. And I feel like this list kinda does a good job in identifying how these mains typically like to play the game haha.
This gave me a good laugh. XD
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good to see Jake up on the high skill tier, seeing as i main Jake and i can confirm, they're usually pretty smart
Day 10 of asking for a black trenchcoat for Jake
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I have 6 survivors I use. You attacked 4 out of the 6. Leave Dweat alone you bully.
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Claudettes, Lauries, and Kates are some of the worst survivors I've ever seen.
Dwight and Ace tend to be some of the best players to exist. It's the reason you don't see many of them at high ranks.
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Meg mains unite
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Inaccurate, Jeff is ALWAYS the worst player on the team for some reason.
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There is an entire chart of difference between default Dwight and rare cosmetic Dwight. Nothing is more terrifying as killer than a lobby full of elves and pizza delivery boys.
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Dwight, Ace and Bill need their own troll tier.
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Im sorry but you putting Davids and Jakes at "Generally Skilled" is mindboggling.
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You havent seen me then
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Not accurate to my own experience