Immersive gameplay is boring for both sides

As a survivor, just sitting in a place and watching the killer patrol the area for 5 minutes is just not fun. Just doing gens or sitting in one place is NOT FUN.
As a killer, searching an area for a minute is not fun since I know that gens are being worked on and there is no chase so its not fun.
Then you are playing the game wrong or the game is just not for you. I for one play both sides (more killer than survivor, but still). As survivor I play agrressive, less hiding, more running, saving, healing teammates. There's lots of action. As a killer, I play even more aggressive, giving up on chases quickly and go create pressure elsewhere, downing people and forcing their teammates to come to pick them up as I go chase someone else, always keeping eye which gens are being worked on and remmeber to return to them before they get done. It is total chaos around the map and it often lands me 4k because the survivors can't handle the constant pressure, never having time to sit on a gen. It's all about your playstyle. If I was patrolling gens 247, chasing 1 person 247, or searching an area for a hiding survivor till I find them, I would be quite bored out of my mind.
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I 4K most of the time, I'm not complaining about losing. The game that led to this discussion, I had a 4k. That's not the point. I don't chase 1 person 24/7, I split the pressure with killers like Legion or Wraith but I focus on downing a person with killers like Deathslinger or Oni.
If I know that there is a survivor in an area and there is a gen there and he is hiding, what should I do ? Let him do the gen ?
Patrolling 24/7 and not getting involved in chases is boring.
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I mean with the amount of aura revealing perks/add-ons, thus the bleached monitors in both sides thanks to Nvidia filters /s.
Immersive gameplay should be quoted with great emphasis.