A list of people I forgive for insta-d/c'ing

There's been so many people who just insta-d/c the first few minutes of a match that I've come to start forgiving certain people that fall into certain categories (and even be thankful to them at times because they end a painful match sooner).

  • People who don't want to face Spirit or Freddy (and arguably Pyramid Head, too).
  • People who see the killer is a laggy, (probably) VPN using loser
  • People who get facecamped on 1st hook
  • People who get cucked by teammates blocking their path intentionally
  • People who don't want to deal with broken killer builds that are typically only fun for the killer (moris, iri head, pinky finger, etc)
  • Killers/Survivors who come into contact with a cheater
  • Killers who don't want to deal with an OoO in the game.

Honorable mentions, but I can't find it in me to fully forgive them

  • The Zarina who d/c'ed when Bill failed 3 skill checks in a row and then the killer came and hit her.
  • The Nancy who got farmed by Ace, but then proceeded to throw down a couple pallets first and then d/c. I was so close to forgiving you, but you had to ruin it.


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Killers that get noise spammed

    Killers that see a hidden survivor offering and a haddonfield/Ormond/farm/saloon offering

    I've had 3 killers DC immediately today because of my Fair and Fun teammates. Getting rather sick of it, and the fact that I can't really blame the DC's. Even had some arse spam the shack window when the killer chased someone else (I was hooked in the basement, watched the whole thing on Kindred).

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Killers that get noise spammed

    Killers that see a hidden survivor offering and a haddonfield/Ormond/farm/saloon offering

    I've had 3 killers DC immediately today because of my Fair and Fun teammates. Getting rather sick of it, and the fact that I can't really blame the DC's. Even had some arse spam the shack window when the killer chased someone else (I was hooked in the basement, watched the whole thing on Kindred).

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Killers that get noise spammed

    Killers that see a hidden survivor offering and a haddonfield/Ormond/farm/saloon offering

    I've had 3 killers DC immediately today because of my Fair and Fun teammates. Can't blame them.