Falsely accused of Hacking

I was playing a match earlier this morning on the PS4. I had just sacrificed this one survivor and he immediately messaged me saying Nice Hacking Enjoy the report. I asked him what he was talking about, as I wasn't hacking. He never responded, so I'm still left confused as to why he thought that.

I was playing as Freddy on the Rotten Fields Map. I was doing the Teenage Rebellion Archive Challenge and had BBQ & Chili on. Not sure how he misinterpreted hacking from any of that. Maybe he was arrogant enough to think a killer couldn't possibly do well on that particular map? Or maybe he was a new player or just an idiot that forgot particular perks existed? Of course, he most likely was just a salty player.

I know I shouldn't be bothered by his accusation or his reporting me, but its been actually bugging me for awhile now. Does anyone know how reports like that are processed? I don't want to get banned because some salty idiot couldn't handle losing a match and put in a fake report. Even if only temporarily, due to the Archive Rift opening tomorrow.


  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    Getting reported one time by some idiot isn't going to get you banned. I've been reported lots of times for the most random garbage and I've never even received a suspension.

    You're fine as long as you weren't hacking.

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    is it possible to hack on consoles?

  • GRT_Alkaline
    GRT_Alkaline Member Posts: 226

    If you weren't hacking i wouldn't worry too much, because that person would need to provide proof and if there is none then...

    Couldn't tell you how the whole shabam works on ps4 but i can only assume they would need proof along with a report.

    I got accused the other day myself and as i wasn't i told the guy that his claims where just some made up salty bs and the fact i was recording at the time showing him purposefully coming towards me to get hit.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443
    edited July 2020

    Don't worry, if the'd ban everyone that got (falsely) reported for hacking, they probably wouldn't have any players anymore.

    I can't tell how often a survivor said that they'd reported me for cheating because they didn't know how some perks worked or because of latency of servers or sometimes even without giving any reason.

    As far as I know you need to record the game and send it to the dev team, as well as the Steam ID of the person and report them ingame, to report someone for hacking. They'll then review the game and ban the person, if they really cheated. Ingame reports alone do nothing, besides saving the chat in case someone reports another player for insulting other people and behaving inappropriate in chat. (pls somebody correct me if I'm wrong)

    So no need to worry, you won't get banned because of a false report from a salty bby survivor.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I really wouldn’t worry about it. I filed a report for a hacker with video evidence two weeks ago and the person is still playing the game (last played today apparently). This is someone who admits to hacking on their steam profile and has pages of angry comments about them hacking, for what it’s worth, so they’re not hiding it. If the devs don’t bother with actual cheaters they’re not going to ban you based on one unsubstantiated report.