General Discussions

General Discussions

Are we only going to face Freddy's in Red Ranks Now?

We can't make any conclusions for a few weeks after the release of a new patch, as players get used to changes made, but one thing I am worried about. When it came to the very small margin of Killer's that can be utilized in high ranks - Freddy has remained as one of the ones on top, even after his Add-On nerf. Since he is so versatile, and ability to control mind games around loops.

Now that Hillbilly got a big shot in the foot, when he wasn't even one of the more powerful high tier killers to begin with. I feel like we are only going to really see Freddy being played in High Ranks. I know myself when I play both Survivor or Killer. I only ever faced, or used Freddy, Hillbilly, Spirit, Nurse, and Huntress (starting to see more Deathslinger). Rarely I would see other characters, and myself would rarely use my Clown, or Legion simply because I knew picking them was deciding to lose.

While at the same time I would see a lot more Freddy, and Hillbilly, since Spirit and Nurses nerfs - they've become a higher skill cap, and harder to play.

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