Are we only going to face Freddy's in Red Ranks Now?

We can't make any conclusions for a few weeks after the release of a new patch, as players get used to changes made, but one thing I am worried about. When it came to the very small margin of Killer's that can be utilized in high ranks - Freddy has remained as one of the ones on top, even after his Add-On nerf. Since he is so versatile, and ability to control mind games around loops.
Now that Hillbilly got a big shot in the foot, when he wasn't even one of the more powerful high tier killers to begin with. I feel like we are only going to really see Freddy being played in High Ranks. I know myself when I play both Survivor or Killer. I only ever faced, or used Freddy, Hillbilly, Spirit, Nurse, and Huntress (starting to see more Deathslinger). Rarely I would see other characters, and myself would rarely use my Clown, or Legion simply because I knew picking them was deciding to lose.
While at the same time I would see a lot more Freddy, and Hillbilly, since Spirit and Nurses nerfs - they've become a higher skill cap, and harder to play.
Yes. From now on I will only play as Freddy until I get bored. Then I will uninstall this game and go play something else
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I get bored enough to watch paint dry playing against Freddy, and especially "Forever Freddy" makes me want to uninstall. Now we get even more Freddy games with Hillbilly gutted.
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No? Spirits and deathslingers aswell. And a few huntresses with iri bealts I guess.
And in the rare occasion its another killer its going to be a mori involved in it
Enjoy survivor I guess lol
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yeah, Freddy and spirit shitfest at this point.
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Why not uninstall now?
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I dont even play freddy lol.
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Yo let's not encourage people to leave the game.
We still havn't seen how this update plays out yet.
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Because I wasted almost 2k hours on this game and I want to play a little bit more. I'll probably uninstall it in the next week
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im just going to play the most cancerous builds on spirit and freddy until this change gets reverted. This is what happens when the devs make decisions that nobody!!! LITERALLY NOBODY WANTS OR ASKS FOR. Iri head slug huntress. Amulet/ ring spirit with noed. Forever freddy with swing chains. once i get someone out early as legion, the other 3 are going to infinately mend until they dc.
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It was just a question. Unlike what I get half the time lmao
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The real biggest issue in DBD. The amount of bm players treat others with, sorry you had to deal with this dude.
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On xbox I see Freddy and Doctor the most. I will say I'd rather see Freddy over the doctor any day because regardless of how the match plays out, I never have fun against the doctor.
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Oridnarily id say this is what you get when you keep begging for killer nerfs. However I can't pin this one on survivor mains because it's all on the devs. No one was asking for Billy nerfs. They were all asking for spirit. I wonder how long it will take for them to nerf her?
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I doubt it. Community feedback and different streamers have a huge impact on what killers see play as long as there decent. For instance there was a big uptick in deathslingers post scotts video. Whenever monto post a killer video expect those killers to appear more frequently.
Also I'd say if your a billy main you'd switch to bubba or oni. More likely oni but well have to see.
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"[Hillbilly] wasn't even one of the more powerful high tier killers to begin with."
"I only ever faced, or used Freddy, Hillbilly, Spirit, Nurse, and Huntress"
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Indeed, I mean, no one knows who's actually behind the screen. I for one think these text are funny at times.
But I also allow my 13yr nephew play on my account, and at times forget to turn messages off so he doesn't get the hate. These are mild compared to some. At the time I WAS rank 5. And I allowed my nephew a go at the newer update today and he told me he got a messege.
He thought I should see.
Dunno if I should respond all things considering. 🤷♂️🥴🤦♂️
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I’m usually not toxic unless people kill themselves with 5 gens left on your first hook creating a disadvantage in a game where everyone else is Rank 1, but I definitely stand by what i said : )
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Yeah Hillibilly was one of the least I used personally. I'm not going to lie and say he wasn't a strong Killer at all. Lol you guys and liking to try and zone out on one thing said to disprove an entire thread - it's laughable.
Hillbilly was strong yes, but he certainly wasn't over exceeding expectations. He was doing what he was designed to do, and was doing it right. It was one toxic famous streamer that said he's OP, and then the Dev's nerfed him because the streamer was a BHVR fan favorite.
What needs to be considered is nerfing the strong Killer's as well. Then what will players have to use against 4 man SWF death squads in high ranks? That's right, they won't have anything.
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It's ok. I will be the light in the darkness in red ranks and play wraith, Oni, hag and demo, so you don't have to play against spirit and Freddy
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why don't we all uninstall?
but really you'll see Freddy yes but you'll see Spirit Nurse only good ones and Huntress and Deathslinger,were may still see billy tho only good one know how work with the cooldown like good Nurses.
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Hey I'm right there with you i love all my killers and use them all even if it results in a "HOW ARE YOU A 1" or "GG EZ" which only happens once in a while on a few killers that I haven't tweaked right or leveled up yet but ya know.
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Yes, but 99% of survs aren't 4 SWF death squads, and we're dead 3 of 4 times. But yes, you can balance trapper to 4k a death squad SWF at rank 1. Don't worry about anyone else
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Freddy with this new tinkerer perk alongside PGTW is nasty I hated facing him already, very low skill required to play him but he destroys
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Not excited for cross play since on console I go against every killer since every knows console players are relatively easier to win against and with cross play coming I’ll probably uninstall since according to everyone in this thread all you guys get are sweaty Freddys, Spirits and Nurses with the occasional Huntress or Deathslinger
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That's a lie. Even worse with the new MMR system they are putting in. When you do so well with a specific Killer the matchmaking system is going to reach a point where it will ONLY put you VS 4 man death squads. Also the game isn't even balanced to win solo as survivor, you NEED at least 1 teammate to face most Killer's - so most players play with friends.