Regarding genrush from a fellow rank 1 killer main

slim0b Member Posts: 551

Try using the perk Discordance, believe me gens won't fly by nearly as fast. It's super underrated and often disregarded as another tracking perk, but its so much more powerful than thrilling because it applies double the pressure


Any time two or more Survivors are working on the same Generator , that Generator's Aura is highlighted in yellow for 8/10/12 seconds.

And if 2 survivors commit to a gen and then you head over there down someone hook him next to the gen, damage it, most of their progress will be gone by the time they unhook, and the second survivor that was there would have probably wasted a moderate amount of time finding a different gen, because if he just works on a gen nearby you can just start applying pressure much quicker right after the hook.

And obviously if you're a killer who can down people very quickly such as oni or GF this WILL be of great help to you.


  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Also please remember, finding a survivor on a gen is a TON better than finding a survivor wandering. So try to prioritize them and maybe even ignore sometimes.

    Obviously the same discussion can't happen for a 4-man SWF since whoever you chase someone will take his place on a gen through their comms, a good 4-man SWF will crush most killers anyways unless its spirit or a good slug oni etc..

  • Altima9619
    Altima9619 Member Posts: 24

    True Gen rushes however don't happen because 2-4 survivors bundle up together on the same gen, they happen when each survivor is on a different generator spread across the map while one survivor keeps the killer in chase.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited July 2020


    i use discordance on all of my killer builds. it helps genrushing a lot. i have learned many survivors will ONLY do gens with friends lol. easy kills everytime.

    edit : also it always helps you know where to go at the beginning of a match so you don't waste time checking other gens :)

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    I would say the big thing with Discordance isn't the notification itself, but the fact that it makes killers pressure people off gens more than chasing random survivors, which is how you are supposed to play the game. +1 I love the perk.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Again something this organized is almost impossible to happen in solo queue, a 4-man SWF is discarded from most killer arguments really

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,439

    Also as a rank 1 killer with 1k+ hours, the problem with gens isn't multiple survivors on the same gen, its survivors splitting to 4 different gens.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,439

    This is hardly true, when i play survivor if i see someone on a gen or spawn near people, i run away from them. It's not hard.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Let me give an example

    True's video, "This is what gen rush means when people ask". A lot of people say "oooo this or that streamer played very well still gen rushed!" but you can see many mistakes happen.

    You can see at first he decides to go for a survivor wandering, waste time getting pallet stunned and breaking pallet, holding W, but anyways let's just let it slip.

    At the 50 second mark, he hears a gen nearly done near shack, but still loops the laurie around shack? Like normally you'd go for that gen and shoo the survivor off it.

    If you send me a clip I can try to point out mistakes, I'm not denying gen-rush exists in SWF and a terrible map/picked killer, but normally it really is just mistakes.

  • Altima9619
    Altima9619 Member Posts: 24

    The concept is simple as hell for any player to grasp however, it's not inclusive to SWF teams. When I play solo, I know to not group up until the last few gens just because it allows me to help the team actually pressure the killer and have a greater chance of escaping. The reason most players don't do it? This toxic "fun" mentality the community came up with. It's not fun to play this way because doing gens are boring. So players simply don't do gens, killers 4k most games thus making the statistics show that they are imbalanced. For me fun is the challenge of competing against a equally skilled player and working towards actually winning the game.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i use Surveillance with ruin but it don't always work ruin gets taken out to fast on most maps.