New killer

KGBSpy Member Posts: 8

The child, the orphan, the littlest bean. Whatever you would like to call her.

this psychic wielding lunatic might be small and slow. But she’s terrifying in the long run.

terror radius 25 meters

speed 3.6


Hide and seek, when damaged by the orphan. Survivors are no longer able to hear the terror radius, this effect stays on until fully healed, additionally, any survivor hooked by the orphan and gets unhooked sees the image of a child just off in the distance, walking from behind objects and vanishing. This effect stays on until the survivor finds and cleanses a children’s toy.


Persistent presence, survivors who have been unhooked but yet to cleanse a toy always here the terror radius at a far/medium/close range. And the images have a 10/15/20% chance to cause the survivor to scream.

Clean Room, the survivor cannot see toys auras within 5/10/15 meters of themselves.

lost and found, the survivor cannot see toys auras outside of 25/20/15 meters of themselves.

obviously, it would need some work. But basically. It would be fun to see a pint sized killer.
