This mid chapter is bad content wise.

I really dislike this mid chapter, i even decided to stop playing for a while at least until chapter 17, i will say why.
The billy change, even if they are better that what they used to be, are still bad, now in 1/2 of loops you can't chainsaw unless survivor make a mistake. The fact that you gain heat when spriting is ridiculous, especially for map pressure, since it stop you for using it until you can rev correctly again, so for 10 to 15 seconde at least. And it's not the worst, the addon change are ridiculous, gain very small mouvement speed when blinded what? Have a blind reduction after pallet stunt? Useless unless you have problem hearing survivor and even then if the survivor see you have the addon he can just stop flashlight you at pallet.
Overall just bad change that will make billy unfun and need tweak since i think heat can be good to stop noob billy from reving all day if tuned down.
bubba i think have seen some nerf from ptb but i didn't notice it so i might be wrong there i will wait for confirmation.
the new perk are very meh:
franklin demise is just a big blow to solo survivor again, only affect them and not sfw, thank you for nerfing solo, can't wait to be obliterate with my potatoe teamate again. and it dosen't affect sfw since you can just tell where you got hit and someone can go pick up the item. Anyway the counter is so simple, drop the item you need the most (keys keys keys) and pick it up when you need to use it and done no harm will come to your precious item (KEYS)
knock out: just hold m1, you will not crawl until you are max recovery most of time, depend of course but again it's still a bad perk that only affect solo survivor. this change affect nothing and knock out will still be niche (especially with mmr coming right up).
lightborn: okay change, that can make flashlight usless for the game, but the aura reading is not good, unless they hide and aslo affect survivor that flashlight from behind when you look at wall. but as soon as you know the killer have it just stop using flashlight (unless it's wraith spirit nurse or hag).
Tinker: good change, very useful now and can be use well on some killer. nothing much to see here.
Now for the aura change, everyone agree they suck and other thread have already said why, aslo some time the aura hurt my eyes. anyway bad overall even if it look cool.
Killer lock is just unfair and will provide more dodging and toxic environment, a new lobby system is needed when the survivor as 30 sec to prepare and the killer as 30 sec to prepare. pick and ban maybe. but i'm still thinking about it. for now it's just unfair for kller, make it so survivor have that aswell at least, but really it need to go.
Overall bad change for both survivor and killer, solo survivor get shadow nerf by some killer perk while the strongest survivor (sfw) see small consequence for those gain. Killer ''loose''' old billy and get a bad version of him on top of being stomp over by the new lobby system. And the new legendary that force skin to be streamlined is the worst idea ever.
Props to the bug fixes tho they were awesome and need praise, all bug fixes are good and props to the team for fixing so much. If you can share your love on thread it would be awesome 😍
that's it i'm open for criticism and dialogue and sorry in advance for the bad grammar and stuff. Hope it's not too hard to read. Tell me what you think
TL;dr: This mid chapter made me uninstall, bad billy change, bubba nerfed to be a meh/okay killer from ptb from what i've seen but i might be wrong, the aura change that make me hurt my eyes so i can see the outline and the lock at loadout screen that is only for killer. all the recent as been bad for both side, it didn't change anything in the meta and only nerfed solo survivor and killers while the nerf to sfw are weaker than the new perks and change for them.
You havent even played billy, have you? unless you are using your chainsaw every 3 seconds you most probably are not going to overheat.
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This. It's basically impossible to overheat. You'd have to do it on purpose. After a while, I simply stopped looking at the gauge. They added a mechanic that is too hard to balance. It was too punishing in the ptb. Now it's essentially as non-existent.
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i agree, but i still think is was not a needed change then and will make new billy quit the killer just like nurse nerf, time will tell. But billy is just a small point on my overall problem with the update
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They barely nerfed Leatherface (they only slightly nerfed Iri Flesh) and billy rarely overheats now. (but I agree the auras suck now, and I think they should at least hold off on killer locking until MMR fully releases. I know it's to get data for it, but now killers have a harder time trying to adapt to survivor's loadouts, and some of billy's and Bubba's add-ons don't make sense / are useless)
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yes and no, i manage to overheat a few time with him, again i'm bad at billy but i needed to share my opinion on him. My main problem that i don't adress well in my post is, for new billy to have a harder time learning him. Again i just hope i'm worng, i will still take my vacation from this game. Wich is not something that is good for the dev but whatever maybe it's for the best.
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You got my main problem with update, and the shadow nerf to solo with the perk that will mostly be useless unless you play agaisnt solo in those case they are cancer. Thanks i don't play leatherface and i didn't have the tme to test him so good to know, for billy i already said my problem with it but if billy main say it's okay i believe them.
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Billy overheat is nearly non-existent, stop making the fact that you didn't even touch him any more obvious. He doesn't need amazing addons either, he has been a top tier killer even without addons and still is. Billy change is very good except some addon bugs and a few worthless addons (which every killer has, and funnily you used the worst 2 addons to criticize his whole kit).
Dropping the item to counter Franklins, that's the point of Franklins. You are probably making the killers job easier by wasting time dropping the item before every chase and running back to it after... and you still don't get to use it. (Unless its a key, but that's a different problem in itself)
Knock Out was nerfed for killers with very snowball abilities and buffed for m1 killers. Still niche, I don't see a problem.
Your Lightborn comment sounds like you were never blinded at a pallet and never tried I'm All Ears. Both the no blind and the aura reading is very good in this perk. Its very useful against many flashlights now.
Agreed on Tinkerer, I'm planning to combine it with Ruin, I think they will work very well.
Agreed that the auras suck, but it will 100% be fixed, we can even look at it as a bug currently.
Lobby lock isn't unfair at all no matter which way you look at it. The survivors can't see what killer you are, they can't bring items to intentionally counter you. This change is essential for each killer to get their own mmr.
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Gee, sure am glad I got 60 LoPro Chains!
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what? are you okay?
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No, what am I supposed to do, with all this chain?
You want your harpoon to shoot half the map bud? TAKE SOME!
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first, i did pick only 1 bad addon :), the other is an okay add on :) (pallet stun one) got ya there.
now for something non trolly, i agree for billy, it's mostly i don't play him, so as a new billy a struggle with this mechanic, you have to take that in consideration and i should have said it on the post. now i still think if it's non existant what was the point to make it hard to learn? anyway.
For franklin i was saying that in the beginning of the match, sfw group can drop their best item to get them when needed (i was thinking a lot about keys). sorry if that wasn't very clear it's 1 am here. but it can aslo work for powerful item, agaisnt solo it's a big buff.
Knock out wasn't buff, having crawl speed reduce for 15 second is not useful especially when no one can see you + i totally forgot the you can see the survivor on the ground at 32 meter so second nerf. just stay in place and wait. i agree the nerf is good for solo, but it wasn't really use unless it's a meme and/or cancer slugging build . so eh.
I'm all hears is really good, beceause it use at loops so you can see how the survivor loops, lightborn only trigger when someone try to blind you, and if you get pallet stunned and don't kick, most of the time it safe, now it can be use but i still think the aura reading can only be use once before survivor stop flashlight you. Unless they are dumb.
Atleast everyone agree on tinker that's nice.
i hope so, but i have to say making my eye hurt made see elsewhere.
well is it fair to survivor to have a fully ready character, queue with a character that has nothing on him and change at the last second to the fully geared one, i think not, so it should be for both side for this reason, but i get the point of mmr so i come back it should not be change but be for both side.
And just something, i am anylising as a solo survivor and killer eyes, i don't think it's fair for solo to have counter while sfw get nothing, i just got fed up with that since the silent hill chapter. i think the bad thing got to me someway and don't get me started on the skin thing i didn't to talk about it much but it's bullshit their new system.
Anyway thanks for the response you respond to everything and that's nice.
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i don't even play deathslinger that much lol, i just like he's design lol
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Well both the flashlight addons are pretty bad, instead of either you can get Lightborn and be better off, but yeah your point is fair enough.
Can't say anything on the learning curve, if it's really harder than before I would say this heat up change is actually bad, since it didn't change nearly anything for good Billy users.
Well in either case for Franklins they can't use their items, the swf and solo gap has always been a problem so I'm just accepting it in these kinds of changes.
I didn't understand that part fully but they didn't remove the 32 meter aura if that's what you meant. The changes were just additions, also according to what I heard from Otz it also muffles the downed survivors hearing for a couple seconds too. I see it as a buff since it makes it harder for survivors to crawl to another survivor after recovering or simply to under a pallet and in swf it makes it harder for them to give info to their team.
I wasn't clear on lightborn I believe, if a survivor tries to blind you on a pallet or at a window and you have this perk they will have lost a lot of distance. So that's either a free hit or if there is a loop very close by the aura reading is basically a free mindgame.
Survivors being locked to change their setups 10-15 seconds before the killer would be a nice fix to quick swapping. I don't think there is a reason to lock item/character swapping in lobbies completely for survivors, it would just be needless anti-QoL (I personally would prefer if either side didn't see the others setup/steam profiles but that's just an opinion.)
I wish they focused more on the solo-swf gap too. I don't get what you meant by the "skin thing" btw.