4.1.0 Mid Chapter: Billy Add ons- cmon rlly?!

Ive just read the up date for Billy and some things have been changed from the ptb and some things have not; from those things are the "Ultra Rare" Add on: Lo Pro Chains and Carb Guide. *Facepalm* Seriously an Ultra Rare add on that is utter trash and in most case useless. To take the time to rev the chainsaw and hit a survivor only to put them into an injured state with nothing else is nonsense! There is the Speed Limiter add on that does the same thing and rewards you with more points! This Lo Pro trashcan is not worth the 7k in the blood web for this new change.

BHVR you owe to all Billy mains and fans to make this right! I propose this Add On to be worth its current place as an Iridescent "Ultra Rare" and give it the love it deserves! To keep with the same intentions of the change, make it possible to keep the chainsaw going regardless of what it hits/destroys, ex: pallets and survivors and PLS make it One Hit downing survivors! So with this, Billy can now hit multiple targets and put a scary amount of map pressure he is known and loved for!

As for the Carb Guide, Pls remove the movement speed debuff; 4.4 with only a moderate decrease to charge time is useless and not worth it. Remove the debuff wont bring back "insta-saw" or anything Op. This was his best Add on, pls dont nerf it to the ground and make it trash.

Lastly Pls dont contradict with stating that you are pleased with Billy overall and then giving him these underwhelming, useless and unfun nerfs/add ons.

Billy is OG and Deserves the Respect!

Disclaimer: I am a Survivor main. I do play killer for daily's, achievements and tomes. Playing against old Billy regardless of build is more fun than some of the other boring and bullzit killers(cough-spirit-cough- comeslinger). With these changes, I feel there will be less seeing him and more of others, which are boring and unfun to against. After all, the basis of these changes as you stipulated with Bubba, was to boost up the killers that are least played/used? Imho, you just placed Billy at the bottom of the barrel from these underwhelming Add on changes.

I honestly hope Im not the only one who thinks Billy got a an undeserving add on nerf and I hope a ton of you reply.



  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    edited July 2020

    Purple addons and red addons should just be good either slightly buffing base kit or a large buff which a slight change in playstyle. Not miniture at best almost nerfs with a large change in playstyle and useless red addons aren't the way to make them feel special for their rarity

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 241

    Bye Bye Hillbilly. </3