The diffrence about DBD 2016 & 2020 is:Genrushing, flashlightclicking ect.are standard now.Accept it

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

Yo topic says all.

In my opinion or what ive seen the last weeks is: That Genrushs or flashlightclicking, hookrushers, disrespectful survivors and stuff like that pretty are standards now on this game. Specially if you play on red ranks. Dead by Daylight is not the same like 2016 anymore. What do you think about that ?

Corrupt Intervention ? PGTW ? Noed ? Sloppy ? Thanat ? Survivors on theese ranks ignoring all that. In my opinion 80% of all survivors are to lazy to do Totems too. Killer is comming ? Most of them don´t care cause they not afraid anymore. They still sit on that gen. Important is to finish them as fast as they can.....

( What i want to say is that im tired of 5-6 minute games )

About Matchmaking ? EXAMPLE: I think theres a diffrent between Rank 1 Survivors with an 3000 MMR and Rank 1 Survivor with an 2000 MMR.

So Ranks have nothing to do with skill. It shows only how often you play.

Every day i see treads here with. Campers, tunnelers, Genrushers, Noed users, toxic there and toxic there. I think it´s time to accept it because we have no other choice. Thats DBD now ... sad


  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    tell me what kms is pls :) and yeah youre right to see and to read all that toxic stuff day for day makes tired

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    This sort of stuff is common with multiplayer 1 side vs 1 side games, the teabagging and overall toxic gameplay. I’d recommend putting your profiles on private and pressing the arrows on the end game chat, which completely minimises it. When I started doing this, it made me feel a whole lot better, sure you miss the odd kind survivor and killer but overall, you’re not missing much.

    For the teabagging side of it, the best advice is to not let that get to you- they’re either trying to keep your attention on them, which you should then just leave and find another survivor, or trying to make you angry, either way, just leave and find someone else. If the gens get done because you abandoned that chase, so be it, move on to the next game- they can’t contact you and they’ll hopefully move on with their bout of crouch spams.

    I can’t really help much because I main Huntress/Deathslinger and occasionally Nurse so teabagging is usually punished when I play with them. Try playing more of those killers if you REALLY don’t want that, or Oni, all of them are able to punish toxic crouch spamming pretty easily. Sometimes I’ll run Ghostface so I can teabag with them! (Not at them, you don’t want to become the very thing you’re against).

    Dont let it get to you, these are angry ADULTS being toxic for no reason at all- don’t let their childishness take their toll on you! Stay positive and good luck with your future games :)

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    The toxicity starts with the survivors, killers as a result become toxic themselves and there is no fear factor because survivors have WAY to many second chances. Just imagine if they didn't have exhaustion perks and when injured are 5% slower in running speed or that iron will doesn't exist alongside raging chase music to get in the way of the killer. Fear stems out of not having options in a situation. That's why the game isn't a horror experience, ok maybe to an extent if you are going vs stealth killers but that's because of fear of the unknown.

  • Alify
    Alify Member Posts: 347

    The saddest thing is that all this can be overcome, but for some reason the developers are in no hurry, although this would make the game better ...

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Toxic behavior in online games is always part of every community/playerbase. League of Legends is one of the most toxic games I have ever come across but I learned to ignore it and enjoy the game as it was. Same is true to DBD, but that does not mean I will tolerate toxic behavior. It's completely different when a player insults me in chat, I don't start crying from what strangers say to me on internet, but when they influence my match by toxic behavior, that's when I say "stop. get some help". They are making an effort to make my game bad, not just insulting by words, but by actually using the game's mechanics to ruin others' fun. That's just messed up.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    I turned off the messages and it's just been a better experience. I'm just tired of the egos on this game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    i mean if you wanna try and tell me genrushing now is easier than when bnps used to complete an entire generator instantly then idk what to tell you man :/

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    There is no ruin anymore. Even a noob team can genrush the killer

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    so when i get facecamped and tunneled for absolutely no reason (no, looping a killer for 2 gens because they decided to chase me into the pallet-heavy section of the map instead of pressuring gens isn't a reason to facecamp and tunnel) it actually started with me?

    the game is a horror experience but like any horror experience after prolonged exposure it loses it's horror. try watching the shining for 1000 hours and still being scared of it.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    No it was not mandatory. But now there is nothing to prevent survivot to gen rush. Gens are just too quick. You can drop all pallets early, if your team is doing gens, the game is over in 4-5 mins with a swf. Not to mention all survivor second chance perks never got nerfed.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Ah, yes. "Just apply pressure". A classic from survivor mains. Obviously, if you down everyone in few seconds, you will apply enough pressure. But it's really easy for a decent survivor to make a long chase. Unless you play nurse or spirit, you can lose 1 or 2 gens by the time you catch the first survivor.

    I'm sorry but BT and DS have not been nerfed at all. Deep wound is a joke ands DS allows NO COUNTERPLAY other than just leaving the survivor and going for another one (RIP enduring/unnerving presence)

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    And there is the toxic mentality i speak about! So you are getting facecamped and tunneled it is not fun but the thing is if you get faceamped that mean chances are the other 3 survivors will escape. Just because you don't get to trash the killer for no reason at the gates doesn't mean you should make it that big of a problem that you didn't escape. The mentality of survivors is that they believe that if they don't escape they lose which is not the case. If you go for the pip system it is really easy to pip, which by game knowledge is a win, without the need to escape while killer even a 4k will end up depiping. In the end as much the killer isn't entitled to get 4k every game and so are survivors escaping. Also the problem might not be in you the killer might have had a toxic team in the later game which led to him geting tilted and just tunnel because of it, don't blame him blame the people who led him to that. I agree that prolonged exposure leads to the horror element to disappear but just as i said if survivors have less options in chases there would at least be some tension between equal skilled killer and survivor.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    Okay firstly bold of you to assume I trash the killer at the gates. I leave. I stream, don't believe me then watch it.

    Secondly I'm a big advocate for ending the toxicity with me. I accept it and let it die. As killer or as survivor.

    Again though, it's not me that starts it and you saying that it's always the fault of survivors is just biased nonsense.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275
    edited July 2020

    You want me to show you pictures as well? You have no argument, you can be a survivor main and have killer rank 1. Btw the debate isn't here. I didn't say you are a surv main

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    You can still have almost max everything on killer and still be a survivor main. How about you show us what your survivors look like, that will not prove that you are a survivor main either, it's all in the mindset, and judging from your previous comment, you're survivor biased.

    It's like you're ASKING to go against only 1-2 killers out of 20.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Is this thread seriously saying genrushing is just as bad as it was in 2016.............. is that seriously what you wrote??? 2016 Dbd.... where BNP fully completed a gen in one click, meaning 4 gens could be completed in less than 10 seconds..... I swear the vast majority of killer mains on this forum lack brain cells.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2020

    are you rly trying to compare apples with bananas ? That makes no sense

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    Yep, they made it easier for survivors if you completely and intentionally ignore all the nerfs survivors have gone through the past year.

    Also your reply to the P3 on 11 different killers, rank 1 killer calling them a survivor main made my day.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Are you idiot? When did I call him a survivor main? I said the "jUsT aPplY PrEsSuRe" is a typical survivor sentence.

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    First i think i am sensing passive aggression. Me keeping this conversation was never to show you are a toxic player i don't know how you play the game, my statement was that every bad situation like getting tunneled, facecamped, 4 man swf have at least a positive side and you shouldn't get that tilted by it. If you ask me be the bigger person when you get in these situations and just laugh it off. Also i never said IT IS THE SURVIVORS FAULT, it goes both ways but just look at most of the streamers, mostly all act toxic mostly playing as survivor, while most killer streamers get belittled for no reason, get tilted and then do facecamps, red morris and other things. What i am trying to say is if people stop cheering on toxic survivors as a whole and somehow that stops them do toxic actions it would make killers less wanting to just bring the kitchen sink and just make the game a ######### show and a unfun mess. The big problem comes also from behavior to do jack nothing for these streamers and just leave them to make even more survivors toxic. They should make facecamping to have some negative for the killer ass well not just a score at the end just as much finding a way to control the cancer 4 mans on comms which at least for me should be categorized as cheating since it is an action done by using a third party program, for that i would be ok with having close proximity comms would make it very funny if the killer could also hear what survivors are talking about while he is close to them and if someone is annoying on them he can just be muted and you just continue to play normally.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    You didn't say it was the survivor's fault?

    "The toxicity starts with the survivors, killers as a result become toxic themselves"

    Word for word from your first post on this thread. "Starts with the survivor's" and yet you didn't say it was their fault?

    Okay buddy. 🤔

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited July 2020

    Lol, 2016 was the time were generators took 70 seconds to complete, BNPs repaired them in one click and insta-flashlights were a thing. Not counting the absolute hell that was sabotage. Oh, and exhaustion not even being a thing, with Sprint Burst recharging while running and stacking with balanced Landing.

    If you really think 2016 was better than now I have bad news for you.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    Servers are survivors side now? lol ok sure. *Flashbacks for more than 1 year of BS hits*

    ok speaking of 1 year.. here we go. Servers are survivors nerf, Balance landing nerf, Bubba buff, Freddy buff, Clown buff, Doctor Buff, Trapper QoL changes also buff, Smaller maps!!, with less tiles and more dead zones, no infinites, midkits nerf, toolboxes nerf, repair speed efficiency nerf, strong new killers added. and oh Nurse and Spirit and also Hiibilly still so so strong killers. But yeah killers are sad life =( and survivors are easy lol.

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    And how does ,,the toxicity starts from survivors'' = survivors are the problem? To me you read between the lines and write whatever comes to mind without putting much of an effort. If you are a streamer with this kinda mentality i can kinda guess what kinda player you are but that is not the point of this discussuion, the big problem with toxicity started with players like ochido and he was toxic not just as a survivor but as much as a killer. As i said steamers, fog whisperers are the reason the game is in this state weather they play killer or survivor. If you go ask how we got to this state of the game most of the streamers would say it is because of people like ochido and his toxic squad of survivor with friends or people who play killer and while on stream put some stupid music on while facecamping a survivor for no reason only to get more views. As i wrote the game would be better if the devs take measures in removing things from the game and banning these kinda streamers. At least try and read through what i wrote instead of just reading a line and going aggressive for no reason this is a discussion not a fight.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    Yeah back when camping was meta it sure was on the survivors.

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    I have 1000 hours in the game and from old videos of the game back in 2016 i can kinda see why it could have been i mean there were unbalanced loops pallet next to another pallet, instant fast vaulting from any direction and so on... And as i said for a second time facecamping should be dealth with by somehthing other than a negative score for the killer at the end screen. I never said it was fair or right. The more unbalance there is the more killers have to resort to scummy ways to play and that is on the trash balance team not on all of the players. Also here is something if killers want to go up the ranks things like tunneling, facecamping, morris almost everytime lead to a depip or a black pip. Even the game tells the killer that if they play like this they will get nothing only scorn that they used these stupid things only to gen genrushed and depip. The problem i wrote is this both killer should not be entitled to get 4k every game and neither should the survivor be entitled to escape, that's why the emblem system is there to show you whether you did good or did nothing. AND if as a survivor you get facecamped or tunneled and just have a not fun experience look at the bright side the other 3 have a big chance of escaping if they mostly do the gens.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    this is just a bait and echo chamber mate. no matter how well spoken your opinion to these kinds of people its either you agree with them or you don't. you don't have to prove anything.

    killers and survivors both have problems. killers and survivors have also had things buffed and nerfed to compensate. if you think the devs are onesided then your ignorant and clearly haven't seen the game in the state it was in back in 2016 with the amount of broken things both sides could preform. todays dbd is genuinely very very balanced with the odd very annoying issue on both sides. least we don't have instant gens and insta heals. with insta moris that made games go by in literally less then 2 minutes.

    nurse needed tweaking. insta heals needed tweaking. billy deserved an overhaul and the devs have listened to community feedback and made him balanced. spirit isn't as bs anymore. DS no longer grants the no hook escapes it once did, even if it still has a few issues from people who know how to abuse it. infinite looping for the most part has been removed. all killers are almost viable, if you have the skill to back them up.

    right now i'd say the biggest problems are large maps, lower tier killer buffs needed, and a few killers need tightning up. on the other side theres also deadzones on maps and camping/tunneling that are way to easy to do as killer (but are slowly being more and more phased out, i mean you can't face camp as easily as bubba or billy now!!! no one talks about that?!?!?) perk changes need to be made for a lot of survivor perks feeling too weak or too abusable. same goes for a few killer perks. keys and hatch games need some touching up and so does last survivor scenarios. the gap between swf and solo needs some work, and survivors need more info, and a higher skill ceiling.

    both sides have issues. everyone needs to stop gaslighting each others issues as something less then valid. who cares what side someone plays, their opinion and feedback is still valid, expecially if their an avid player.

    what we need to do as a community is communicate all of our valid concerns to the devs in a healthy way instead of creating screaming threads at them or each other. or getting so incredibly expressive at each other over a game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    If it started with survivors they are therefore the problem no?

    Also why make your mind up from guessing my forum posts go watch a couple matches and figure it out.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Dedicated servers are the survivor sided as hell. It's an improvement for survivors but not at all for the killer. Wanna talk about all the times I should have grabbed a survivor but it didn't work? Survivors take advantage of that to finish gens in front of your face. The buffed killers you mentionned are not even meta except Freddy.

    Sure, they removed a lot of bullshits from survivors (BNP, toolbox nerf, infinites) but you don't even need a toolbox to genrush. And there is enough pallet to loop a killer for a fair amount of time if you're decent. I was playing 2 years ago, and the game is not more balanced now. There is just less bullshits on both sides (don't forget you could start a game with 2 survivors).

    Nurse require an insane amount of time to get good at her. Spend this time playing survivor ald you'll already reach rank 1 by the time you learn to land your blinks.

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    If it is for me personally then yes for me it started from the survivor side but i am not blaming ALL survivors i am not a killer biased player even though i play mostly killer since i find it more challenging and enjoy getting in the head of the survivors. The guess for what type of player you are is based on the way you just answer what i wrote it is called first impressions. If you wanted to prove something you could have just said ,,Cool man if you want come watch my streams and decide then what kinda player i am we can chat there as well'' That is a better first impression then just jumping at me with implying that i am killer sided and don't take that survivors are players too and have their share of problems. As i said this is a discussion not a fight and i myself would be more then happy to watch some of your game play i myself am a rank one killer with all killers and when i decide a rank one solo survivor (prefer to play the game with at least one friend since it kinda gets boring to play survivor solo) and i enjoy watching my friends streamed games so i can give them tips on both survivor and killer game play especially if they want to learn.

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    That i believe is game design not a reason killers constantly want nerfs. Hook sabo, old one that is, is because it was an toxic way to play since the killer mostly had no counter play to it especially vs a squad maybe a morry with basement hooks if he is lucky. As for vacuum it is just plain unbalanced and exploited and it is still to some extension in the game even now with the survivor back facing the drop of the pallet. These things were exploited they were not fair. If you get hit from a killer right now which should not have hit that is still on the side of the game and servers. Also no other game modes like 2 killers 8 survivors it is normal to go stale and boring.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    Ranks dosen't matter at all, Nurse as you said is hard to learn but when you master her almost nothing can stop you. Even SWF. Also survivor aren't easy to learn because you need to know how to counter every killer on each map in many different loops, survivors less job to do? yes because there are 4 of them unlike killer, but is it easy to loop? nah its not unless the killer is new then yeah ofc.

    About servers, again how much often to get graps anyway? 1 time every 2-3 games? do you know how many times you get hits as survivor that shouldn't hit you? or dead hard not working but still give you exhaustion? you hear it every game "i/you got dedicated" because the amount of times you get those silly hits.

    Back to the Orignal point you said at first 'devs made everything to make the game easier for survivors', and your 2nd replay you agreed that they did improve many things and most of them in killers favor. Sadly killers in fourms with 4k mentality never gonna be satisfied. As solo survivor i always envy you and your small problems.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Please explain how I’m comparing apples vs bananas. The op is complaining about genrushing..... and that’s what my comment was about.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    Well, record a video with your friends in rank 1-5 against a nurse/freddy/spirit and show us how easy you escape. I'm willing to see it.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    1. The heavy focus on gens really started right after the major healing nerf. Many people said that would be the case and were boohoo'd by the louder killer base that wanted the nerf. They asked for it, they got it.

    2. Your post is clearly one sided. You leave off the survivor experience. When I do play survivor, it is 7 out of 10 matches of tunnel and camp. Then cry about how killers are powerless. Seriously bad killers who can't adapt, can't pressure gens and rely on NoED to get kills. (Not in my matches, Det Hunch is a staple in my builds.)

    3. I easily play 8 killer matches for every survivor match. I don't see a whole lot of clicky clicky because I'm almost always in a chase and I either ignore them or they are trying to get gens done. As Trapper, I lose 2-3 gens early, then it stops. I rarely see more than one escape.

    Is it stressful sometimes? Yes. But then I remember that all these nerfs and all the toxic killers with their camping and tunneling have killed the solo ranks. SWF used to be the uncommon match, bow they are the norm.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    I'm not a good survivor, I play killer much more, but I can tell you that as a killer, I will most likely go against sweaty swf teams. Extremely boring and unfair to play against. Especially these days, you know, because auras are broken so OoO is even more used.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    A good swf can absolutely beat even a good nurse. That's how easy the game is when you play on comms. But I agree that solo queue is hell. That's why I prefer playing killer.

    The survivor gameplay is 90% the same against every killer. Looping and doing gens. Devs didn't make the game survivor sided, they made it extremely simple even for unskilled survivors. The amount of boosted survivors in red ranks is INSANE.

    And honestly, dead hard is a joke for both sides. It's an overused perk, and I rarely see survivors use it too late.

    If thet don't want killers to have a "4k mentality", they should make it more rewarding for killers.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    4k mentality is bad, that´s for sure.