Tired of Amanda (Pig)

Okay first of all, she is not bad as people think about her. Her lunge hard counter for 360 and pallet hits. She always hit with her lunge no matter what. She can just press ctrl and completely ignore borrowed time. Her RNG traps absolute joke for me. It always 4th box. Basically free mori and it is really unfun. Ambush attack has counterplay but it is impossible to outrun or 360. She can use STBFL extremely easy. PGTW and Reverse traps worse than Forever Freddy. At least there are some counterplays but traps are ttotally RNG. She has 2 purple addons that reduce trap timer and longer box search. %60 of time its gg. She is basically M1 killer i understand but She is EXTREMELY easy thats the problem.
Commenting just to be notified on this bait.
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She only needs an upgrade with her traps to make them more threatening, that's why she feels like a weak killer.
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It is not bait. I really hate her. Because of terrible design and full of RNG. Just discuss this is my opinion. Get a life
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get dud, she has enough counter play as of now
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Can you open this more ? I can discuss it with you
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I mean, I was hoping this is bait for my own sanity. If you genuinely hate Pig I can't say anything other than do your best and try different things.
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So she needs more RNG and free mori ?
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I am just playing normally. Stealth isn't work. Its boring and i don't want 20 minutes game everymatch.
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The worst part about the pig is her RNG with traps. It's very inconsistent. But her crouch ability is quite good.
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Her lunge hard counter for 360 and pallet hits
You mean her ambush attack or her regular M1 lunge?
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Hers Ambush Attack is completely counterable because of the audio warning (just run away from the loop).
Borrowed was changed to not be tied to TR so I don't know what you talking about here.
Traps are RNG but even with the worst set up (add-ons and bad luck) the Survivor has plenty of time to remove the trap (already tested, if you want I can search the vid).
She being a M1 Killer for the most part is precisely why she is so weak.
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Thank you for understanding me
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If you can’t loop a Pig, you need to work on your abilities as survivor my friend.
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Her normal lunge is really good against 360 and pallet hits. Ambush attack is impossible to 360
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Always the 4th box? You mean almost never the 4th box. I've seen survivors get the RBT's off on one box, and it was the one closest to the hook. Almost never more than 2 boxes.
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When she sets a trap for you, you have enough time to go through all the boxes to try your luck. Imao
She is an M1 simulator just like Legion
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She can bait crouch and if you stay on that loop you get hit. If i leave that loop she will hit you in 10 seconds
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Every Killer's lunge is identical, some may look different because of heights and stuff but all of them do exactly the same.
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Not true. If you run a tampered timer and a jigsaw sketch you better pray to God you remove the trap by searching less than 5 jigsaw boxes because no matter whatever you do you won't be able to search all of them.
It's no longer about how much time is wasted, it's about whether if you will remove the trap without losing your life
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You must be really unlucky, because when i play piggy almost everyone take off their RBT in the first or second jigsaw box. Its very rare to see someone with the RBT on their head long enough to trigger the kill even with tampered timer.
Her ambush is one of the worst killer powers, its only useful if you waste your 2 addon slots with the ones that buff it and its very situational.. Personally i think is a waste of time, its much better to carry addons for RBT instead.
About her crouching to avoid BT, yea it may suck for survivors but they can still trigger DS on you, so not very powerful. This is one of the few good things about pig if not the only.
I like piggy she was one of my main, but she was nerfed heavily constantly by the devs without proper reasons. So why don't you take the time to play her and see how she performs in red ranks? You will notice that your complains are no more than an overreaction mixed with misfortune instead of a reality. Or maybe you are talking about green or grey ranks.. but every killer is powerful in those ranks. Violet and Red is the true DBD experience.
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Freddy, huntress and tier 1 and 3 myers are all different too. Pig's lunge is not normal.
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It always 4th box for me
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How much bad luck do you have, to lose against her? lol
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Rank doesn't mean anything
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It is not about luck. Her RNG cause this
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Myers changes the lunge (my bad, I'd forgotten his) because it's part of his power, but other than that the others do the same. As I have said before some may look different because of heights, example: Freddy is really short therefore his lunge seems like it travels more and Plague is really tall and her lunge seems shorter because of that. Both reach the same with different animations, if you don't believe me watch any Q&A stream because most of the time people ask that.
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So you have less than 100 hours in this game?
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I am sure huntress has reduced lunge
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She is actually one of the weaker killers in the game, however I also hate facing her. I am not the best looper, so inevitably I get a free party hat.
My thing is how often many pigs will just chase you down, even with the party hat and re hook you.
But the biggest thing for me is how her power just removes you from playing the game normally. Now ,I have to run all over the map and search these pig boxes instead of playing the game.
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2200 hours
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Oh finally. Thats the problem i really hate
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Now think of the player playing Pig (like me)
First... it's not ALWAYS the last box... for the most part, it's the first to third box (sometimes the forth, or death)
Second... other Players don't play her right which leads to misjudgment\
Third... Her ambush is a mindgame at this point... the only times you get hit with it is when you've misjudged the distance or you didn't see her coming, other stealth killers have similar ways to negate BT
Lastly... She's esay to play but EXTREMELY hard to master or play well I should say... as I said before there's a right way and a wrong way to play well as her... not even Tru3 plays her right
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,,Just discuss, this is my opinion." ,,GET A LIFE"
lol whats wrong with you?
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So a couple things.
Yes Tampered Timer + Crate of Gears/Jigsaw Sketch is pretty toxic. But much like Iri Head + Infantry Belt, most Pigs don't run it.
Yes her traps are kind of RNG. But in all honesty it is equally likely to screw her over as you. They probably should be reworked to be more consistent on both sides, but its not terrible.
StBfL isn't even all that great on her if you're good with Ambush hits. Traps + PgtW does buy her a lot of time, but what do you expect from a Killer who's power primarily is a Control power? Ambush is completely fine.
So like... I get it that her traps have a toxic add on combo and are a bit too RNG... but like... there are so many other killers that are stronger than her and more problematic so I really don't get why you're going after Amanda.
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Because people call it bait
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And you still complain about Pig. Wow.
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No it's not.
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Because she is extremely easy to play and unfun RNG mechanics. Spirit has counter, nurse is balanced etc
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Yes it is lmao
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Well, to be fair, it feels like bait. The traps are toothless if placed after the last gen is done; that decision was a mistake in my opinion. She's a slowdown killer. She slows down the game to engage in more chases and hook more. In exchange for that, she loses mobility and short-term pressure. Just stay aware of what chases she's in, knock out your gens, and you'll be fine.
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She's really not that easy to play. Most M1 killers aren't because good Survivors can run you around for a very long time unless they mess up or you mind game them. The traps really aren't that bad to deal with. Yeah they're an extra objective that needs to happen ASAP, but she really needs them to give her enough time for her Stealth + M1 gameplay to get online.
Spirit on the other hand doesn't have a counter. You're just guessing at what the invisible, super speed killer is doing and praying you end up being right. Also you're praying that you actually brought Iron Will and she's not running Stridor. If not... you basically only have 1 health state because you can't run or loop her while you're making injured noises. I would gladly face off against 100 Pigs over just 1 Spirit. Or 1 Plague to be honest.
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only myers tier one and tier 3 lunge is different all others are exactly the same. Dont talk about stuff you know nothing about.
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2200 hours with the mindset of what I just read?
"I can't 360". Its such a dumb argument. Experienced Killer's don't fall for 360's, its just a dumb technique against unexperienced Killers, even more against Pig's dash.
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It takes time for her to uncrouch. Loop her, and wait until she crouches and commits to the dash, then run. It will take her time to uncrouch and catch up to you, enough time that you should be able to get to another loop. If you convince her that you’re committed to the loop before leaving she’ll dash around it and have to go through the cooldown before she can chase you again.
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I brought up valid points and they go unread....
You wanted to discuss this
or are you posting this as bait?
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Amanda+ sloppy butcher, knockout, nurses, thantanophobia = rip
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Sloppy, Corrupt, BBQ, Whispers
with double box adding addons
and spreading out traps... popped a couple heads with this already
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Her normal lunge is identical to every other Killer's normal lunge. What are you talking about?
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If any Pig add-on is the toxic one, it's Amanda's Letter. Anyone who gets a Trap on basically has a 50% chance to just die if the Pig decides to camp one of the boxes. Pair it with Last Will, and you get to coinflip a chance at death two times.
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Lmao if you have over 2000 hours on this game and can't counter a C-tier killer you might need to find a new game to play.