Let's let the devs do their thing

My gf got me this game for my birthday in May. I honestly thought I would play it once to make her happy and then delete it to free up space on my ps4. I was surprisingly hooked and it has been my object of obsession ever since. I think it is a fun, original game with an interesting set of rules.

I'm making this post because of the ill will and negativity directed at the developers on these forums that i think is way outside the realm of reason. Seems that people will complain about anything the devs do or don't do.

The auras are fine. I understand the argument from colorblind people, but other than that maybe the devs didnt like how auras were performing. Yes, it is difficult to see the aura of a team mate hooked on the other side of the map. Maybe that's the point. Maybe the devs don't like the amount of information you could get from auras. Maybe they want us to use different strats for location. They are the creators, they have the vision and every right to enact that vision for their evolving work of art.

Billy is fine. I played as and against him before and after the update. As killer I felt strong as Billy and like the gen pressure capabilities. As survivor I feel fine facing Billy and he seems very fair, not op. He was balanced and is still a balanced killer. I don't think he needed to be changed but the devs did and I respect that. He is still good, like with the auras, he just requires a slight adjustment and getting used to the change.

Its the devs world, we just play in it.


  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I just accept it too. But billy is definitly not playable at red ranks at the moment. Mostly due to this bugs tho.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    It's so wonderful to hear how little some people care that something colorblind people literally cannot change has made the game actually unplayable with the new auras.

    I'll admit I've jumped the gun on some things before, but this is something I, quite literally, CANNOT adapt to. My eyes can't see all colors correctly, and now the game is using those colors in dim shades. That's an objective limiter for me playing the game as it was intended to be played. I cannot remain silent on this as a result.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Fog Whisperers are merely an option to show us the new shiny overpriced crap we should buy @SpaceCoconut said it perfectly in one of his video about the subject. While some outfits are really cool, credits where credits due, but paying $10 - $15 for an outfit, especially the ones you can't combine with anything? NO! Capcom made the mistake in Street Fighter V and I voted with my wallet against them. Same thing I do with BHVR. I don't support greed.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I'm not color blind and I can hardly see them. This is really one of the worst mistakes they've made.

  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    I agree that the level of self-entitlement of this community is high as hell, but i'm starting to think maybe some of the players are not wrong when they ask for a little more attention of the staff.

    The disconnect/rank update forum, for example. We currently have a MASSIVE AMOUNT of people not being able to play the game, and we don't receive a single damn answer about what they will do.

    If you try to talk about the game problems on the Feedback subforum, your post will grow mold before getting any attention. It's easier to just post here and hope that some member of the staff sees your complains before moving to the right area. Because if you try to do the right thing, nobody will care about it.

    And just because you didn't get a little bothered about some of the changes, like the aura ones, but thats just your opinion and people have the right to be annoyed, specially when it's something undertested and unnannounced like this.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    It's absolute BS that colourblind options haven't been added.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    It's absolutely awful, agreed. Just...we've been asking for colorblind options since as long as I can remember, this feels like a major slap to the face because it's exactly the opposite of helpful.

    As much as I do hate to say it, the fact normal vision people are having a hard time with it make it more likely it'll be changed.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Kindred is significantly worse. This perk was buffed earlier this year because solo survivor was significantly worse. BBQ is bp or bust now. Another meh update, sadly. The priorities just seem odd.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    if any videogame player just “let the devs do their thing” for ANY game, the game would never get better since there wouldn’t be any feedback

    if the entire community is complaining about how terrible the the new auras look, then we should continue complaining until its fixed since it makes the game unenjoyable.

    also, its kind of sad to see the amount of bugs that come into this game during any patch. Gets kind of repetitive having to endure game breaking bugs after any major patch simply because of the spaghetti code this game was made on.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It would such that if that's what it takes to get changes. Peanitis said it's been brought up to the team. So hopefully it will be fixed soon. And with any luck they'll realize something needs to be done for our color blind players.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Can you please share where he's said that? I've been watching and haven't seen any official response...would love to see it.

  • LudvigVonBastard
    LudvigVonBastard Member Posts: 13

    Well... Bad communication with community, bad PR, bad decisions without any reason and... If i may add, i dont think developers of DBD care about player experience enough. Simple as that... in multiplayer game you cant neglect that.

    Seriously, read patch notes from F2P game Minion Masters and how Developers communicate with players. Every (single) change in cards is justified by developers. Month after month - patch with bug fixes, tournaments, free stuff etc. And lot of changes in game are made to give players better experience. I dont play MM anymore, but i respect them for that. Game was more enjoyable when i stopped playing, a lot more...

    Also, that was F2P game with 75% (at least!) less grind than DBD. -_-

    Here? I dont know what and why is going on. Why Billy nerfs? I dont know. I played against him several times, he was fine, perfectly fine, running around like crazy with chainsaw. Why not Doctor nerf, most annoying thing in whole universe? Who knows? New ranking system, is it already here? I guess so, my experience is miserable now. Im connected with 20 level players, and im on green level. I see only endless grind and begging for my money with DLCs and Season Passes... In game i already bought. :/

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    You're more than welcome to your opinion, but I'd stick around a bit longer to form something more objective. I shared the same you did on killers, even trolled them until I started getting more game time for example. lol

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Thank you, really appreciate that.

    That's not as definitive as I would've hoped for..."lots of feedback going back to them" doesn't necessarily mean they're acknowledging how badly colorblind players are screwed (as well as the normal playerbase as well, not trying to diminish that)...I'll have to hope I suppose.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Some of the things you learn with time, not on 4 months.

    We have killers with a lot of bugs, some maps are the extremely annoying to certain killers because of said bugs like nurse on midwich.

    The devs forgot a common saying, if it ain't bad don't fix it.

    The auras currently are extremely bad for killers but are okish for survivors, currently object of obsession is probably used more because killers in certain maps can't see the survivor but they can see you, the perk is really strong and annoying but people that used it knew that it had a counter which was tunneling out of the match, now with the new auras, OoO has the upper had by a lot.

    The negativity towards the devs are because they mostly think for one side instead of both.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I would like a definitive statement that they are at least exploring options for color blind players as well. But I am hopeful that they'll a fix the auras so the game is at least playable albeit more difficult for them.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Have not seen it myself yet and i don't run object. Yet have heard a few tales of how killers can barely notice someone using object and didn't even notice they were using the perk until end game. While Survivors can easily notice the killer aura. Will have to look more into this but if this is the case, the one possible downside, to this perk has been lessen. Even if not the case, we still have midwitch and object. Which nothing has been done about that. So a group can all run object, send a killer to mid witch and depending on the killer, might be little to nothing they can do, due to lacking any sort of mobility and due to the map design, can't catch up with the survivors before they move somewhere else.

    Yeah like how long did it take them to fix a major bug for Oni? Like over a month, oni players had to risk suffering from a bug that render his power unusable. Which the bug came around during the whole crown event, which somehow giving Oni a crown bugged him up. Not to forget the let x do whatever they want logic, tends to be a bad idea, unless said person has proven in the past they can handle having total freedom. Disney brought up star wars, let Kk do whatever she wants with Star wars, with them bashing the fans, treating them like dirt, telling the fanbase repeatly how they are all awful bad people and just keep on attacking the fanbase over and over again for no reason. Which has lead star war going from a immortal ip that will never die, to people just going whatever and moving onto something else. For disney by letting Kk do whatever she and her lackeys wanted, has damage the star wars brand so greatly, they now have to destroy star wars toys, for they simply can't sell them. Which my point with disney star wars is simple, if you give total freedom to someone and put them above and beyond any sort of criticism or feedback, the results are often poor. Which is why being able to give feed back and good solid legit cricism is healthy. For an idea might sound good on paper or in your head but in reality might turn out to be a rather poor idea and someone might not notice this, until someone else points it out to them.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Mate, have you watched the devs make stupid decisions for the past 4 years? No you haven't. The ill will is built up over time. I think people are to harsh on the devs, but they're view is fully understandable.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    It is not impossible to see an OoO, it is just really hard now,I can't say if it is harder to see an OoO in midwich because I haven't been on that map in a very long time, running out of azarov keys and mcmillan offerings.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    The thing is, would you rather £5 DLCs and 10 quid skins or £40 DLCs and 3 quid skins?

    I'd take expensive skins any day.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    With the Hillbilly update Behaviour has proven themselves to be incapable.

    Whether you agreed with the Billy nerf or not, they made key design decisions on how to best change Hillbilly.

    The loudest voices scream and moan, and then the developers didn’t just adjust the numbers, they basically went back on their design decisions. For example they said they wanted Hillbilly to have a feeling of resource management, but they’ve now been so generous with the numbers that 99% of the time you’re never going to have to worry about overheat.

    This means that either...

    1) The developers were completely wrong in their original design. Meaning they couldnt accurately determine what changes he needed based on their data


    2) The developers were right, but they fear vocal members of the community so much that they threw their decisions and work in the trash just to appease people.

    Even if you try to say it’s a bit of both the fact is the difference between their original design and what we ended up with is pretty large. Whether its option 1 or option 2 either way its pretty embarrassing. Personally I lean towards option 2.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah, the new auras have made everything a bit harder to see. From what i notice of object squads, they normally put up a midwich offering, to ensure they get send to the map. For the map is rather rare, if one does relay on pure rng to get it.