I've been playing for only about a month, and I'm finding myself tending to main Killer. Now I have fun playing, usually rampaging as a poorly played Legion, and even when I lose I want to thank the Survivors for a good game.

To that end, when I find survivors inside the exit gates staring at me (yes, sometimes t-bagging), I nod up and down.

But is my response conveying "GG" to players, or seen as BM???


  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    if they are at the exit gates, and you start noding, usually its just a GG. i dont see anyway a survivor would see that as BM.

  • TheFrog
    TheFrog Member Posts: 56

    If a killer nods to me it’s a sign that it was a good game in my opinion, you’re not the toxic one they are for tea bagging.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I just thank survivors in chat with "gg" or "that was close, good game" or whatever. If I can't catch a survivor though I don't chase them at the Exits, it's a waste of time that just gives them points. If they want to stand around and wait while I go close the hatch or break pallets great, it just helps me maybe win on score at that point.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I say gg out of habit since I've been doing it for years. I see it like how in Team Fortress 2 when you're healing team members with the medic their character automatically says thanks. It's just a dead by daylight ritual.

    Alternative answer:

    gg can mean one of two different things.

    "Good game by dear sir or madam. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I hope verily that your remaining games of the day are as swell as this one."


    The true energy of the gg will never be known, and in such it is chaotic and ephemeral.