Which killer would you like to see a movie about

Personally id like to to see the hag,doctor, and the deathslinger. To me there the most interasting charecters(also huntress)
plague of course
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Trapper or something with the Yamaoka lineage would be awesome!
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Deathslinger done as a grindhouse style movie ala Quentin Tarantino. And just call the movie "Deathslinger". 🤠
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Ya definitely plague. She'd have to get an oscar nod for vomiting on ppl for 2 hours.
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I think The Shape would be a great movie killer
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Let's see...
Shape, Pig, Nightmare, Cannibal, Executioner...🙂
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I could go for a trapper movie, one of those small descent into madness type things.
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There are Westerns about a guy who is screwed over by someone and takes revenge, sure. But hey, I'm down for a good anti-hero Western movie with a bounty hunter who makes his own harpoon gun.
P.S. Now I want to go back and rewatch Payback with Mel Gibson, that was a pretty solid anti-hero seeking revenge movie.
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I feel like ghostface could also have quite a cool movie.
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I'd love to see a movie about Legion
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How 'bout Trapper vs. Doctor vs. Plague vs. Hag in a No-Holds-Barred cage match to the death for the Entities favor? Make it a trilogy?
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If DbD gets a movie, it should be about the Entity and it's realm instead of the Killers/Survivors. Take The Cabin in the Woods or the Hostel movies as an example.
Focus on the Entity, the trials, and the overall picture of DbD. The Entity being an old god who takes people in order to feed off of their emotions in one way or another. Trials of torment where a Killer attempts to hunt Survivors and moments of peace around the campfire. All the while also hinting at those who have gone beyond that and have started to take some form of control away from the Entity as seen with a Survivor starting the Hallowed Blight event or the Archives. or a Killer being able to openly defy the Entity as seen with the Shape, Nightmare, Executioner, ect being able to resist Entity or bring their powers into it realm.
If you give any one Killer his/her own movie. It would be just another slasher flick. Having horror just to be horror is mindless and sub par in my opinion. But a movie about the Entity could be something more by giving reason to it all. Giving the viewer a chance to sympathize and understand WHY.
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Nah it would fall flat, guaranteed.
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Legion and Deathslinger would be cool.
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Id go with trapper. Make it extra gritty and gory.
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Mommy huntress.
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The Spirit. She has some of the best lore in the game that would also tie in the Oni.
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man Freddy should get a movie. that'd be real cool.
nah but jokes aside I want a legion movie, a trapper movie, and an oni movie
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Go look up a movie called "Extracurricular" it came out recently. It really feels like the writers are big time Legion fans.
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Q movie about the huntress could be lit, Female antagonists are so rare in horror movies, I only have Pamela Vorhees and Silent Hill evil lady in mind.
Let's just hope she don't sing her lullaby the whole movie
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I'd like to see a movie about huntress or doctor.
Huntress has such a nice and in depth lore page it would be a waste not to work with.
And doctor just has that vibe that you could do a dope movie following a doctor slowly descending into madness and murder.
In all honesty you could do a trilogy of killer movies, having all of them end in the beasts and monsters being consumed by the fog and awaking in like the basement or something. Like have a movie about hillbilly ending with hillbilly consumed by fog and awakening in the rancid abbitoir right next to a hook then chainsawing away. Next movie is trapper. Ends the same way except trapper awakens in the basement and we hear a distant roar of the chainsaw. End movie.
I think it would make a cool trilogy
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Spirit seems like she'd have an interesting movie.
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Most of them woldn't be good in my opinion.
The Trapper. He was a miner who was admire his crazy father and now he catch people in bear traps. #########?
The Wraith. He was a car dump worker who killed his boss in rage and now he get a ritual bell that makes him invisible. What?
The Nurse. She was a hard working nurse and gone mad because of bad conditions. She suck everyones breath and get ability to fly and go through the walls. What the... How?
It's fits good in game because of Entity and her trials. But i'm not sure you can do good movie out of that.
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Even Netflix series wouldn't be good, because they will require make a black Dwight and lesbian Claudette and write a long side story about their lgbt problems.
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Legion. A movie about a group of misfit pals turning into a band of merciless killers could be interesting to watch.
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Lets get a wraith movie going.
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He was a car dump worker who killed people unknowingly because his boss had ties with the mob... So he killed his boss.... How is that not interesting?
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I remember lore I just tried to make it shorter. It is interesting, but why he become invisible as a result? When I watch movie I really want it to be as consequentional as possible. I know movies that was interesting but ending was so terrible that make all this movie horrible. Like Watchmen 2009 for example.
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Netflix presents: The nurse in.
“Sensual strangulations.”
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I wish more people understood no one has a problem with LGBT characters people have a problem LgBt cHaRaCTeRs.